Writers (and illustrators) whose work combines to shape our OSS heritage of dreams...
Stid: A page which will never be complete.
Zendexor: I hope you're right there! Very much a work in progress, this list - as it ought to be - with an ever-increasing harvest of links...
[Please note: though I hope I have reasonably well cross-referenced this page with the Gazetteer, I have not found time to do the same with the rather enormous Fictional Dates timeline. (It would be a titanic task). But, after all, a reader who is seeking information on a particular author will easily be able to check whether he/she is also on the Fictional Dates page, since at the end of it all the authors there are listed alphabetically.]
Edwin A Abbott - for Flatland see The FLATOSS.
Robert Abernathy - for the inaptly titled Failure on Titan see Slaves on Phoebe.
James R Adams - for Crisis on Titan see the extract, Grotesque Mimicry on Titan.
For Quest on Phoebe see Temple of Life on Phoebe.
Poul Anderson - See also The Martian Crown Jewels.
Peter C Aitken - see Perchance To Dream
Brian W Aldiss - for Hothouse see Vegetation has colonized the far-future Moon.
For Non-Stop see 2521.
See the podcast for But Who can Replace a Man?
Edwin Lester Arnold - for Lieutenant Gulliver Jones - His Vacation, see the Diary for
8th December 2016, which includes a comparison with
Gustave Le Rouge's La Guerre des Vampires.
Fenton Ash - for A Trip to Mars see An Edwardian version of Mars.
Isaac Asimov - see also Asimov on Jupiter, Asimov on Jupiter - Response
and Lucky Starr, Space Ranger
John Jacob Astor - for A Journey in Other Worlds see the OSS Diary, 18th March 2017.
See also the following extracts:
The Singing Plants of Jupiter;
A Jovian Bay with Saurians in the Shallows;
Hums and Gems on Saturn.
K S Augustin - see Flow and The Resurrection of Merrick Hardcastle.
Thornton Ayre - see John Russell Fearn.
Charles A Baker - for Treasure of Triton see Robbing a temple on Triton.
J G Ballard - see the OSS Diary, 4th February 2017, for The Day of Forever.
D W Barefoot - for Morley's Weapon see Castaways on Iapetus.
Arthur K Barnes - see also the Saturn page for the Saturnian part of Trouble on Titan.
For The Energy Eaters see the OSS Diary, 19th January 2017.
For The Mole-Men of Mercury see Ovoid inhabitant of Mercury.
Shep Barnett - Europa Or Bust
Barrington Bayley - see Time Travel and Reality Change for
The Fall of Chronopolis.
For Soul of a Robot see Resuming long-interrupted colonisation
and Pockets of atmosphere.
For The Rod of Light see Earth accretion - Robotic initiative.
For The Countenance see Staining Space.
For The Seed of Evil see the Gazetteer entry for London (3rd entry)
and the timeline for 2109 (fourth entry). See also entries in the
Stellar Neighbourhood page for Aldebaran and Arcturus.
William Dixon Bell: for The Moon Colony see Cricket-shaped natives of the Moon.
E F Benson - see the Roll Off A Tangent episode that features a discussion of his horror tale
The Outcast.
Bryan Berry - for The Final Venusian see Robots' Vigil on Venus.
Violet Bertelsen - see: The Chthonic Pull - Long Live the Billion-Year Spacereich! -
The Lure of the Depths - On the Shoreline of Darkness - Zookie Must Die.
Alfred Bester - see the OSS Diary, 25th February 2017, for artificial asteroids.
For the asteroidal "Scientific People" of The Stars My Destination
see Space Sargassoes.
Lloyd Biggle Jr. - for The Fury Out of Time see the Gazetteer's entry on
the Moon's Alpine Valley.
Eando Binder - for Anton York, Immortal see the Diary entry, Orbital Preservation Order.
For The Impossible World see the Diary entry, The Outer Limits, and
the extract Approaching a cave on Iapetus.
For Memos on Mercury see Hunting on Mercury.
For Via Jupiter see Toughing it out on Jupiter.
For Moon of Intoxication see Io as a jungle moon, Weinbaum-style.
James Blish - see also the page Jovian Inferno, a study of Bridge
Robert Bloch - for The Fear Planet see Not Sure Where to Put it? Try an Asteroid. and
The Close Frontier.
For an extract see An Excessively Green Asteroid.
John Boland - for White August see the Gazetteer entry on the Malvern Hills.
Nelson S Bond - for Wanders of the Wolf Moon see the Titan page. See also the
extract, Site of a crash-landing on Titan.
For Revolt on Io see Uppity natives of Io.
For Castaways of Eros see A lush landscape on Eros and
Settlers just arrived on Eros.
For The Mercurian Menace see Flame-folk on Mercury.
For The Ghost of Lancelot Biggs see Surprisingly salubrious Jupiter.
For Mr Biggs Goes to Town see Bargaining with a furry native of Iris.
For The Ordeal of Lancelot Biggs see Centaur on Themis.
Jorge Luis Borges - see the ROAT podcast for The Garden of Forking Paths.
Leigh Brackett - also, for the Martian cities of Kushat and Shandakor, see cities.
Jack Bradley - for The Rhizoid Kill see the extract, The swamp belt of Mercury.
Frank Brueckel, Jr. - for The Moon Men see A dragon-like monster on Ganymede.
Tobias S Buckell - for Pale Blue Memories see Slaves of Venus.
Algis Budrys - for Die, Shadow! see A future, open-skied Venus.
Kenneth Bulmer - for Land Beyond the Map see the Gazetteer entry on Belfast.
Edgar Rice Burroughs - see also the pages on Amtor, Barsoom
and ERB's sentence-structure
John W Campbell - see the page on Penton and Blake
and for their adventure on The Tenth World see Planet X;
for The Double Minds see
Doomed gelatinous oppressors of Ganymede.
For Night see the OSS Diary for 12th January 2017
and the extract Life's last heirs on Neptune.
For Campbell's opinion concerning life on Mars
see the Diary, 25th November 2016.
and for his thoughts on Jovian life see the History of Hopes page
for speculations of the year 1937.
For Solarite see Sunrise on Venus and A divided, two-power Venus.
For Twilight see Neptune in the twilight of Man.
