[ + links to: Brackett, Bradbury and "past-future" dates - Synchronicities of 1967 - The chronology of Captain Future - Looking ahead with excitement to 1981 - Uranian Eras ]
The dates of imagined events lend interest to a story, and help to characterize it.
If the dates are still in our future, they link the tale to us via the chain of year-numbers. If on the other hand the dates are in our past but in the author's future (like, for example, stories written in the 1930s but set in the 1980s), they piquantly contribute to the history of expectations -
Harlei: Or to put it another way, the history of what might have been. Particularly in our sub-genre! The entire OSS is a rich field for nostalgic might-have-beens. "If only the planets had been habitable / inhabited, if only cheap space travel had been invented, if only this, if only that." To give a date to a fictional event is to rub in the "if-only" with extra bitter-sweetness.
Zendexor: And yet you get some critics who complain that dating a story makes it somewhat...er...dated.
Harlei: They just don't get it. Like those who say that Apollo 11 destroyed the readability of fictional first journeys to the Moon because it made them "out of date", as though from July 1969 onwards readers might as well throw Operation Columbus into the trash bin. I'm not trying to knock reality, I realize it has its points, but Operation Columbus actually has Apollo 11 beat hollow -
Zendexor: Well, we can simply say to all that, "Fiction is reality. A book is a thing that exists. The ideas in it exist - "
Harlei: - though it's a pity Hugh Walters doesn't give us a date for the events in Operation Columbus...
Zendexor: Never mind, we do have the dates of other first-trips-to-the-moon (for example see below, under "1975", "1978" and "2026").
And there are some dates which refer to the far more distant past, since the OSS is really old - that is, it's backed in its own terms by a venerable timeline, as well as "old" in the other sense of being outdated.
Future researchers might model a two- or even three-dimensional "date-space" as outlined in the Diary, Complex Dates. And if that ever happens, maybe the following list may be of some use as a starter.
One last point: at first the timeline was solely concerned with OSS science fiction, but now I put interstellar events in as well, whenever I come across them; and also some non-OSS solar system stuff (e.g. from Robinson's Mars trilogy). Such inclusivity should allow interesting comparisons to be made.
Happy browsing, folks.
1,195,854 B.C.
Beginning of Era One on Uranus (calculated from information given in Uranian Gleams).
50,000 B.C.
I talked with the mind of... a general of the great-headed brown people who held South Africa in 50,000 B.C. [The Shadow Out of Time (1936)]
33,000 B.C.
Phsthpok departs Pak [Protector (1973].
32,800 B.C.
First emigration wave departs Pak [Protector (1973)].
32,500 B.C.
Second emigration wave departs Pak [Protector (1973)].
29,000 B.C.
Year One in the reckoning of the hidden Martian colony on Earth [A Mirror For Observers (1955)].
15,000 B.C.
I talked with the mind of... Crom-Ya, a Cimmerian chieftain of 15,000 B.C... [The Shadow Out of Time (1936)]
3417 B.C.
..."Let me explain, doctor," he purred, "just what you are up against. We're a very old organization, very old. Our leader group, which you see before you, can trace itself back to the year 3417 B.C. When a member dies, the survivors after careful consideration, elect a replacement..." [The Rulers (1946)]
1861 B.C.
The "Law of 27,140" (in the dating system of the Martian colony on Earth) states that no assistance can be given to Abdicators by the Martians of the Cities... but also that the Abdicators aren't to be acted against, so long as they do no positive harm.
[A Mirror For Observers (1955)]
1827 B.C.
"And - we're still in the same place as we entered the corridor, aren't we? But in the past. How far?"
"By your reckoning, the late spring of 1827 B.C..."
...Eighteen hundred years before Christ, centuries before even Abraham, he sat camped in a Denmark which those people who called themselves Danes had yet to enter. The strangeness seeped through him like a physical cold...
[The Corridors of Time (1965)]
425 B.C.
The Greece of this period,
together with the Britain of 1966 and the Europe of 1917,
is one of the "time patches" copied and juxtaposed by some cosmic super-mind who is trying to shake up humanity's ideas in October the First is Too Late (1966):
...Morgan knew now exactly where he was. He knew the year and the time of year. It was 425 B.C.
"Man, we're right in the middle of it."
I was still sleepy and wondered vaguely what it was we were in the middle of.
"The war, the war between Athens and Sparta."
"Then why are there so many men about?"
"Because winter is coming on. These things run more or less on a strict time-table. You know we ought to do something about it, to put an end to it."
[October the First is Too Late (1966)]
200 B.C.
I talked with the mind of... Theodotides, a Graeco-Bactrian official of 200 B.C... [The Shadow Out of Time (1936)]
...He had lived more than six hundred years, as few Martians do. His birth date was the year 1327 by the Western human calendar... [A Mirror For Observers (1955)]
Henri Lothiere, apothecary's assistant of Paris, is snatched through time to the year 1944 [The Man Who Saw the Future (1930)]
Zerko Tarkomas, Ruler of the Moon, leads a scientific expedition to Earth [The Moon Conquerors (1930)].
In Drozma's web of wrinkles were scars from the surgery which, about five hundred years ago, had made his face presentably human. His first mission into human society had been in 1471 (30,471), when he achieved the status of qualified Observer during the wars of York and Lancaster... [A Mirror For Observers (1955)]
As best he could, he selected a line in the set corresponding to Anno Domini 1535. Auri linked fingers with him and followed him trustingly through the curtain.
Again the long, still room, and the locker. But the clothes stored here were something else from the Neolithic. A variety of costumes was available, peasant, gentleman, priest, soldier, and more. He didn't know which was best. What the hell had gone on in Denmark of the sixteenth century? Hell indeed, if the time war were involved...
[The Corridors of Time (1965)]
A student named Carolus meets a stranded alien from another star system [The Power (1945)].
"Tanequila the Bold" is shipwrecked in California. He eventually becomes owner of the "Great House" at Almirante - a structure which has existed for thousands of years, was built around an alien spacecraft that bestows immortality, and which has become the centre of a secret organization of immortals, which Tanequila ruthlessly takes over [The Undercover Aliens (1976 - revised from The House That Stood Still (1950) and The Mating Cry (1960)].
A seventeenth-century Englishman finds an abandoned gadget, experiments with it and to his bewilderment is transported to the year 1964 [A Two-Timer (1966)].
From the journal of Qulqlan the Rthr, marooned on Earth:
January 19, 1710. Having come nigh to calamity with the near lofs of the key, I will henceforth keep this journal in the English tongue...
[A Trace of Memory (1963)]
Birth of Jedediah Wallace (1816-1866), father of Enoch Wallace [Way Station (1963)].
Birth of Amanda Wallace (1821-1863), mother of Enoch Wallace [Way Station (1963)].
The year that galactic undercover agents Gonyl and Algoric founded their vigil-station in Nebraska, to watch for possible invasion from the void.
"We were intrigued when we realized that this world bore a native human population. We chose this area for its remoteness," he went on, "near the heart of an almost empty continent. The year was 1827. We felt we had chosen well..."
[The House in November (1970)]
"His name," said Lewis, "is Enoch Wallace. Chronologically, he is one hundred and twenty-four years old. He was born on a farm a few miles from the town of Millville in Wisconsin, April 22, 1840..."
[Way Station (1963)]
...in 30,854 he completed the history of the Tasmanians, which is still the recognized Martian text... [A Mirror For Observers (1955)]
This year is a date in a suggested, not-yet-written piece of fiction: see History of Hopes - The Hunt for Vulcan.
Enoch Wallace is with the Iron Brigade, which was virtually wiped out at Gettysburg [Way Station (1963), p.6] The same year, either before or after the battle,
..."His mother died," said Lewis, "while he was away. His father and the neighbours buried her right there on the farm. That was the way a lot of people did it then. Young Wallace got a furlough, but not in time to get home for the funeral. There wasn't much embalming done in those days and the travelling was slow. Then he went back to the war... [ibid, p.12]
Unexplained instantaneous transportation of Captain John Carter of Virginia from Arizona to the planet Mars (Barsoom), 4th March, 1866. [A Princess of Mars (1912, 1917).]
Enoch Wallace, a young Wisconsin farmer and survivor of the battle of Gettysburg, finds himself alone when his father Jedediah is killed in a farming accident. Enoch then meets an alien whom he calls "Ulysses" and who hires him to maintain a secret matter-transmitter station for interstellar travellers. [Way Station (1963)]
...On March 17, 1874, Ira Johnson, medical student, sat in the law offices of Deems, Wingate, Alden and Deems and listened to an unusual proposition... [Methuselah's Children (1958)]
'The first offspring resulting from unions assisted by the Howard Foundation were born in 1875...' [Methuselah's Children (1958)]
14th October: the first making of Cavorite. [The First Men in the Moon, chapter 2]
Death of the mental patient Joe Slater, and release of the cosmic entity which had been confined in him. Not coincidentally, a nova appears near Algol.
