An acquired taste

Hi there
As a long time science fiction reader I enjoy the spirited debate even if it takes me a while to catch up with the topic sometimes.

Can you provide an RSS compliant feed? The XML feed only gives a summary on my reader?

Reply from Zendexor:
I would be happy to do as you suggest only I don't know how - in fact I don't even know what RSS compliant means. If you could read my mind you'd be amazed at the depth of my ignorance! I'll ask my web-page provider (if that's the term) to advise me on this.

More from Zendexor:
I have now obtained an answer from my site-provider team:
"I am not clear on what this visitor refers to, Robert. RSS feeds generally provide a short summary of the feed entry. Clicking on it brings you to the full content. I believe this is standard."
So - where do we go from here?

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