See also the Who Goes There? podcast.
Grant Canterbury - see Pen Pal
Joel Caris - see Exodus
Bruce Carter - for The Perilous Descent see the Diary, The Moment of Amaze.
See also the extract, Vast cavern-realm inside the Earth.
Lin Carter - for the Thanator series see the Callisto page and Thanator - For and Against.
For The Mysteries of Mars series, see A space-boot in both camps.
For The Man Who Loved Mars see the above plus the Gazetteer entries on:
Eridania - Hesperia - Isidis - Mare Sirenum -
Phaethontis - Thoth-Nepenthes.
For Down to a Sunless Sea see the extract, An underground Martian Sea.
For The Valley Where Time Stood Still see the extract
A secret valley below a mist-layer on Mars
plus the Gazetteer entries on: Airy - Aram - Deucalionis Regio -
Oxia Palus - Sinus Sabaeus.
For The City Outside the World see the Gazetteer entries on:
Aetheria - Alcyonius Nodus - Casius - Cebrenia - Nilosyrtis -
Nodus Laocoöntis - Thoana Palus.
Also see the Diary entries
Addendum to "A space-boot in both camps" and
Blue Martian vegetation.
Paul Chadwick - for Crusaders of Space see Man-eating jungle plant on Oberon.
Robert W Chambers - see the podcast on The Repairer of Reputations.
A Bertram Chandler - for The Way Back see Interstellar alien colony on ancient Mars.
John Christopher - for The Possessors see Perturbable Protagonists Required.
Gazetteer references: see Petersfield and Winchester (for The Prince
in Waiting); Guernsey (for A Wrinkle in the Skin); Lagos (for The World in Winter).
John D Clark - for Minus Planet see Denali [= "Mt McKinley" in the story].
Arthur C Clarke - see also the pages on Earthlight and The Sands of Mars
Hal Clement - for Hot Planet see the page on Brightside Crossing, and also
the OSS Diary for 23rd September 2016.
For Proof see Neutronium City on the Sun.
Stanton A Coblenz - for The Moon People see the OSS Diary for 17th January 2017.
For Into Plutonian Depths see the extract, Sniff the air on Pluto.
Also, for Mercury and Pluto see the Clues/News page for
13th November 2018, mentioning both Into Plutonian Depths
and Next Door to the Sun.
Ariel Cohen - see A Martian Iliad
Edmund Cooper - for The Tenth Planet see Planet X
and Crossing the frozen surface of the tenth planet.
See also the Gazetteer entry for Copernicus.
For The Overman Culture see
Venturing out of "London", Earth, c. 12,000 A.D.
Susan Cooper - for Mandrake see the Diary entry, Planetary Intelligences, and
the Gazetteer entry for Oxford.
Alfred Coppel - for Task to Luna see Discovery of an alien base on the Moon.
Rachel Cowan - see Methane Blue
Michael Crichton - for Prey see Perturbable Protagonists Required.
Ray Cummings -for the Tama books see
The Fire, The Light, The Cold - Ray Cummings' Mercury.
See the Asteroids page for Brigands of the Moon; see also
the extract, Climbing lunar crater Archimedes; see also
Confession Time.
For The Flame Breathers see the section on the Vulcan page
and the further extract, A vista on small, dense Vulcan.
For The War-Nymphs of Venus see Hedonist culture on Venus.
For The Man on the Meteor see Mini-world in the Rings of Saturn.
Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac - for L'Autre Monde see
The luminous countryside of the Sun and
Cyrano's glimmer of solarian sf.
C C Dail - for Wilmoth the Wanderer, or The Man from Saturn
see A nineteenth-century view of Saturn.
Allan Danzig - for The Great Nebraska Sea see the Gazetteer entry for Denver.
L P Davies - for Genesis Two see Weird plants of a future Earth.
For What Did I Do Tomorrow? see Epsom.
Linton Davies - for Warlords of the Moon see
Civil War in the Kingdom of the Moon.
Norman Davies, The Isles: A History - see Relations with the Real.
Lester del Rey - see Battle on Mercury
and some more about that book in The Darkside of Mercury.
Albert dePina - for Star of Panadur (with Henry Hasse) see
A Bonanza on Europa.
For its sequel The Star Guardsman see
A snowy night scene on Europa.
For Alcatraz of the Starways (with Henry Hasse) see
A storm of electric beings on Vulcan and Irresistible Vulcan.
For Moon of Danger see Phobos - larger than we thought.
Charles W Diffin - for The Moon Master see Life on the far side of the Moon.
Dougal Dixon - for After Man see the OSS Diary, 9th November 2016.
See that same entry also for the book by Dougal Dixon and John Adams,
The Future is Wild.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - for When the World Screamed see Living Worlds.
For The Lost World see the Gazette entries under
Embankment and Manaus.
For The Terror of Blue John Gap see 1907.
Alexandre Dumas - see Planet D'Artagnan.
Allan W Eckert - for The Hab Theory see the OSS Diary, 24th September 2016.
For a precursor to the tale, and the fallacy in the science, see
Pole Shifting.
Phyllis Eisenstein - for Dylan Jeninga's review of The Sunstone see Home on Mars.
Harlan Ellison - see podcast on I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream.
David England - see Tête-à-Tête;
Lady Penelope and the Drug Lords of Venus;
Lady Penelope and the Cultists of Thule;
Decision on Euphrosyne
(Note: the above adventures, all set in a NHOSS continuum, come under the
heading Tales from the Aether.)
Paul Ernst - for The Red Hell of Jupiter see Anomalous low-gravity area on Jupiter.
For The Planetoid of Peril see Lush countryside on an asteroid.
Lloyd Arthur Eshbach - for Mutineers of Space see Prison pit on Jupiter.
Paul W Fairman - for Brothers Beyond the Void see the extract,
Coaxed Towards a Zoo-Cage on Mars.
Ralph Milne Farley - for The Radio Man (= An Earthman on Venus) see
Herds of insects grazing on Venus.
Philip José Farmer - for Sail On! Sail On! see the Earth page.
John Russell Fearn - for Something From Mercury see
Havoc caused by imported Mercurian critters.
For Domain of Zero see Evolution on Callisto.
For The Flat Folk of Vulcan see Glowing life on Vulcan.