[Beyond the Wall of Sleep (1919, 1938)]
12th July: Andrew Vincell, 23, is struck by a tram in Thanet Street, London; the accident temporarily precipitates his mind into his aged body in 1958 [Odd (1961)].
On November 1, 1907, there had come to New Orleans police a frantic summons from the swamp and lagoon country to the south. The squatters there, mostly primitive but good-natured descendants of Lafitte's men, were in the grip of stark terror from an unknown thing which had stolen upon them in the night. It was voodoo, apparently, but voodoo of a more terrible sort than they had ever known; and some of their women and children had disappeared since the malevolent tom-tom had begun its incessant beating...
[The Call of Cthulhu (1928)]
Dr James Hardcastle meets The Terror of Blue John Gap (1911): a monstrous creature of a species evolved beneath the limestone hills of Derbyshire, England. After his traumatic encounter he speculates:
...My view is... that in this part of England there is a vast subterranean lake or sea, which is fed by the great number of streams which pass down through the limestone... there may be animal life, arising, as the vegetable life would also do, from those seeds and types which had been introduced at an early period of the world's history, when communication with the outer air was more easy. This place had then developed a flora and fauna of its own... For countless aeons the internal and the external creation had kept apart, growing steadily away from each other. Then there had come some rift in the depths of the mountain which had enabled one creature to wander up...
Inspector John Raymond Legrasse makes his report on the Cthulhu worshippers to the American Archaeological Society at its annual meeting in St. Louis. [The Call of Cthulhu (1928)]
From The Lion of Comarre (1949):
The First Electronic Age, Peyton knew, had begun in 1908, more than eleven centuries before, with De Forest's invention of the triode...
[Note from Zendexor: the right date for this is 1906, not 1908, if Google Search informs me correctly. Still, we're on a fictional time-line here...]
Arthur Batley is snatched forward to the year 1963 [Stitch in Time (1961)].
For the first time, visitors from the Vega system turn up at Enoch Wallace's hidden matter-transportation station in Wisconsin [Way Station (1963)]. His journal notes:
July 12, 1915 - Arrived this afternoon (3.20 pm) five beings from Vega XXI, the first of their kind to pass through this station. They are biped and humanoid, and one gains the impression that they are not made of flesh - that flesh would be too gross for the kind of things they are - but, of course, they are made of flesh the same as anyone. They glow, not with a visible light, but there is about them an aura...
1917 meets 1966 in October the First is Too Late (1966) - see the excerpt under "1966".
Euthanasia made available in the US:
...It was, I remember, the 13th day of April, 1920, that the first Government Lethal Chamber was established on the south side of Washington Square, between Wooster Street and South Fifth Avenue... [The Repairer of Reputations, in The King in Yellow (1895)]
Birth of Hugh Macklin, the Timeliner (1955). See 1959 and 2035.
Gustaf Johansen's encounter with Cthulhu [The Call of Cthulhu (1928)].
...Poor Johansen's handwriting almost gave out when he wrote of this. Of the six men who never reached the ship, he thinks two perished of pure fright in that accursed instant... After vigintillions of years great Cthulhu was loose again, and ravening for delight.
A year replete with cosmic horror in Massachusetts (threatened by malign undersea powers) and Vermont (infiltrated from space).
It was I who fled frantically out of Innsmouth in the early morning hours of July 16, 1927, and whose frightened appeals for government inquiry and action brought on the whole reported episode. [The Shadow Over Innsmouth (1931, 1936)]
The whole matter began, so far as I am concerned, with the historic and unprecedented Vermont floods of November 3, 1927. I was then, as now, an instructor of literature at Miskatonic University... [The Whisperer in Darkness (1931)]
Note: the Vermont floods really did happen.
Albert N Wilmarth discovers the dire secret of the Plutonian visitors to the wilds of Vermont. [The Whisperer in Darkness (1931)]
Station-keeper Enoch Wallace, who keeps a lonely vigil operating the secret Earth depot of the interstellar matter-transmission network, looks back to the year 1931 in his Journal.
August 22, 1931, he found, when he located the entry, had been one of his lighter days. There had been one traveller only, the one from Thuban VI. And although the entry for the day filled almost a page in his small, crabbed writing, he had devoted no more than one paragraph to the visitor.
Came today [it read] a blob from Thuban VI. There is no other way in
which one might describe it...
[Way Station (1963)]
9 December, dusk: Time-traveller Ares Sen Kenlin (see 3059) is found unconscious by James Waters Bendell, on a roadside in the American West. [Twilight (1934)]
18 May: date of the letter from mining engineer Robert B F Mackenzie of Pilbarra, Western Australia, to Professor Nathaniel Wingate Peaslee, c/o the American Psychological Society, New York City, concerning worked stone blocks found in the Australian desert: artefacts so aicient that they seem to confirm the time-visions which Peaslee had published.
[The Shadow Out of Time (1936)]
9 August: Battle of the California Coast. The battleship Minnesota uses a radar-like invention to save the US from defeat by an enemy who had won control of the Pacific. [Politics (1932)]
"Ready, Bill?" asked Harl Swanson. Bill Kressman nodded.
"Then kiss 1935 goodbye!" cried the giant Swede, and swung over the lever.
[The World of the Red Sun (1931)]
3rd June:
It was on Monday, June 3, that we saw the first of the half-buried blocks. I cannot describe the emotions with which I actually touched - in objective reality - a fragment of Cyclopean masonry in every respect like the blocks in the walls of my dream-buildings. There was a distinct trace of carving - and my hands trembled as I recognised part of a curvilinear decorative scheme made hellish to me through years of tormenting nightmare and baffling research. [The Shadow Out of Time (1936)]
17-18 July: dreadful confirmation of Man's place in the universe:
After twenty-two years of nightmare and terror, saved only by a desperate conviction of the mythical source of certain impressions, I am unwilling to vouch for the truth of that which I think I found in Western Australia on the night of July 17-18, 1935. There is reason to hope that my experience was wholly or partly an hallucination - for which, indeed, abundant causes existed. And yet, its realism was so hideous that I sometimes find hope impossible.
If the thing did happen, then man must be prepared to accept notions of the cosmos, and of his own place in the seething vortex of time, whose merest mention is paralysing...
[The Shadow Out of Time (1936)]
1935 was the year the space-time continuum got mixed up in a confusing shift of probability time-paths
[Sidewise in Time (1934)].
Nexx Agent Ravel, battling against time-manipulators for the structure of reality, travels from and to this year in Dinosaur Beach (1971).
...Out of nothingness, a tiny glimmer of light. It grew, strengthened, became a frosted glass globe atop a green-painted cast-iron pole which stood on a strip of less than verdant grass. The light shone on dark bushes, a bench, a wire paper-basket... I was back in Buffalo, New York, in August, 1936...
Archetypal mad scientist Professor Ivan Teranhoff, a sinister Russian genius who has discovered atomic energy, has plans for space travel which involve decreasing Earth's gravity at the equator so as to make it easier to launch spacecraft. His way of doing it is to accelerate Earth's rotation. In the ensuring disasters half of Earth's population perish, and the length of the day is shortened to about eighteen hours.
[When the World Went Mad (1928)]
Appearance (on 5th June) of The Machine-Man of Ardathia (1927) from A.D. 29,940.
The Letter from Mohaun Los (1932) begins:
Some who read this narrative will no doubt remember the disappearance of the eccentric millionaire Domitian Malgraff and his Chinese servant Li Wong, which provided the newspapers of 1940 with flamboyant headlines and many columns of rumor and speculation...
Malgraff has invented what he thinks is a time-machine without realizing that it will also effectively cause him to travel in space because, as it turns out, Earth's gravitation does not bind objects moving through the time-dimension.
Miss Betty Mordan is reluctantly inveigled into an adventure in time with Roy Saber from 1951 [Wanderers of Time (1933)]
Mary Lou Beaufort, from the alternate-time-track Confederate States of America, reaches Mars [Parallel in Time (1940)].
Interplanetary invasion:
Sergeant Evan Paige's gray, brooding eyes stared reflectively at the paper in his hand, dated three days before, June 7, 1941. Under the official seal of Washington it read:
"Emergency draft. All men able to bear arms, ages 14 to 55, in defense of Earth against the invaders from Mars. Your country and your world need you. REPORT AT THE NEAREST RECRUITING OFFICE IMMEDIATELY."
[One Thousand Miles Below (1940)]
From Dormant (1948):
...At the very hub of the screaming waters lay Iilah, dead now almost for ever, forgotten by time and the universe.