For Valley of Pretenders see Cat-eyed folk of Rhea.
For Outlaw of Saturn see Plantation on Saturn.
For Penal World see A cry for help in a Jovian jungle and
A Jovian compromise.
For Whispering Satellite see Prospecting on Titan. Comments
which follow the extract concern links with other stories by Fearn.
For Lunar Concession see
Life in a deep vale on the far side of the Moon.
For Moon Heaven (under pseudonym Dom Passante) see
Dangerous fauna on both hemispheres of Io.
For The Misty Wilderness see Biotic bubble on Uranus.
For The Degenerates see A jungle vista with "rocket-birds" on Io.
For Frigid Moon see Ice-plain with lurking life-forms on Ganymede.
Francis Flagg [= George Henry Weiss] -
For Tyrants of Saturn see Voyagers from its moons arrive on Saturn.
Camille Flammarion - see various entries in History of Hopes.
Ian Fleming - see The Muse Takes Control and the James Bond podcast.
For Moonraker see the following Gazetteer entries:
Dover - Regent's Park - Scotland Yard - Sloane Square.
Robert L Forward - for Dragon's Egg see Perturbable Protagonists Required
and Celestial Intruders.
For Saturn Rukh see Jet-powered inhabitants of Saturn.
Mae and Ira Freeman - for You Will Go To The Moon see A Book with the Right Idea.
See also Craters yes - dish holes no.
H B Fyfe - for Moonwalk see the following entries in the Gazeteer: Archimedes - Aristillus - Pico - Plato.
Henry Gade - see the extract from his speculative article Life on Uranus.
Otto Willi Gail - for The Shot From The Moon see An Ice-Age Venus - II.
See also the longer extract plus comments in
An icy version of Venus.
For By Rocket to the Moon (= Hans Hardts Mondfahrt) see
A snaky animal on the Moon.
Erle Stanley Gardner - for New Worlds see Pole Shifting.
Randall Garrett - for Hot Trip for Venus see the
Diary, Backbone of the Old Solar System.
For Devil's World see
Telepathic heat-leech protects boss on Mercury.
Will Garth - for The Bloodless Peril see Those Plants Again.
Robert Gibson - and see Uranian Throne; also the pages on
Valeddom, Kroth, Uranian Gleams and Man of the World.
Gordon A Giles - for Via Mercury see the Mercury page; see also the extract,
Mercurian survivals.
For Via Asteroid see the OSS Diary, 13th February 2017.
John Michael Greer - see Star's Reach and
the Diary, John Greer, Carl Jung and the Jasoomization of Earth.
For Out of the Chattering Planet see Iruwon.
For The Weird of Hali - Innsmouth, see
Lovecraft Reversed with Added Belbury.
Percy Greg - for Across the Zodiac see Mars as imagined in 1880 and
Hunting a tusked prey on Mars.
George Griffith - for A Honeymoon in Space see the extracts
Modestly inhabited Ceres - Jupiter's violent fiery surface -
Swimmers in the air of Saturn.
James E Gunn - for The Immortals see the Gazetteer entry for Lawrence, Kansas.
Henry Guth - for Planet in Reverse see Reversed time-stream on Neptune.
Joseph Guzzo - see Rock and a Hard Place and Rock and the Belt Pirates.
J Harvey Haggard - for Children of the Ray see the page on the Great Red Spot
and also the extract, A metropolis on Jupiter.
For Evolution Satellite see Rampart speciation on Ariel.
For A Little Green Stone see Ten-month winter on Planet X.
For An episode on Io see Carnivorous plants on Io.
A L Haley - for Jupiter's Joke see Jupiter's vegetable Great Red Spot.
Peter F Hamilton - for Pandora's Star see OSS Nuggets in CRIM.
Frank Hampson - for Dan Dare: Operation Saturn see Dan Dare is hunted on Phoebe
and Dan Dare is brought to the capital of Titan.
For Dan Dare: The Red Moon Mystery see
Exploring a ruined palace on Mars.
For Dan Dare: Marooned on Mercury see
Mercurians armoured against Dayside heat.
Henry Hasse - for Star of Panadur (with Albert dePina) see
Bonanza on Europa.
For Alcatraz of the Starways (with Albert dePina) see
A swarm of electric beings on Vulcan and Irresistible Vulcan.
For Proktols of Neptune see Captives on Triton.
For Trail of the Astrogar see
Captured by crystal creatures on an asteroid and
Pirate city in a gorge on Ceres.
For Final Glory see Mankind has taken refuge on Mercury.
Hergé (Georges Remi) - for Objectif Lune and its influence on Elon Musk
see Astronautical Conjunction.
Robert A Heinlein - see also the page on Red Planet.
For Logic of Empire see Slaves of Venus.
Christopher Henningsen - see The Martian Girl
William Hope Hodgson: A View by Antolin Gibson
James P Hogan - see asteroid progenitor planet
and (for Ganymede) the OSS Diary for 9th January 2017,
plus the extract from Inherit the Stars,
Poisonous atmosphere on Ganymede.
Fred Hoyle - for The Black Cloud see Celestial Intruders and
Missing out the greatest creature-of-the-void.
See also the Gazetteer for Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatory.
for The Incandescent Ones (co-authored with son Geoffrey)
see the OSS Diary for 20th December 2016 and
Gazetteer entries for: Ketchum, Idaho and Moscow.
for Fifth Planet (co-authored with son Geoffrey)
see the OSS Diary for 5th August 2016 and
Celestial Intruders; also the Gazetteer entries for: Scranton -
Trafalgar Square - Los Angeles.
For Inferno see the following Gazetteer entries: Carlton House Terrace -
Culloden Moor - Inverness.
For October the First is Too Late see Chequers and Mickle Fell, and
on the timeline 425 B.C. and 1966.
For Comet Halley see: Cambridge - Princes Risborough - Swindon -
Matthew Hughes - for The Ugly Duckling see A Return to Bradbury's Mars.
Shirley Jackson - see podcast on The Lottery.
Carl Jacobi - for Tepondicon see The Galilean Satellites.
For Cosmic Teletype see Virtually impossible to pigeon-hole.
John Jakes - for Frozen Hell see A buried giant on Pluto;
for War Drums of Mercury Lost see A drifter on Mercury.
D L James - for Crystals of Madness see Clever arachnida of Deimos.
Edwin James - for The Slaves of Venus see The cold heights of Venus.
Dylan T Jeninga - see: Be Seeing You - The Colorless Colossus of the Cold -
The Hidden City of Mars - Incandescence -
Life Debt - Mission to the Tenth Planet
- Peril On Pallas - Pirates of Titan - Plague Planet -
Provided at Generous Prices - Rimworld Trash -
The Rogue Planet - The Sea Empress -
Wanderers of Mars - Where the Nightlife Never Ends -
Whom Gods Destroy - The Winds of Vulcan.
For literary criticism see The Intrepid Travelogue.
Excerpts: Selenite carvings in the caverns of the Moon -
Trying to report a monster on Europa.
D F Jones - see The Colossus Trilogy.
Joel B Jones - see Death Songs of Saturn and Blood Prince of Venus
Neil R Jones - for Swordsmen of Saturn see Winged monsters of Dione and for
The Dark Swordsmen of Saturn see Castles on Dione. To the former
excerpt I have added detailed comment from contributor Lone Wolf,
giving information about Jones' Solar System and its history.
Hermit of Saturn's Rings is discussed on the page
The Rings of Saturn, and an additional extract is to be found at
Malevolent vapour in the Rings of Saturn.
For The Moon Pirates see Many-legged monsters battle on Venus.
For The Asteroid of Death see Chiropterans in a cavern on an asteroid.
Raymond F Jones - for The Seven Jewels of Chamar see the extract
A quest for animate jewels on Mars.
Troy Jones III - see The Headless Skeletons of Mercury and
The Sarcastic Snake-Men of Neptune
Henrik Dahl Juve - for The Monsters of Neptune and The Struggle for Neptune
see Neptunian Allure
and also the extracts, Looking around cautiously on Neptune
and Yellow-violet jungle on Neptune.
Franz Kafka - see Kafka's Crystallization of Hooked Time.
Colin Kapp - for Lambda 1 see podcast, and the Diary for 19th November 2016.
For the Cageworld series see The most over-the-top Dyson-sphere scheme.
Augustus Keden - see The Dorian Grays
Augustus and Lenore Keden - see Ghosts of Saturn
and the extract Human enclave on Saturn.
Otis Adelbert Kline - for a blue Martian dawn in The Swordsman of Mars see
The good guesses of yore.
For Maza of the Moon see A sombre forest on the Moon.
For The Man from the Moon see
The planet which later became our Moon.
Damon Knight - for The Other Foot see the Gazetteer entry for Berlin.
Dean R Koontz - for Watchers see the Gazetteer entry on Santa Barbara.
Cyril Kornbluth - see the OSS Diary, 26th February 2017, for The Adventurer.
Myer Krulfeld - for The Lunar Pit see Poor Deadly Moonmen
and A Thronged Lunar Abyss, plus
the seventh Gazetteer entry for Tycho; also
the discussion in Borderline settings.
Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr. - for Signboard of Space see the extract,
Silent remains of a lost Martian civilization and
the Gazetteer entries for Phoenicis Lacus and
Fastigium Aryn.
For The Forgiveness of Tenchu Taen see
The multi-ethnic capital of Mars.
For Slaves of Rhythm see
Terran captives brought to a city on Saturn.
Henry Kuttner - see The Kuttner-Moore Venus; see also Treble Trouble on Titan.
For The Star Parade see the extract,
Warm season at the Martian equator.
See The Twonky for a podcast on the Lewis Padgett (Kuttner and
C L Moore) story.
For Hollywood on the Moon see
Tidal peril on a Mars-crossing asteroid.
For Crypt-City of the Deathless One see
Deceptive forest on Ganymede.
For Trouble on Titan see Barren land yet fertile lakes on Titan.
Joe R Lansdale - for The King of Cheap Romance see The Cold White North of Mars.
Philip Latham - for Missing Men of Saturn see the Saturn page; also, the Diary for
8th October 2016, expressing a delighted initial reaction to the book;
and the later entry entitled Wayward and disorderly space adventure.
Extracts can be found in Volcanic Saturnian shore and
Rockscape on Rhea.
Gustave Le Rouge - see also the OSS Diary, 15th October 2016, for
points in favour of his version of Mars. Also, for favourable comparison
with the work of Edwin Lester Arnold see the Diary for 8th December 2016.
For this site's changed approach to Le Rouge see
Leeway for John Carter's French Predecessor.
Fritz Leiber - see Gather, Darkness!
See also the Diary, A Book I Want to Like, for The Big Time.
For The Wanderer see Celestial Intruders.
See also the podcast for Midnight in the Mirror World.
Murray Leinster - for Space-Can see the Diary entries, Bellyaching Spacemen and
Ganymede as a Frontier, and the extract
Grass-dwellling natives of Ganymede.
For Incident on Calypso see Permissible Invention of Moons.
For Keyhole see Lunar surface creatures plus the extract,
Rapport with a lungless native of the Moon, and
the sixth Gazetteer entry for Tycho crater.
For De Profundis see the extract, Intelligence in Earth's ocean deeps.
For Things Pass By see the Gazetteer entry for Rio de Janeiro.
For Sidewise in Time see the Gazetteer entries for: Detroit -
Fredericksburg - Joplin.
See also the Stellar Neighbourhood page for Proxima Centauri.
J N Leonard - for Flight Into Space see 1956 - The Last Hope for Old Mars?
Milton Lesser - for The Graveyard of Space see Space Sargassoes.
Thomas Levenson - The Hunt for Vulcan.
David D Levine: for The Wreck of the Mars Adventure see Sailing the Seven Spaceways.
See also Arabella of Mars.
C S Lewis - see also the pages on Perelandra
and on Out of the Silent Planet - an Overview.
For That Hideous Strength see
the pages on religion and on hyper-brains.
Hugh Lofting - for Dr Dolittle In the Moon see the Diary, The Torn-Off Moon and
the page on Lunar surface creatures.
Frank Belknap Long Jr. - for Red Moon see the OSS Diary for 12th March 2017 and
the page on Hyper-brains.