Early in 1941, Japanese ships came and ran the gauntlet of dangerous waters into the quiet lagoon...
From Maker of Universes (1965) we learn that the wily hero "Kickaha" alias Paul Finnegan
in 1941
...at the age of twenty-three... had volunteered for the U.S. Cavalry because he loved horses. A short time later, he found himself driving a tank...
From The Letter From Mohaun Los (1932) - see under 1940 for Malgraff's disappearance:
A world-wide search was made by his lawyers and relations; but without result. Then, in the late summer of 1941, the strange vessel containing the aforesaid manuscript was found floating in the Banda Sea, between Celebes and the Spice Islands, by a Dutch pearler.
The manuscript tells the fantastic story of Malgraff's wanderings in space and time.
Determined to meet a Selenite, whom she has observed in the Mare Crisium by means of her giant telescope, Miss Dorothy Brewster leads an expedition to the Moon in Earth's first spaceship, the magnetically-launched Astronaut. [The Moon Conquerors (1930).]
11 September: Dr Homer Green undergoes the experiment which makes his tissues invariant (see 2170) [Invariant (1944)]
Descent of airmen Johnny Wild and Danny Black to the subterranean world of Red Valley [The Perilous Descent (1952)].
Atomic space-drive invented in secret [The Great Engine (1943)].
French scientists bring Henri Lothiere forward in time from the year 1444 [The Man Who Saw the Future (1930)].
The last thoughts of tank commander Peter Holroyd before his consciousness is whisked 200,000,000 years into the future:
"Keep the tank going. Nurse that engine... We're almost over... over - Watch out... There's a dive bomber... Watch... He got us - "
[The Book of Ptath (1947)]
A herald of the doom whereby Earth will be swept away from the Sun by a cosmic blot:
Paul Ferrand, in October, 1945, came back from Cape Town with astronomical exposures that showed a tiny, ominous blotch of darkness spreading across the faint stars of Octans...
[The Sun Maker (1940)]
Limited liaison between a motion-picture projector in 1946 and one in 2011. [Film Library (1946)]
From Dormant (1948):
...Something stirred in the depths of Iilah's awareness of himself, something that he had intended to do. He couldn't remember what.
That was the first real thought he had in late 1946, when he felt the impact of outside energy. And stirred with returning life...
The cripple Hugh Hunter conceives the aim of an organization to catch war criminals, which later saves the world from mind-control by "Master Brug" [The Doomsday Brain (1967); see also 1955].
...Because he was a businessman, he hated all unfinished business... When he spent some months in a private hospital in 1946, watching his legs wither and become useless, he had ample time to pause and think. He drew up, for himself, a trial balance of the actual profit and loss of World War Two - not in material but in human terms. It was then that he realized how much unfinished business still existed...
From Seedling of Mars (1931):
It was in the fall of 1947, three days prior to the annual football game between Stanford and the University of California, that the strange visitor from outer space landed in the middle of the huge stadium at Berkeley where the game was to be held...
From The Great Engine (1943):
THE blue-gray engine lay half buried in a green hillside. It lay there in that summer of 1948, a soulless thing of metal and of forces more potent than life itself...
...Now he was alive again, but in so dim a fashion that there was nothing to do but wait for the end. He waited.
In 1950 he watched the destroyer float towards him... [Dormant (1948)]
Damage to Paris (or is it Chicago? The text is oddly ambiguous):
...the international anarchists who, in 1950, had blown up the greater portion of the metropolis as from the vent of a crater... [Omega (1894)]
Roy Saber sets off on his adventure in time [Wanderers of Time (1933)].
Some of the members of the 1942 Brewster expedition to the Moon now return to Earth, long after they were given up for lost [The Moon Conquerors (1930)].
Having got drunk on leave,
Lieutenant Morton Cargill staggered as he came out of the cocktail bar. He stopped and turned, instinctively seeking support, when he saw a girl emerge from the same bar. She half fell against him.
They clung to each other, maintaining a precarious balance. She seemed to recover first. She mumbled, "'Member, you promised to drive me home..."
Next day, Cargill has a guilty memory of having caused a car crash which killed his girl-passenger, Marie Chanette... The press mentions murder - but the police fail to trace the soldier whom the girl had been seen talking to.
He was relieved a week later when his group was sent to Korea. There a year stretched between him and the impulse that had made him scamper off into the darkness, leaving behind a dying woman... >> 1954
[The Universe Maker (1953)]
According to No Man Friday (1956), p14, the Americans secretly launched the first artificial satellite in this year. (Four years in advance of reality, and the reality differed in being not secret, of course.)
From Evans of the Earth-Guard (1930):
...in 1954, the first crude rocket had thundered out from earth into the great void toward its shining satellite. Neither that rocket nor the twenty-first had reached their goal, but the next one had.
[cont. from 1953] Morton Cargill is contacted by a woman signing herself Marie Chanette - the name of the girl whom he thought he had killed. Their meeting leads him to a fantastic adventure in the years 2391 and 7301. (See also 1980, 2010 and 2012.)
[The Universe Maker (1953)]
According to No Man Friday (1956) this is the year the Russians sent up their satellite - secretly, just like the Americans. (In reality, when it did happen two years later, the Russians, who were first in space, were happy for the world to know it.)
In the preamble to Into the 28th Century (1930) we are informed that
...In the year 1955 peace was restored to the stricken planet, reconstruction began, and the World-State elected a woman, known as the World President, as its Chief Executive...
For 1955 as the present (according to John Varley) see the OSS Diary, 7th December 2016.
Colonel Lawrence Kingsley is recruited by half-blind multi-millionaire Hugh Hunter to become executive director of an organization to catch war criminals [The Doomsday Brain (1967); see also 1946]:
"There is a chair in front of you," the voice continued. "I trust you will find it comfortable."
He sat down gingerly and waited... As he became more used to the darkness he thought he could make out a dim figure seated opposite him; he even believed that he could trace the outline of an invalid chair of unusual proportions...
First manned atomic rocket launched [The Legion of Space (1937, 1947), p.12].
The year Jay Vickers walked the "enchanted valley": the one to which there's no going back:
He had carried the dream for more than twenty years and now that the dream was coming true, he saw that it was tarnished with all the time between, that there was no going back to that day in 1956, that a man never can go back to a thing he once has left...
[Ring Around the Sun (1952, 1953)]
...and later the records show "Vickers, Jay... l.t. June 20, 1956" - l.t. standing for "life transferred"...
From the alternate history recounted in the introduction to The Psychotechnic League (1981):
Conflict was inevitable once Eisenhower's death from surgical complications elevated Nixon to the U.S. presidency in June, 1956. Cold War paranoia distorted Nixon's reactions to unrest within the Communist bloc in the autumn of that year. Covert U.S. aid to the Hungarian rebels so enraged the Soviet Union that it backed Egypt past the limits of prudence during the Suez Crisis. The savage Mideast war that followed left Socialism dominant throughout the region and the U.S.S.R. in possession of northern Iran...
Arrival of electricity-eating waveform entities from interstellar space; they soon transform society on Earth by making electricity usage impossible. Unemployment in the US shoots up to 35 million in May but by October it's down to 15 million as emergency measures start to work...
5 April, 1957: that was the night that the waveries came.
It had started like an ordinary evening. It wasn't one, now.
George and Maisie waited for a cab but none came so they took the subway instead. Oh yes, the subways were still running in those days...
[The Waveries (1945)]
...In the year 1958, Professor Jameson had sought a plan whereby he might preserve his body indefinitely after his death... [The Jameson Satellite (1931)]
...The twenty-fifth of June was a pleasant evening in an unpleasant summer. I was just strolling home enjoying it. In no hurry at all, and just wondering whether I would turn in for a drink somewhere when I saw this old man. He was standing on the pavement in Thanet Street, holding on to the railings with one hand, and looking about him in a dazed, glassy-eyed way...
Thus Mr Reginald Aster meets a bewildered
Andrew Vincell, a case of involuntary mental time-travel [Odd (1961)].
SF authors don't claim to be prophets, but in guessing the year of the first probe to reach the Moon, Arthur C Clarke scored a direct hit in his Prelude to Space (written in 1947). 1959 was the year he said it would happen, and lo and behold, when 1959 came round, Lunik 2 hit the Moon in reality.
1959 is also the year when the mind of the unfortunate Hugh Macklin begins its temporal odyssey in Timeliner (1955).
Invasion from below by intelligent tentacled/insectoid metal-armoured creatures:
Much has been written about the terrific cataclysm of 1960 - the eruption of the volcano, Coseguina, with its accompaniment of earthquakes, fires, floods and storms, which carried death and destruction into Salvador, Hunduras and Nicaragua...