For The Shadow Dwellers see the extract, Venusian Rite of Passage.
For Time Trap see Lair of a moon creature.
For The Mercurian see Overhearing natives' thoughts on Mercury.
Noel Loomis - for Rocket Pants see Animated coal on Iapetus.
H P Lovecraft. See also Lovecraft's Moon and H P Lovecraft - Misunderstood?
J T McIntosh - for One In Three Hundred see the OSS Diary, 4th December 2016, and
Distending Worlds.
See also The remnant of mankind has fled to Mars.
R W Mackleworth - for the Moon made habitable in Starflight 3000 see the Diary entry,
A Book that Veers Away.
See also Air and water have come to the Moon, and
the Gazetteer entries on craters Bailly and Hippalus,
on the Doerfel Mountains and on the Mare Nubium.
Sean McMullen - for The Miocene Arrow see A Prehistoric World War.
Graham McNeil - see the podcast for The Last Church.
Damian Macrae - see Arden Archer
Charles Eric Maine - for Countdown see Secretive Old Space Program; also some
comments in the Diary for 2nd November 2016.
For The Man Who Owned the World see the Gazetteer entry
on London and the extract What counts as grass on Mars.
For Timeliner see the Gazetteer entry on Ptolemaeus. and the
entries on the Fictional Dates timeline for 1959 and 2035.
For The Darkest of Nights see the Gazetteer entry on Hyde Park.
Lawrence Manning - see also Fletcher Pratt and Lawrence Manning.
For The Man Who Awoke see among the Gazetteer entries for Manhattan,
and the entries in Fictional Dates for the year 5000.
Michael J Martinez - see the OSS Diary for 26th October 2016;
and the OSS Diary for 10th January 2017.
David I Masson - for Mouth of Hell see Tilted Landscape, Pre-Kroth.
Julian May - for The Many-Coloured Land see the Gazetteer entry on Lyon.
P S Meek - for Submicroscopic see the Gazetteer entry for Beatty, Nevada.
P Schuyler Miller - for excerpts from The Cave see Mars Quiz and What to see on Mars.
For Tetrahedra of Space see Invasions from Mercury.
For Smugglers of the Moon see A dust worm on the Moon.
Walter M Miller - for Crucifixus Etiam see Sacrifices for a future Mars and
The human cost of terraforming Mars.
For I Made You see Telemetry-bane.
For Big Joe and the Nth Generation see
Loss of artificial atmosphere on Mars.
For Conditionally Human see the year 2063.
Robert Duncan Milne - for A Peep at the Planets see
Telescopically visible life on Jupiter.
Michael Moorcock - see the Themes page for links to comparisons between
his Old Mars and Burroughs' Barsoom.
e.g. for City of the Beast see How Not to Do It - and How to Do It.
See also the extract, A Blue City on the Red Planet.
For a critique of a short tale set on an OSS Mars see
Thoughts on Michael Moorcock's The Lost Canal.
C L Moore - see C L Moore's Tales of Northwest Smith and
The Kuttner-Moore Venus
See also under Lewis Padgett [Henry Kuttner and C L Moore].
Patrick Moore - for his Mars see the OSS Diary for 22nd November 2016 and
Accelerated evolution on Mars.
For a great Mars-trip "recruitment moment"
see the Diary for 11th August 2016,
quoting from Mission to Mars. Also for that novel see
the Gazetteer entries for Aeria and Deltaton Sinus.
For Peril on Mars and Raiders of Mars see the Gazetteer entry
for Syrtis Major. For Raiders of Mars see also Utopia.
For his delightful youngsters' guide to palaeontology and
Earth history, True Book About the Earth, see
the Diary, 24th November 2016.
For Captives of the Moon see the Gazetteer entries for Lacus Mortis
- Mare Humboldtianum - Plato (regarding the ringwall).
(Another entry for Plato refers to Invader from Space.)
Dan Morgan - for The Several Minds see the Gazetteer entries for Grosvenor Square
and Yarborough.
For The Country of the Mind see the Gazetteer entries
for Trafalgar Square and Westminster.
For The Uninhibited see the Gazetteer entries for Russell Square and
William Morrison - for Country Doctor see Ganymedean Colossus.
For The Weather on Mercury see Mountainous monster on Mercury.
Sam Moskowitz - for World of Mockery see A startling apparition on Ganymede.
Ron Mucklestone - see The Horse-Men of Ganymede and
Love in the Mountains of Venus
Stanley Mullen - for Master of the Moondog see A rough mining-town on the Moon.
For Cosmic Castaway see A military station on Pluto.
James W Murphy - see A Life of Leisure and Renewed Vigor; Cutter Pristine;
The Lost Rings of Saturn.
Larry Niven - for Wait it Out see the Pluto page;
for The Coldest Place see The Darkside of Mercury and
the OSS Diary, 26th December 2016;
for Becalmed in Hell see the page on hyper-brains;
for the Plutonian conflagration in World of Ptavvs see the Diary,
Niven and Clarke on the Cusp. For remarks about
Jupiter in connection with the same novel, see
Leaving well alone.
For Eye of an Octopus see A well on Mars.
Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle - see the OSS Diary, 8th April 2017,
for the brief suspicion of Saturnians in Footfall.
Gazetteer references in Footfall: see Bellingham - Mauna Kea -
Mauna Loa - San Bernardino - Tarzana - Washington D.C.
Gazetteer references in Lucifer's Hammer: see Lake Success - Porterville -
Garth Nix - for By Frogsled and Lizardback to Outcast Venusian Lepers
see the extract, Rainy swampy fecund Venus.
Alan E Nourse - see Brightside Crossing.
For The Native Soil see the Diary entry Pot Luck on Venus and
the GTW scene Hindered by mud on Venus.
See To the Belt with Alan E Nourse for Scavengers in Space.
Kenneth O'Hara: see Bryce Walton.
Joseph O'Neill - for Land Under England see A Dimly Glowing Realm Inside the Earth.
William Oberfield - for Escape from Pluto see Plutonians detect a visitor.
Chad Oliver - for The Reporter see Conversation in a Martian Bar.
R Olsen - see Project Utopia.
Ted Olson - for The Conquering Will see Roll Off A Tangent podcast 46.
Lewis Padgett [= Henry Kuttner and C L Moore] - see podcast on The Twonky.
Raymond A Palmer - for Son of the Trident [as by "Rae Winters"] see
A gas-bag native of Neptune.
Dom Passante - see John Russell Fearn.
Wilbur S Peacock - for Planet of No Return see
Monsters in the phosphorescent ocean of Venus.
For Destination - Death see
Inhabited pools of liquid oxygen on Uranus.
H Beam Piper - for Omnilingual see the Alien Scripts page
Frederick Pohl - see the Roll Off A Tangent podcast for The Tunnel Under the World.
For The Merchants' War see Making plants grow on Venus, and
the Gazetteer entries for the Gobi Desert and New York City.
Frederick Pohl and C M Kornbluth - for The Space Merchants see
No walkabout for first man on Venus.
For Wolfbane see Mount Everest - Princeton - Wheeling - 2027.
Fletcher Pratt - for Asylum Satellite see
Fletcher Pratt and the creaky Cold-War space program.
Fletcher Pratt and Lawrence Manning -
for Expedition to Pluto see Life in Pluto's Fluorine Ocean.
Robert Page Preston - for Land of Twilight see
Felines stalk amid leafless plants on Mercury.
Mike Resnick - see In the Tombs of the Martian Kings.
John Murray Reynolds - for Goddess of the Moon see the extract,
Insect-Men on the Surface of the Moon and
the discussion on the page for Lunar surface creatures.
E V Rieu, The Unicorn - see Relations with the Real.
Chris Roberson - for Mariner see Pirates on Mars Again.
Kim Stanley Robinson - for Red Mars see the Gazetteer entry on Ophir.
Ross Rocklynne - for The Bubble Dwellers see Fatal attraction of the hot side of Vulcan;
for The Empress of Mars see Rocklynne's Far-Future Mars;
for The Forbidden Dream see The dying culture of Ganymede;
for The Men and the Mirror see Arrival at a domed city on Jupiter.
Alva Rogers - re A Requiem For Astounding see the Diary, 27 November 2016,
regarding the significance of the year 1941 in the history of
magazine sf.
R H Romans - see Land Rush, King Rush, Moon Rush: R H Romans' Lunar Epic of 1930
Mary Rosenblum - see Shoals.
Jamie Ross - see The Lúthian Chronicles and The Magistrate.
For non-fiction see The Reality Distortion Field.
For Beyond Despair see Rebuilt on Uranus.
For Europa Dive see A monster from under the ice of Europa.
Philip Roth - see Martian Pastoral.
Eric Frank Russell - see also the page on Sentinels From Space
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - for Le Petit Prince see
The Humanistic Asteroids and the Lonely Earth
Nat Schachner - for Slaves of Mercury see Invasions from Mercury.
Levi Seeley - see Home
Carl Selwyn - for The Citadel of Death see Fast growth on Vulcan.
For Exiles of the Three Red Moons see Exile on Pluto.
For Space Bat see A cable between moonlets in the rings of Saturn.
Aladra Septama - for Dragons of Space see Creatures of the Void.
For The Beast-Men of Ceres see Martians reconnoitring Ceres.
For The Cry from the Ether see Unpopular aborigines of Jupiter.
Garrett P Serviss - for Edison's Conquest of Mars see Creakers.
For A Columbus of Space see Prismatic peaks on Venus.
Al Sevcik - see The Solar System, the Universe and Everything
Bob Shaw - for Fire Pattern see At the North Pole of Mercury and the Gazetteer entry
for Ulverston.
For The Peace Machine see the Gazetteer entries on Bolton and Damascus.
Robert Sheckley - for the Mars of Meeting of the Minds see
Another lot who don't know how lucky they are.
For Alone At Last, see
A Contrasting Pair of Asteroidal Hermits.
See also an extract from Prospector's Special for Sheckley's Venus.
However a different, more peculiar Shecklian view of our sister planet
can be see in A twilit snowy Venus (an extract from
Earth, Air, Fire and Water).
Rupert Sheldrake - for the morphic resonance concept see categories of thought
on the religion page
Ronald M Sherin - for When the World Went Mad see Manhattan and Quito.
Robert Silverberg - for Lair of the Dragonbird see A Unique Venusian.
For A Piece of the Great World see
Multi-species culture layer on far-future Earth.
For Postmark Ganymede see Ice-worms of Ganymede.
Edwin K Sloat - for Loot of the Void see Spider-monsters on climatically extreme Titan.
Clark Ashton Smith - see also the page on The Immortals of Mercury
Cordwainer Smith - for The Dead Lady of Clown Town see Miami in the Gazetteer.
E E "Doc" Smith - see the page on Ganymede;
see the Jupiter page for a nice one-line description
of the Jovian jungle
and a more detailed consideration of the hexans and their foes.
See the OSS Diary, 30th March 2017, for Jovian telemorphs,
human and hexan, in Spacehounds of IPC.
For that novel see also An ice-city on Titan, and,
for the Battle of North Polar Jupiter, see
Decisive Battles of the Old Solar System.
Extracts: Deadly Ganymedean Plant-Animal + Battle on Jupiter.
For a scene from First Lensman see Encounter on Pluto.
Evelyn E Smith - for The Vilbar Party see Saturnian Teddy-Bears.
George O Smith - for The Planet Mender see A mobile station on Uranus and
A channel on Mercury.
William Spencer - for The Eternal Machines see A Planet Named Chaos.
Norman Spinrad - for Agent of Chaos see Forbidding rockscape on Mercury.
Clint Spivey - see The Lost Cosmonaut and Saucer Six
R F Starzl - for Madness of the Dust see Dust-blown trading post on Mars.
For The Earthman's Burden see Amphibious natives of Mercury.
For The Terrors of Aryl see Optical illusions on Vulcan.
Charles A Stearns - for The Grave of Solon Regh see
Terran grave-robber headed for doom on Mars.
For The Pluto Lamp see Interstellar meteor rain upon Pluto.
For B-12's Moon Glow see Robot liquor-moonshiner on Phobos.
Allen M Steele - see Allen M Steele's Enigmatic Mars;
for Avengers of the Moon see The Captain Returns and
Retaliators of Luna.
Brett Sterling -
see A Different Slant on Captain Future.