But, immense and devastating as it was, it is not of this cataclysm that I would write, but of that infinitely more terrible menace to all mankind which closely followed it - which was, in fact, loosed on the inhabitants of the earth's crust as a direct result of the eruption...
[The Metal Monster (1931)]
The final idyllic scene in The Waveries (1945) is set in April 1961, four years after a wave-form invader came to Earth to eat up electric current and compel Man to abandon radio, TV, all forms of mechanised transport except steamtrains... to the vast improvement of the quality of life.
"Enough horses to go around yet?"
"Almost. But cycling's the craze; the factories can't turn out enough to meet the demand. There's a cycling club in almost every block and all the able-bodied cycle to and from work. Doing 'em good, too; a few more years and the doctors will go on short rations..."
14th June: the first pictures from the Russian Venus lander reveal humanoid life on Venus [The Sky People (2006)].
Elmis, the disguised Martian, begins his stint in Latimer, Massachusetts. [A Mirror For Observers (1955)]
Arthur Batley is snatched forward to this year from 1913 [Stitch in Time (1961)].
The Black Cloud is discovered on its approach to the Solar System, by Knud Jensen working at Mt Palomar [The Black Cloud (1957)].
An accidental time-traveller from 1683 finds himself in 1964 and records his impressions and adventures [A Two-Timer (1966)]. "...There are no poor unruly Apprentices here, but good Money is to be earn'd easily by a Stripling. If these live too easily, so too in a manner do the Children (for all their Schooling is so hard, as I shall tell you later)... ...the Wives... own no Man's Controul, not even in Law, but manage all things equally with 'em, and take all manner of Work, as bold as Men (for they are as well school'), and High and Low dress themselves in Finery, and leave their Children to bring them selves up (so that many run wild)..."
The catastrophic visit of the Black Cloud, and the fantastic discovery of its sentience by Cambridge scientist Chris Kingsley [The Black Cloud (1957)].
From Destination Mars (1963):
...He recalled the discovery of this distant belt of radiation by the French scientist Jules-Robert Le Prince. Its presence had first been suspected back in 1965, when deep space probes registered an unexpected increase in radiation at a distance of some five million miles from the Earth...
This year, in my view, is the Present; what comes after is the increasingly weird future. See the OSS Diary for 7th December 2016.
Robert Carson (1932-66), space pioneer, dies some days after his spacecraft Wanderer II is damaged by a meteor. (Due to the trust fund established in his name he posthumously becomes, thousands of years later, The Man Who Owned the World (1961).
Departure of the Black Cloud allows the Sun to reappear in early Spring [The Black Cloud (1957)]. The spring was bitterly cold, but:
...as the Cloud moved outwards from the Sun it took up such a shape as to reflect in the Earth's direction a small proportion of the solar energy incident on it. This gave warm summer weather early in the month of May, which everyone found exceedingly welcome after the biting winter and spring. So the Cloud departed from the solar system...
Amid the time-mixtures described in October the First is Too Late (1966), where Britain is in 1966 is spliced with Europe in 1917, the British Government is faced with the urgent necessity of stopping the madness of World War One.
...It was done simply with a high fidelity gramophone. Delegates from the continent were ushered through a room in which an old-fashioned tinny machine, the sort you wind up, with a little horn, was playing. It wheezed out its feeble sounds as the delegates assembled in the conference room. The delegates were at first surprised at this apparent eccentricity. Then they were shattered by a sudden switch to full volume on the 1966 equipment.
All that needed to be done was to draw a simple analogy. The Prime Minister just pointed out that the weapons of his own day, of 1966, bore the same relation to the weapons being used in France, as did this new powerful gramophone to the little whining horn of 1917. He asked the German staff officers to compare their own weapons with those of the year 1860. Then perhaps they would understand how things stood. He wasn't telling them this in order to claim a victory. He wasn't interested in a victory as they would understand it... It was rather like a headmaster scolding a group of naughty boys...
April 1967: victory at last is achieved for the two Anglo-Saxon powers, the USA and Britain, after the long intermittent world war which began in 1914. Then, on 10th June 1967, comes "Mars Day" - the first intelligible public message from Barsoom to Earth, broadcasting greetings to the world from the city of Helium. [Prologue to The Moon Maid (1923).]
There's a strong hint in A Fall of Moondust (1961) that 1967 saw the Russians make the first Moon trip - thus celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution.
The Uncertain Midnight (1958) has 1967 as the year of the "Nine Days Tranquiliser", a nuclear holocaust that reduces the population by a factor of roughly a thousand.
A note in Brigands of the Moon (1930) implies that the "Yellow War" occurred in 1967.
World war breaks out between Occidentals and Orientals [The Murgatroyd Experiment (1929):
So engrossed with the pursuits of peace was the western world, that no one noticed the tremendous military preparations nor the equally tremendous population increase that was going on in the Chino-Japanese Empire and the storm of war that overtook the world in 1967 came as a rude surprise to the west. It was a war of white against color; of the science of the west against the man power of the east and south. There is no need to trace in detail the fortunes of the two great combatants. For eleven years, a ruthless war of extermination was waged and it is estimated that over a billion lives were sacrificed. The east suffered most heavily at first, but as their manpower was reduced, they adopted western science and the conflict developed into a deadlock with no prospect of its being broken...
>> see 1978.
...The Republicans have been fresh out of ideas since '968, when the Democrat Clifford got in... [A Mirror For Observers (1955)]
...Apparently London, Paris and Rome were in telephonic communication almost without a break, and the news of the great London landslide was telephoned to Madrid and thence radioed to Buenos Aires in 1968...
[The Shape of Things to Come (1933)]
"...Many men lost their lives in trying to reach the Moon, and most people said it was impossible for them to do it - there was even a movement to get their attempts banned. But the men went on trying. Duncan, K.K.Smith and Sudden actually got there, but they crashed on the surface and were killed. Then came the great Drivers. In 1969 he managed to take his rocket right round the Moon and bring it safely back to Earth..." [Stowaway to Mars (1936), p.23]
...On November 29, 1969, Robbins and Swain attempted a take-off from an Adirondack plateau. But the erratic Wellston cyclotrons lived up to the predictions of the pessimists, and let go with a blast of power that destroyed the whole tail of the rocket and sent the main mass of the ship flying out into space with terrific impetus. Robbins and Swain were undoubtedly killed instantly.
The wrecked craft was hurled roughly toward the asteroid Eros, and took up a loose orbit around that little world as a tiny satellite...
[Eros (1942)]
12th July 1969 is the date of the letter from civil servant Edward Powell to the U.K.'s Minister of Defence, advising the closure of the Portfield research establishment, since its efforts to develop telepathy for purposes of national security have apparently proved a failure.
...Although research at Portfield has added to the already considerable statistical proof of the existence of Telepathy, it is - in Doctor Havenlake's opinion - highly unlikely that this erratic, and quite unpredictable force will ever be sufficiently developed to be of use in the practical manner for which we had hoped...
In actual fact Portfield's discoveries have been all too successful from the telepaths' point of view, and its closure suits them well... [The New Minds (1967)]
From Confession (1972):
The memory, such as it was, that was in his mind was pitiless. In late 1969 Paul Marriott, the last human thread of the once-thriving and important Marriott family, had suddenly lost his forward impetus, had stagnated spiritually and fallen into an abyss the nature and depth of which was still blurred in the mist...
The Red Rash Deaths (1957) in Chicago - caused by a criminal from the future - see 10,221.
On 27 February 1971 Howard Lester, narrator of The Philosopher's Stone, under goes the operation on his pre-frontal cortex which increases his willpower...
In Captain Future's Challenge (1940) 1971 is cited as the date space exploration began:
Gravium was the very life-blood of interplanetary civilization. For without it, gravitation-equalizers could not be made. And without equalizers, men didn't dare visit other planets of greater or lesser gravitation than their own.
The first space explorers, back in 1971, had found that out. Landing on worlds of lesser gravitation than Earth, their circulation, internal organs, their whole anatomy, were damaged. All were sickened, many crippled and killed...
The Omega Radiation begins (over the next decade its effect on mental health results in the death of most of the population). Possibly related is the action of Matthew Greville who crashes his car on 7th July at Chelsea Bridge, London [All Fools' Day (1966)]:
July 7th, 1971. Two-thirty a.m. The air warm, clear patches of sky loaded with stars, and the Thames rippling quietly through the subdued noises of London like a jet and silver snake.
Two-thirty a.m. A car whispering sweetly, as cars do in the moist hours of darkness. A car, a man and a woman, routed for Chelsea...