For Days of Creation / The Tenth Planet see
Thor - an asteroid with a super-dense interior.
Robert Louis Stevenson - for The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde see
podcast number 86 in the Roll Off A Tangent series.
George R Stewart - for Earth Abides see the Gazetteer entries for: Central Park -
Fifth Avenue - Manhattan - San Francisco - the San Joaquin Valley.
S M Stirling - see also the pages on The Sky People;
In the Courts of the Crimson Kings; and A Coercive of Mars
Richard Storey - for Menace of the Mists see
Centaurpedes of Venus encroaching on land.
David Stringer - for High Eight see An electrical monster.
Theodore Sturgeon - for Microcosmic God see the Gazetteer entry for Denver.
Donald Suddaby - see Prisoners of Saturn
Paul Tabori - for The Doomsday Brain see the Gazetteer entries for:
Ambleside, the Gobi Desert, Sofia and Tirana.
See also the Fictional Dates page.
For The Survivors see the Gazetteer entry on Geneva.
John M Taylor - for Beings of the Ooze see Mud-dwelling natives of Iapetus.
William F Temple - for Shoot at the Moon see the Moon page
and the OSS Diary for 20th January 2017
and 6th April 2017.
See also the Gazetteer entry for Mare Nubium.
For Martin Magnus, Planet Rover see
Latest nugget from the OSS goldmine, and the extract,
Decapod natives of the Moon.
For Coco-Talk see On guard against the chameleon folk of Venus.
William Tenn - for Ricardo's Virus see Intelligent Lizard-Bird on Venus.
S M Tenneshaw (pseudonym / house name) - for Trouble on Sunside see
Growing food on Mercury.
C H Thames - for Prison of a Billion Years see Prison break on archaeozoic Earth.
Theodore L Thomas - for The Fatal Third see
Being briefed on the inhabitants of Uranus.
For Day of Succession see: 1979 - Florin - Harrisburg -
Pocono Mountains - Terre Hill.
Patrick Tilley - for Fade-Out see the Gazetteer entry on Montana.
J R R Tolkien - see Tolkien: Tangential Wonder.
E C Tubb - for Moon Base see the OSS Diary, 10th February 2017
and 17th February 2017. See also
Trouble-shooting psychologist on the Moon.
Catherynne M Valente - see the Clues/News page for Radiance and
More Reaction to Radiance.
Raymond Van Houten - for The Last Martian see Attacked by a predator on Mars.
Jack Vance - for the issue of justice and retribution see
The Works of Jack Vance - A Flaw in the Idea?
For The Dying Earth see Far-future re-use of transport on Earth.
See also podcasts discussing Turjan of Miir and Guyal of Sfere.
For his "Gaean Reach" novels see The surprisingly human Vancian future.
Gazetteer: for Ecce and Old Earth see Kyiv and Trieste.
For Dover Spargill's Ghastly Floater see
Giving the Moon an atmosphere.
For Parapsyche see Involuntary creation of OSS worlds.
See the podcast for Guyal of Sfere in Vance's extremely far-future series
The Dying Earth.
For the humanity and user-friendliness of his more moderately far futures
(a few tens of thousands rather than gigayears ahead) see
The surprisingly human Vancian future and
Earth after millennia of galactic spread.
For Emphyrio see
For The Palace of Love see London and Edmonton.
For Slaves of the Klau see Mount Whitney.
See the Stellar Neighbourhood page for many references to named or
designated stars in the Vance oeuvre. For example:
Pi Cassiopeiae - Rigel - Vega.
John Varley - for 1955 (article), see the OSS Diary, 7th December 2016.
For In the Hall of the Martian Kings see A space-boot in both camps.
Henri Viard - for Les Soleils Verts / The Green Suns see Peculiar History of the Moon
and Origins of Martian Ruthlessness.
Arthur Vibert - see The Answer at the End of the World
Harl Vincent - for Callisto at War see Flying over an ocean on Callisto;
for The Copper-Clad World see Beneath Io's metal roof and
Ionian Gradations;
for Lost City of Mars see A city inside Phobos
and Splendid canal city on Mars;
for Prince Deru Returns see Descent through the clouds of Rhea;
for Vagabonds of Space see A Panorama of Europa;
for Vulcan's Workshop see Forced labour on Vulcan;
for Before the Asteroids see Martians visit the Asteroid Progenitor Planet.
Howard Waldrop - for The Dead Sea Bottom Scrolls see Academia on Mars.
F L Wallace - for Tangle Hold see Settler cityscape on Venus.
B Wallis - for The Voyage of Neutralia see Slight vegetation on the Moon -
Tree-crashing touchdown on Venus -
Arachnid cable-car drivers on Mars.
J M Walsh - for The Vanguard to Neptune see Neptunian Allure. See also the
extract, The Lamp-lit Fields of Neptune.
Hugh Walters - for Blast Off At Woomera see The Old Space Program
and the OSS Diary for 12th August 2016;
for Operation Columbus see the Diary, 4th November 2016.
For an extract from Moon Base One see
A hostile mist on the Moon.
See also Hugh Walters and the Moon.
For Expedition Venus see Spongy touch-down on Venus and
Hugh Walters and the run-up to interplanetary voyages.
For Destination Mars see A mossy landing-site on Mars.
Gazetteer entries: Guernsey, from The Blue Aura;
Theobalds Road, from The Last Disaster.
Bryce Walton - for The Green Dream see Vengeance a-brewing in the swamps of Venus.
For The Mating of the Moons (writing as Kenneth O'Hara) see
Transcorporeal life on Mars.
For Princess of Chaos see A live raft on Venus.
Donald Wandrei - for Finality Unlimited see the Sun-page section, Mountains on the Sun,
and the slightly expanded extract,
Reborn on the far-future solidified Sun.
For Colossus see Possible ruins of cities on the Moon and
the second Gazetteer entry for Mount Everest.
Henry Ward - see Henri Viard.
George Henry Weiss - see Francis Flagg
Manly Wade Wellman - for The Solar Invasion see Ul Quorn Back from the Dead and
Fertile asteroid Galilea.
For Worlds of Tomorrow see the Ceres page and the extract,
Enclaves on Ceres.