The last mighty air war of 1972, which had ended in the total abolition of all national boundaries and the establishment of the World Government with its headquarters in the new world-capital of New York, had brought peace to the world, but it had also brought some measure of monotony... [The Universe Wreckers (1930)]
The great plague is released by an unbalanced member of the Organic Unity Party [A Mirror For Observers (1955)].
A war is being fought in the north:
A rifle bullet spanged against an abandoned tank northeast of the OP, moaned away into the distance. The bullet only emphasized the loneliness, the isolation of the OP set far out ahead of the front lines on the Arctic battlefields of 1972...
In the midst of this desolation, Corporal Larry Hulser unexpectedly has a brain-wave, a method for remotely detonating explosives. He naively hopes the invention will end the war - all war...
[Cease Fire (1958)].
First trip to the Moon - but no return to Earth [Blindness (1935)].
Anti-science measures enacted in the first session of the 93rd Congress [Trends (1939)]:
...the famous Stonely-Carter Bill was passed. It established the Federal Scientific Research Investigatory Bureau - the FSRIB - which was given full power to pass on the legality of all research in the country. Every laboratory, industrial or scholastic, was required to file information, in advance, on all projected research before this new bureau, which could, and did, ban absolutely all such as it disapproved of...
Catastrophic earthquake, the greatest in historic times [The Great Nebraska Sea (1963)]:
...It had been a particularly hot and dry August, and the Forestry Service was keeping an anxious eye out for the fires it knew it could expect. Dense smoke was reported rising above a virtually uninhabited area along Black Squirrel Creek, and a plane was sent out for a report.
The report was - no fire at all. The rising cloud was not smoke, but dust...
...By September 23rd the Fault was active well into Wyoming on the north, and rapidly approaching the border of New Mexico to the south...
...All through October, hollow-eyed motorists flocked into Tulsa, Topeka, Omaha, Sioux Falls and Fargo...
...Today, nearly one hundred years after the unprecedented - and happily unrepeated - disaster, it is hard to remember the terror and despair of those weeks in October and November, 1973. It is inconceivable to think of the United States without its beautiful and economically essential curve of interior ocean...
The anti-science act of the previous year (see under 1973) is challenged [Trends (1939)]:
The inevitable appeal to the supreme court came on November 9, 1974, in the case of Westly vs. Simmons in which Joseph Westly of Stanford upheld his right to continue his investigations on atomic power on the grounds that the Stonely-Carter act was unconstitutional...
It was rumoured at first that the court would declare the act unconstitutional, and monster parades were held in every large town against this eventuality. The League of the Righteous brought its powerful influence to bear - and even the supreme court submitted. It was five to four for constitutionality. Science strangled by the vote of one man.
At 0150 G.M.T. on December 1st, 1975, every telephone in the world started to ring.... [Dial F for Frankenstein (1962)] - full telephone interconnection unexpectedly creates an emergent intelligence.
War breaks out between the USA and the Sino-Japanese Federation [The Dimension of Chance (1932)]
"Selenine, derived from a fossil lichen found by the first rocket-expedition to the moon in 1975, has, as you know, practically wiped out the old-time curse of cancer..." [The Plutonian Drug (1934)]
Beginning of a World War that will last several years:
In the year 1975, the nations of earth, taking no heed of the lessons of history, had again flown at one another’s throats in a devastating war that outshone all past performances in destruction. Each side armed with frightful scientific armament, the war became a holocaust. In titanic struggle, they hurled their might at each other, loosing vicious death rays, thunderous cannon, terrifically powerful bombs, and insidious poison gases. Each wanted mastery of the world ; each wanted the enemy wiped out. Yet it was an equal struggle for many years and lives sacrificed amounted to hysterical numbers...
[The Spore Doom (1934)]
The Ronaldson-Chenwith expedition of 1975 is the first to visit asteroid Eros [Castaways of Eros (1943)].
From The Hole That Grew (1932)]:
When in 1975 it became obvious that the coal supply would soon be exhausted, the necessity for unlocking this vast store of sub-atomic energy became evident. The task has been a difficult one...
US Secret Service operative Clement Morris encounters Japanese agent Sakamoto in The Dimension of Chance (1932).
Selenite ruins on Farside are "discovered by the circumlunar expedition of 1976" - see The Archives of the Moon.
First Mars expedition discovers the Doorway: an interstellar transportation system.
It was a cubicle of something that looked like slick brown glass. Ten feet high, six wide and deep. Inside, at waist level, on the far wall, a lever - curiously shaped, like the head of an old-fashioned walking stick, the slightly curved bar of the L parallel to the wall. Nothing more than that... [Ticket to Anywhere (1952)]
Sitting US President Jefferson Dayles faces a woman candidate in the election.
...She seemed to be aware of all the pitfalls, and though Dayles' agents kept a complete check on every statement and speech that she made in public, the months went by and she did not slip, and she did not fall.
Dayles observed the performance from a distance, at first with disbelief and then with admiration, but finally with alarm. "She's got to get tired," he said. "One of these days she'll be so exhausted she can scarcely stand, and that's the moment for our people to trip her up."
Whatever could be said about the rationality of the candidate did not apply to her followers. The millennium was about to arrive. Women could end war, bring peace to the troubled world. They would right the wrongs of society, control the rapaciousness of business, and once and for all they would end the infidelity of the American male...
[Moonbeast (1963)]
Neville Yeadon, unaware that his mind is soon to be translated to Uranus, is enjoying his lunch hour and the thought that he won't have to work at Kagan Cartons much longer:
The fact that I'll soon be employed elsewhere has, paradoxically, brought back to me some of the buzz I used to derive from working in central London. Call it the Affectionate Departure Syndrome, with the affection dependent upon the departure.
Nevertheless - it's funny - a week and a half has gone since I gave in my notice at Kagan Cartons, and still I can hardly believe I'm free. The benign, slow-motion bombshell of Fact is only gradually blasting its way into my intelligence; the full delight of its truth has yet to seep in through every mental pore. All the same, there's no room for doubt; I've been reliably notified of my good fortune. So, while Britain swelters, and cold drinks do a roaring trade, I swig the draught of secret happiness. In future years, while the country remembers 1976 for its heatwave, I shall remember it for my release...
Robert Gibson, Uranian Throne episode 10: The Londoner
Just a hundred years ago, back in 1976, the first men landed on the Moon...
[Journey by Earthlight in The Challenge of the Spaceship (1958)]
From The Immeasurable Horror (1931):
I was with the first Venusian expedition, under the leadership of Admiral Carfax, in 1977. We were able to make no more than a mere landing, and were then compelled to return earthward because of our shortage of oxygen, due to a serious miscalculation regarding our needs. It was unsafe, we found, to breathe the thick, vapor-laden air of Venus for more than short intervals...
4 July 1977: Asher Sutton, man of destiny, comes from the future to encounter his ancestor John H Sutton, in a pasture in Wisconsin. [Time And Again (1951)]
From Blindness (1935):
...Garnall was drowned in Lake Erie, after returning from Luna, the first man to reach Earth again, alive. He didn't go on living, of course, but he was alive when he reached Earth. That we knew.
From Martian Blood (2013):
...no one knew for sure whether the planet was inhabited until Ares I landed there in 1977...
11th August 1977: Floyd Jones born, in Colorado [The World Jones Made (1956)].
The Refuge is constructed in that same year (p.6) - a building containing a simulation of the Venusian environment, to house a group of people biologically engineered in preparation for that environment.
From The Overman Culture (1971), p.173, the testament of the Mormon, Julius Overman, begins as follows:
"I was born in the year 1977 in London, England, to which corrupt and decadent country I shall not return until time and the will of God have wrought great and cleaning changes..."
From Theory of Rocketry (1958):
...Mr. Edel taught six English classes that year at Richard M. Nixon High School, and the classes averaged seventy-five pupils each...
1977 is the year in which the action of Ring Around the Sun (1952, 1953) takes place.
It had been the blade at first, the razor blade that would not wear out. And after that the lighter than never failed to light, that required no flints and never needed filling. Then the light bulb that burned forever if it met no accident. Now it was the Forever car...
The year of the invasion of Earth, as recalled by the Sarn-Mother:
"I can tell you very little now. But call in your archaeologist. She is a brilliant and learned Sarn. Briefly, when we landed, the humans had had their civilization for some fifteen thousand years. It was, by their calendar, 1977. They had recently developed atomic power of the first order...
"And - of our fifty-two ships, we lost thirty-nine during the Conquest. They were intelligent, efficient and deadly fighters. We captured and enslaved only the scum of the race; the best of humankind died fighting with a grim tenacity that appalled us..."
[Cloak of Aesir (1939)]
The U.N. "disintegrated during the Latin American war of 1977..."
[The Penultimate Truth (1964)]
The year of the first voyage to the Moon in both Prelude to Space (written in 1947) and The Man Who Sold the Moon (1949, 1951). Also it is the year of the first flight round the Moon, albeit without a landing, in Trends (1939).
Regarding The Man Who Sold the Moon: the date of the flight is not given in the story itself, but it appears in Heinlein's own Future History time-chart: "First rocket to the Moon, 1978".
From Frogheads (2015):
"You've been on Venus thirty years?" Ronson seized the chance to change the subject. "That means you would have belonged to one of the first expeditions."
"Da." He nodded vigorously. "Second expedition, 1978. Chief petty officer, Soviet Space Force."
From Trends (1939):
The nadir of science came in the spring of 1978, a bare month before the completion of the New Prometheus, with the passing of the 'Easter Edict' - it was issued the day before Easter. By it, all independent research or experimentation was absolutely forbidden. The FSRIB [see 1973] thereafter reserved the right to allow only such research as it specifically requested.
- However, that same year the first successful circumlunar flight, carried out in defiance of authority, brings about a popular change of heart.
From The Murgatroyd Experiment (1929) - ref. the account of the outbreak of world war in 1967:
In 1978, two prophets arose in the east and began to preach the doctrines of peace. Chang T’sen Lo paved the way for final peace, but paid the last great penalty at the hands of his war-mad countrymen. Katar Singh, his disciple and successor, took up the work where Chang left off and was successful in his efforts. >> See 1980.
Death of Spender on Mars [...And the Moon be still as bright (1948)]. Spender had tried to protect ancient Martian structures from Terran vandals. The story ends:
...They turned and walked from the hall and shut the marble door with the name Spender marked on it and the dates 1950-1978 under that.
The next afternoon, Whitie did some target practice in one of the dead cities, shooting out the crystal windows and blowing the tops off the fragile towers. The captain caught Whitie and knocked his teeth out.
From The Immeasurable Horror (1931), narrating the Second Venusian Expedition:
In 1979 we went back, more fully equipped for all contingencies this time, and landed on a high plateau near the equator.
From The Earth Killers (1949): 17th July is B-Day - the "Bomb Day" when the USA suffers a nuclear attack; 40 million people killed.
The first expedition to the Moon [The Moon is Hell (1951)].
Kenneth Farrow, volunteer for Operation Groundhog, is subjected to an experiment in suspended animation, which is expected to last a few months. >> see 2084.
[Planet of Exile (1958)]
Airman Price is attacked and thrown through time at the start of the assault mounted on Earth by the alien Ei [Citadel of the Star Lords (1956)].
A hostile alien invasion is (possibly) thwarted by a ruthless general -
General Paul T Tredway was an arrogant man with the unforgivable gift of always being right. When the object came out of the sky in the late spring of 1979, it was General Tredway who made all of the decisions concerning it...
[Day of Succession (1959)].
An unfortunate case of mistaken identity occurs in Bath, Somerset, when a hired "Rentarobot" is mistaken for its vacationing owner. [Robot's Dozen (1966)]
The year of the secret Venusian invasion of Earth, in Three to Conquer (1956).
It was also, in Master of the Asteroid (1932), the year of the disappearance of the Selenite,
...the first known rocket ship to dare the zone of the asteroids.
At the time of its disappearance, fifty years ago, in 1980, a dozen voyages had been made to Mars and a rocket base had been established in Syrtis Major...
In 1980 was passed the UN Extraterrestrial Protection Act [The Sky People (2006), p108].
On page 40 of The Simulacra (1964) we learn that the "fracas of 1980" saw the Oregon-North California region hit by Red Chinese guided nuclear missiles.
From The Universe Maker (1953):
"We Shadows," she began, "are trying to undo the effects of the psychological disaster that demoralized the human race, beginning in the Twentieth Century. The pressure of civilization was apparently too much for millions of people. Everywhere men sought to escape and they found the means late in 1980 in the newly invented floaters....
From an article in Captain Future Spring 1941:
...The Mercurians had attained a certain civilization before ever the first Earthmen had opened the spaceways and visited the planet, in 1980. They did not have the mighty past of the Martians, but they had achieved progress commensurate with their numbers...
From The Murgatroyd Experiment (1929) - ref. 1967 and 1978: End of the world war of 1967-80.
A sudden hatred of war swept over Africa and the Orient and since the primary cause of the conflict, the overpopulation of the world had been removed by the high mortality of the conflict, the weary world was glad to accept his teaching and in 1980, the nations laid aside their arms and peace again reigned.
First trip to Venus - in spaceship Astarte whose log is found over a century later in Space Cadet (1948).
First trip to Mars - when the Gloria Mundi blasts off from Salisbury Plain [Stowaway to Mars (1936), p.31].
The few hardy souls who had elected to spend the night upon the open inhospitality of Salisbury Plain slept no later than dawn upon the morning of the twelfth of October, 1981, for it was with the first rays of sunlight that the influx which would last all day began...
"...yet space has been dead since Titan Station was set up in 1981. Why?"
[Year 2018! (1957)]
The premature explosion of the seventeenth Mars-rocket ushered in the year 1982... [Dreadful Sanctuary (1948)]
Birth of Susan Calvin [I, Robot (1950)].
The fake documentaries by Gottlieb Fischer revise history to exculpate the Third Reich -
...Because in 1982, Germany was once again a world power... [The Penultimate Truth (1964)].
...They were used to being frisked, ever since that fanatic Alaska nationalist publisher emptied a .32 at then-President Hutzmeyer in '83... [Critical Mass (1962)]
First expedition to Mars, according to Transit of Earth (1971).
First expedition to Ganymede, according to Farmer in the Sky (1950).
From History Lesson (1949)]:
...a strangely shaped piece of metal, showing the coloration of intense heat. It was, in its way, the most pathetic of all these symbols from the past, for it told of Man's greatest achievement and of the future he might have known. The mahogany stand on which it was mounted bore a silver plate with the inscription:
Auxiliary igniter from starboard jet of spaceship.
Morning Star, Earth-Moon, A D 1985
The new "Democratic Socialist Party of Great Britain" wins the general election of 1985 in the imagined future of The Country of the Mind (1975).
Merger of the Democrat and Republican parties in "about 1985" [The Simulacra (1964)]:
...Now there was just the one party... and everyone, by law, belonged to it...
First permanent Space Station [Spy in Space (1977)].
11 July 1987, at Bridport, Wisconsin: John H Sutton writes the letter that will be found by his remote descendant Asher Sutton over six thousand years later, in 7990, setting in train a series of events in the time-war between supporters and opponents of Asher Sutton's idea of universal destiny. [Time And Again (1951)]
...We were reviewing events after the war between the Russo-Anglo-American Alliance and the Chinese Hegemony, 1987 and following...
[Starship Troopers (1960)]
"...The Treaty of Santa Fe, signed at the ancient New Mexican city in 1987, partitioned the Solar System. Venus was granted to the Sino-Nipponese Empire, which America had re-established after World War III. Mars was assigned to the Western Union of Europe, then dominated by Germany. The satellites of Jupiter, believed to be unreachable and absolutely valueless, went as a contemptuous sop to Russia, which had been too far enfeebled by war and its own Soviet rule to resent such an insult. Luna alone was reserved for America..."
[Seetee Shock (1949,1950)]
"First," he said, "read me the Pigeon Report - you know, from the Brief History. I want to see if I remember it right."
"Chapter Two," said the voice promptly. "First contact with a non-Solar intelligence was made by Commander Ralph C. Pigeon on July 1st, 1987, during an emergency landing on Titan..."
[Stranger Station (1956)]
A Citadel of human knowledge, built in New York, its purpose being to preserve Earth's heritage in advance of the disaster that will overtake the planet when a massive body has intruded into the Solar System, may have been established in 1987, to judge from a reference in chapter 1 of The Citadel of Lost Ages [1950], in which a distant descendant of a witness of the scene is forced to recall it via ancestral memory:
"Tell me the year, Fenway. The year!"
He said uncertainly, "The year I was born, the year I married, the year my son was born. The year, this year. I don't... Yes, nineteen hundred and eighty-seven."
He was tired. The voice was growing faint, the restful dark increasing...
Mr Yee migrates to Mars to set up his machine-repair business [Martian Time-Slip (1964), p.20].
April 3rd: during a world war, a "fight to the death between the white and yellow races", there's trouble in a lab in the Rockies, where Professor Laura Hart has accelerated plant evolution to replace warlike humanity with a supposedly more peaceful species... [The Bloodless Peril (1937)]
Appalled by the news of a nuclear attack on Damascus, mathematician Lucas Hutchman decides to build a "neutron resonator" with which he can force all world governments to disassemble and abandon all nuclear weapons. His communication to world leaders includes a description of the device, which is able to cause detonation of every nuclear device on the planet, information that the contraption already exists, and an ultimatum that it will be activated at noon GMT on 10th November 1988. "YOU MUST NOW ACT ACCORDINGLY!" [The Peace Machine (1971, 1985)]
...a secret Department of Defence study, Project BARSOOM, which had been carried out by Harvard's School of Psychology in 1989. In this experiment in controlled sociology, various sample populations had been assured that the human race had made contact with extraterrestrials....