Basil Wells - for Queen of the Blue World see
Earth through the eyes of a visiting Martian.
H G Wells - for The War of the Worlds
see Martian Landings in The War of The Worlds;
Global Dispatches and Extraordinary Gentlemen;
The Date of the Invasion; and (re teaching the book)
Martians in the Classroom.
For location-guides see Cycle-route guides to a Martian invasion.
See the Gazetteer for extracts with regard to:
Barnet - Horsell Common - Primrose Hill - Regent's Canal -
Regent's Park - Shepperton
- Weybridge - Woking.
for The Time Machine see the Diary entries, A Far-Future Night Sky
and A Park-Like Future Earth?
and the extract, Giant crustaceans on a far-future Earth.
For The First Men in the Moon see that page and also
the Gazetteer entry for Lympne and
the Diary entry, Lunar Brains.
For The Crystal Egg see Beetles or winged folk - who rules Mars?
regarding a misreading of the story. For an extract see
A view from a mast on Mars. For the London setting
see Seven Dials.
For The New Accelerator see the Gazetteer entry for Folkestone.
For In the Abyss see An unhuman city on Earth's sea-floor.
For The Shape of Things to Come see the Gazetteer entry for Megève
and also the Fictional Dates timeline (2059 and 2104).
For The Door in the Wall see the podcast.
Hal K Wells - for The White Brood see Purple spiders and glistening fungi on Io.
For Moon of Mad Atavism see Metalloid-mineraloid life on Titan.
Herbert George Wells - see under H G Wells
Jack West - for Revolt on Io see Space-Western Admixture
and Io and the Great Red Spot.
Wallace West - for Dawningsburgh see One step up from Bradbury's Martian resistance.
Chester Whitehorn - for Coming of the Gods see A Mars of jungles and clearings.
George A Whittington - for Mists of Mars see Deadly white mist on Mars.
Tad Williams - for Otherland vol.1: City of the Golden Shadow see
Computer simulation of Old Mars.
Robert Moore Williams - for What Inhabits Me? see
A ship from deep space glides down to Pluto.
For Quest on Io see Prospecting in scrubland on Io.
Jack Williamson - for The Crucible of Power
see the OSS Diary, 26th January 2017;
for Operation Gravity see the Diary entry entitled
Science Points the Way - Now Go and Play;
for The Plutonian Terror
see the Pluto page and the hyper-brains page;
for Salvage in Space see the Titania page and the
extract Reckless looting of a temple on Titania.
For The Moon Era see ancient inhabited Moon and
the extract, On the Moon in ancient days.
For Born of the Sun see Living Worlds.
For Seetee Ship see Partially terraformed Pallas.
For Islands of the Sun see Conflict between worlds inside the Sun.
For The Sun Maker see Humanoid reptile culture inside the Earth.
R R Winterbotham - for The Red Planet see Discovering the flora and fauna of Mars.
For The Thought-Men of Mercury see
Telepathic natives of Mercury.
For Dead Man's Planet see Dangerous plant life on an asteroid.
Rae Winters - see Raymond A Palmer.
Gene Wolfe - for far-future Earth-strata
see the OSS Diary, 28 January 2017 with a quote from
The Sword of the Lictor; and, from the same book, the answer to
Moon Quiz excerpt 3.
Podcasts: The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories -
The Death of Doctor Island.
Tom Wolfe - see the OSS Diary for 16th May 2018.
Donald A Wollheim - for The Secret of Saturn's Rings see
Gazing across the Cassini Division and Ruins on Mimas.
For The Man from Ariel see the page for Ariel and the extract
Launch site on Ariel.
For The Planet That Time Forgot see
Slow-motion culture on Planet X.
For Umbriel see Squishy terrain on Umbriel.
For The Secret of the Ninth Planet see:
Evidence of ancient life on Pluto - Mineral life on Oberon
- Alien station on Mercury - Belted and crusty Callisto
- Troubles of the stick-men of Neptune
and the Gazetteer entry for Ptolemaeus.
For One Against the Moon (1956) see
A one-eyed biped native in a cavern on the Moon.
Basil Wolverton - for Space Patrol (comic) see
Fleeing from the Mole-Men of Mercury.
William Wordsworth - for Peter Bell, A Tale see the History of Hopes page entry for
the year 1798.
Dirk Wylie - for Asteroid of the Damned see Midget rock-eaters of Pallas.
For Highwayman of the Void see
Pseudo-alive crystals and crablike crawlers on Pluto.
John Wyndham - see Time to Rest, and the extract Chugging along a canal on Mars;
the Roll Off A Tangent Time To Rest podcast discussion and the podcast on its
sequel, No Place Like Earth.
See the OSS Diary, 6th February 2017 for The Last Lunarians.
For Wyndham and the fecund Venus of The Outward Urge, see
the Diary for 16th November 2016.
Also re The Outward Urge, see the extracts Wrecked and alone on Mars
and Crazy machines on the Moon.
For The Kraken Wakes see the Diary for 9th December 2016, and
Recent Reading and 1953. See also the Gazetteer's entry on
Gijon, Spain.
For Exiles on Asperus see the Asteroids page and the extract,
A richly forested asteroid.
For Stowaway to Mars see Martians - Cheerful or Fatalistic? and
Captured by intelligent Martian machines.
See also the Diary entry referring to a youtube
Interview with John Wyndham.
For the locations in The Day of the Triffids see
Lore of an island on Planet Three.
See also the Gazetteer entries on Russell Square and
Piccadilly Circus.
For Chocky see the Gazetteer entry on Cheshunt.
For The Chrysalids see the Gazetteer entries on Labrador and Rigolet.
Robert F Young - for The First Mars Mission see Ambivalent Mars.
Arthur Leo Zagat - for Venus Station see Fungus forest on Venus;
for The Great Dome on Mercury see Snouted natives of Mercury.
Roger Zelazny - A Rose for Ecclesiastes.
For The Doors of his Face, the Lamps of his Mouth see The Zelazny Venus.
Xiangjun Zeng - see The Adventures of Longtail; for the sources of XZ's future history see
Field Observations from a Far-Future Mars - and beyond.
XZ's own website: A Distant Sun.
A tale unrelated to the above: Devil's Daughter.
Nikita Zuev - see Delegators