[2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)]
In Indoctrinaire (1970, 1979), 1989 is the year of World War Three:
In July 1989... the first stage of the war took place when the post-revolutionary Cuban society invaded the south-eastern tip of the United States... For eight incredible days, the tiny force of Cubans, representing virtually the whole of the country's armed forces, had fought their way three hundred miles up the Floriday peninsula. Cape Canaveral had fallen to them, and the space-centre destroyed. Finally, in a massive counter-attack, in which the Americans had used almost every kind of weapon available to them, the invasion force had been wiped out...
Pluto at perihelion. The first expedition to land there. [Wait it Out (1968)]
June 1990: Roger and Elaine Newton, hunted by bad guys who want to steal Newton's inventions, decide to seek refuge on the Moon. Elaine is pregnant with the son who will become Captain Future. See chapter 2 of Captain Future and the Space Emperor (1939, 1967). (Interestingly, although there are planetary colonies, the Moon has been left alone so far, being considered useless.)
"Ten weeks later" they set off for the Moon. And there, "a little later" (i.e. probably still in 1990), their baby boy Curtis is born.
The idea of the "dude farm" is put forward as a way of preserving old ways in an age of mechanisation. [City (1952), p.31]
Expedition led by the Cornell brothers sets out for Pluto [The Plutonian Drug (1934)]. (Returns in 1996.)
Round about this year, according to The Simulacra (1964), p.20, the position of First Lady begins to assume a stature greater than that of the President.
A hundred years further on, in 2090, the house of Claus Coman in A Man of Double Deed (1965) is an ancient but well-preserved relic of the days before the Atomic Disaster of 1990.
Geological upheavals hugely damage the Earth, setting the scene for Mal Irish's adventure the following year in Catastrophe Planet (1966):
"...The fall of '90. I was on satellite duty on Sheppard Platform when the first quake hit. We saw it all from up there - the smoke on the day side and the thousand-mile fires at night. They gave the order to evacuate the station - I never knew why."
"Pressure from Moscow," I told him. "They thought we were doing it."
"Sure. Everybody panicked. I guess we did, too. Our shuttle made a bad landing west of Havana. I was one of three survivors. Spent a few days at Key West; then they flew me in to Washington. Hell of a sight. Ruins, fires, the Potomac out of its banks, meandering across Pennsylvania, the Washington Monument sticking up out of twenty feet of water, the capitol dome down, a baby volcano building up where Mount Vernon used to be - "
The World Almanac for 1990 is accidentally left in the past but is recovered by time-agent "Boyne" [Of Time and Third Avenue (1951)].
The Great Supernova of 1991 [The Crucible of Power (1939)]
Mal Irish's adventure on a wrecked Earth which is threatened further by aliens beneath the Antarctic [Catastrophe Planet (1966)].
From The Shadow of Heaven (1969):
...In 1992, almost a century ago, World War III had come and gone, and none of the theoreticians had been able to predict what form it would take. It had always been assumed that the Big War would annihilate most of the population and turn the major countries into vast uninhabited areas similar to what they had been in pre-history. That had been the first misconception. Humanity had survived practically unscathed - the only real casualty had been the land itself.
The second mistake had been in the assumption that - if war came - America, Russia and China would fight it out among themselves in one or another of the few simple permutations possible. In the real event, America, Russia, and China had found themselves on the same side; and they never did find out for certain who the opposition was. The enemy had assembled his forces, struck, and retired to safety before any of the Big Three discovered the war had started.
The first indication had come when the soil began to die...
From The Zap Gun (1967), p.51:
"...You know perfectly well, as any sane human would, that there is absolutely no argument for producing genuine weapons, either in Wes-bloc or Peep-East. Mankind was saved from destruction when the two monoliths secretly met at plenipotentiary level in Fairfax, Iceland, in 1992, to agree on the "plowsharing" principle..." (>>2004)
The narrative of Ubik (1969) begins at the moment when an organization of "inertials" (nullifiers of psi powers) loses tract of an opponent:
At three-thirty A.M. on the night of 5 June 1992, the top telepath in the Sol System fell off the map in the offices of Runciter Associates in New York City. That started vidphones ringing. The Runciter organization had lost track of too many of Hollis' Psis during the last two months; this added disappearance wouldn't do...
Runciter himself, seeking advice, goes to consult his dead wife Ella, who is being kept in a state of "half-life" in cold-pac in the Beloved Brethren Moratorium in Zürich...
Last Call for Doomsday (1956) tells what happens after it is realized in 1992 that the asteroid Nereus will hit the Earth in 1997:
...the first mathematical formulae of doom came out on the calculator printing-tape. Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin, spelled out in an equation...
"In five years, the eccentricity of the asteroid Nereus will bring it finally across Earth's orbit at a point where it will collide with Earth. This collision will make our planet uninhabitable..."
A "cosmoquake" is caused by the gravitational backwash of passing alien interstellar craft:
...Speaking roughly, for one and a half seconds at 14:06 Greenwich mean time of May 1, 1992, everybody on nearly all the northern hemisphere felt the ground seem to drop away underfoot in a slanting direction... [Things Pass By]
Maurice Gray, a colonist on Mars, thinks back to this year of the global catastrophe on the world he left behind:
...Absently he worked out the date of the Seven Days' War, and reckoned it as 1992 on the old calendar. It had been started by one of the usual minor frontier incidents, but the underlying causes of it went deeper than that, and there were suggestions that a group of ruthless, ambitious plotters had tried to seize control, failing only because of a last-minute leak in their plans. At any rate, nuclear bombs had fallen upon several of the world's leading cities...
[Raiders of Mars (1959)]
In 1993 President Moraga signed into law the bill that terminated American economic development on Luna... [Time Out of Joint (1959)]
...in 1993 an Australian scientist had stumbled on the force field and, almost by accident, given mankind the stars... [Takeover Bid (1965)]
...The cloud of anti-neutrinos was first observed crossing the orbit of Jupiter on the third day of January, 1993 - and, because of the extreme difficulty of detecting its existence at all, the astronomers were quite content to use the term 'cloud' in their early reports. It was not until a month had passed that they dropped the word and inserted in its place the more accurate, though highly emotive, phrase 'rogue planet'... [A Wreath of Stars (1976)]
Later, as she sat in her robe at the kitchen table drinking coffee, her plate of toast and apple-sauce before her, she looked out on the sight of the ditch-rider arriving in his little flat-bottom boat which put-putted up the canal in its official way, never hurrying and yet always arriving on schedule. This was 1994, the second week in August. They had waited eleven days, and now they would receive their share of water from the great ditch which passed by their line of houses a mile to the Martian north. [Martian Time-Slip (1964), p.16]
...In February of 1994 a battle broke out at Base One, the nominal capital of the Lunar colonies. Soldiers from the nearby missile base were set upon by colonists, and a five-hour pitched encounter was fought. That night, special troop-transporting ships left Earth for Luna... [Time Out of Joint (1959)]
Australia, population 35 million, is on the threshold of discovering a means of interstellar travel. Col. Peter Chart, R.A.A.F., takes off in a force-bubble at near-light speed, and is physically recovered but catatonic...
...Nobody had bargained for the immense expansion that would follow the opening up of Australia to Asian immigrants and the impetus this would give to the development of the inland desert. Up to 1970 settlement was in most cases confined to a narrow strip of coastline seldom more than one hundred miles wide. Now, in 1994, there were market gardens in the far west where once a farmer had been lucky to graze two sheep to the acre, and they were well on their way to planting wheat where Lake Eyre had once turned a white mirror of dried salt to the sun. [Takeover Bid (1965)]
The Neptunians begin to tamper with the rotation of the Sun:
It was on the third day of May, 1994, that the world received its first news of the strange behavior of the sun... [The Universe Wreckers (1930)]
West Germany enters the Union as the 53rd of the United States in 1994 according to page 25 of The Simulacra (1964).
Astronomers observing Mercury detect an apparently artificial structure at the planet's north pole [Fire Pattern (1984)].
4th April: first encounter between security agent Cussick and the future world-dictator Floyd Jones [The World Jones Made (1956)].
He always remembered that day; the spring air was cool and full of new growth. The war had ended the year before.
...In those days he had been idealistic... the task of suppressing extremist political and religious sentiment had, in 1995, seemed merely bureaucratic...
6th June: Harold Newman, incompetent bank clerk, is having a bad day.
...His trouble wasn't only headaches. Nervousness made him acutely error-prone. While the other clerks confidently balanced their cash, he lost himself in a confusion of figures...
...We're near the end of the century, thought Newman. More than three hundred years of Banking without any fundamental change in Banking methods. Travel and transport has been revolutionised: the face of the earth changed... But with the persistence of Time, Banking had endured, unchanged and inexorable...
Shortly afterwards Newman suffers a "blinding shaft of agony" as a prelude to a vast increase in his brain-power - because, unbeknownst to him, he was operated on as a baby by an illegal time-traveller from centuries in the future. (The change in Newman comes just in time - for a few days later he's needed in order to save the world.) [One Against Time (1969)]
Johnny Dahlquist foils an attempt by his superiors in the Interplanetary Patrol to stage a coup d'état. [The Long Watch (1949); date given in Space Cadet.]
The January 14, 1996 copy of Time has a picture of a world-saver on the cover and his biography inside - while the man himself had believed he was living in 1959 [Time Out of Joint (1959)]:
Long-delayed return of the 1990 Pluto expedition:
"...forlorn, frozen Pluto, which only one terrestrial expedition has so far visited - the expedition led by the Cornell brothers, John and Augustine, which started in 1990 and did not return to earth till 1996, when nearly everyone had given it up as lost. John, as you may have heard, died during the returning voyage, together with half the personnel of the expedition: and the others reached earth with only one reserve oxygen-tank remaining..." [The Plutonian Drug (1934)]
...If only Crockhouse had been elected in '96 instead of Braden, with his packed ballots in Indiana and Puerto Rico! [Critical Mass (1962)]
Expedition to Mercury to investigate what to telescopic observers seems like an artificial alien object [Fire Pattern (1984)].
Expedition into the Mare Crisium:
...the Sea of Crises. Three hundred miles in diameter - and almost completely surrounded by a ring of magnificent mountains, it had never been explored until we entered it in the late summer of 1996.
Our expedition was a large one. We had two heavy freighters which had flown our supplies and equipment from the main lunar base in the Mare Serenitatis, five hundred miles away...
[The Sentinel (1951)]
The first space flight was made by Robert Roth in 1996. Roth visited Venus and Mars...
[The Three Planeteers (1940)]
5th February... Inventor Gibbs attained near perfection with a perpetual motion machine using the anti-friction electronic grid that is now an integral part of industry...
[One Against Time (1969), p.71]
By means of an electronic probe, Gilbert Austin and Wolfgang Reich discover the ruins of Kadath two miles below the surface of Karatepe, Turkey. [The Mind Parasites (1967), p.36]
Headline, 7th April 1997:
[Time Out of Joint (1959), p.119]
Revolution in Saudi Arabia [The Ceres Solution (1981), p.50].
The birth of Hal 9000:
"I am a Hal Nine Thousand computer, Production Number 3. I became operational at the Hal plant in Urbana, Illinois on January 12, 1997..."
[2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)]
From the blurb on the back cover of my copy of Project Jupiter (1958):
The year is 1997, and the Moon, Mars and Venus have already been conquered. Jupiter is the next goal, but the money for the expedition must come from Congress and there is tremendous opposition being offered by the conservationists who are very earthbound in their views.
Max Andrews, the rocket mechanic who wants to be director of the expedition, and Ellen Gallagher, the senator from California who introduces the Bill into Congress, are the main characters of this story. They are average human beings who have the DREAM - the Dream to conquer the stars.
The asteroid Nereus hits the Earth [Last Call for Doomsday (1956)].
The action of Raiders of Mars (1959) takes place in this year, to judge from the reference on page 8 which says the Seven Days' War of 1992 was five years ago. Now, villains who were responsible for that disaster are thwarted from controlling the colonies on Mars. The book ends thus: "...This is our world, and it's going to stay as we planned it. Men on Earth seem to have done their best to make a mess of things - but we won't make the same mistakes on Mars."
The Falling Sickness first attacked workers in a Greenland radium mine, in 1998. [The Crucible of Power (1939)]
"Upon the 14th of April, AD 1998, all was prepared for the great test. My financial affairs had been settled with an eye to the future in more ways than one. The time-travel room, lavishly set with windows and looking like a very large telephone kiosk, stood waiting in the middle of Farmer Wright's field. As I walked towards it, not knowing what Fate held in store for me, I thought what an incongruous object it looked standing amid the furrows. Without the slightest hesitation, I unlocked the door, stepped inside and relocked it, started the air-purifying apparatus, took one last look at Earth, fresh with the aura of spring, and closed the projector switch..." [Seeker of Tomorrow (1937)]
Shipping people between planets was expensive, even in this year of grace 1998... [Swords of Zar-Tu-Kan (2013)]
Ragle Gumm finds out it's not 1959 [Time Out of Joint (1959)]
The third expedition of Mark Carew [Treasure on Thunder Moon (1942)].
Events on the infra-Mercurian planet described in The Terrors of Aryl (1931) - see the extract, Optical Illusions on Vulcan:
...Lately the perihelion excursions have made the peculiar and terrifying atmospheric conditions of Aryl familiar to thousands of Terrestrials, but in 1998 this strange planet, whirling dizzily around the sun inside the orbit of Mercury, was practically unexplored...
The first two expeditions to Mars - as told in The Martian Chronicles (1950) - come to grief.
Thorn Laurel, father of Aline Laurel, is killed around Uranus [Treasure on Thunder Moon (1942)].
From The Mind Parasites (1967):
...Without consulting anyone about it, a group of five hundred of us decided that the moon would have to be detached from earth's gravitational field. We commenced work on this operation in January 1999...
"Lovecraft and the Kadath Inscriptions", a lecture delivered by Dr Gilbert Austin before the New York Historical Society on 18th June, 1999. - footnote in The Mind Parasites (1967).
Date of the Saturnian visit to Earth in Crisis 2000 (1959).
We read in The Martian Chronicles (1950) how the Third Expedition to Mars, in April 2000, is bamboozled by the Martians.
22 Feb: date of Moon's departure from Earth orbit, in The Mind Parasites (1967).
The year of 2001 - A Space Odyssey (1968). In other words, the first expedition to the environs of Saturn (according to the book) or Jupiter (according to the film). (This tale is only borderline OSS - I include it here because after all its expectations do shed some light on the Old Space Program.)
According to The Martian Chronicles (1950) the Fourth Expedition to Mars, in June 2001, finds that the Martians have been more or less wiped out by disease brought by previous Earth expeditions.
Second space flight, in which Robert Roth visits Jupiter and Saturn, but crashes upon his return to Earth, and lives only two days. [The Three Planeteers (1940)]
The rise of Jones to power [The World Jones Made (1956)].
Gretana ty Iltha, from the plan Mollan, arrives secretly on Earth:
This is May 10th, 2002 AD. I am Greta Rushton, aged twenty-one, unmarried, American citizen, but grew up in Aberdeen, Scotland - which accounts for any atypical features of my accent or unfamiliarity with current American usage. My father was an oil company executive. Both he and my mother were killed in the Saudi Arabian revolution of 1997, but their overseas investments provide me with an adequate income which lets me indulge my interest in travel...
The Ceres Solution (1981), p.50
Dr Egon Klementi of the Prague Institute conducts a physics experiment which has a chaotic ripple effect forwards and backwards in Time. One result in this same year is to effect an exchange of bodies between a journalist, Martin Naumchik, and an extraterrestrial biped in the Berlin Zoo. (For another effect, see Grimaldi.)
[The Other Foot (1965)] (See also 3019)
...the great Witness Revival of 2003... [Bridge (1952)]
From I, Robot (1950):
of the world governments banned robot use on Earth for any purpose
other than scientific research between 2003 and 2007...
From Seeker of Tomorrow (1937): re the Dublin-New York rocket flight of 2004: "Not to be outdone, another fool starts out from Dublin and plunges clean through a skyscraper in New York, smearing himself all - "
In 2004 the child-cripple Denny Hargate has his first, apparently magical, glimpse of the interstellar traveller Gretana at Cotter's Edge [The Ceres Solution (1981), prologue].
[ibid., page 58:]
Spring came early in 2004, bringing unconscious relief from a hard winter in which power cuts and commodity shortages had been particularly severe...
...he recalled the day his l-p record collection had fused together in a lump, back around '04, due to a momentary failure of the building's cooling network...
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (1964)
In The Zap Gun (1967) the Cold War is now a pretence carried out by the governments of Wes-bloc and Peep-East whose weapons-design projects are secretly "ploughshared" into consumer products:
..."Look," he said, this time gently, as if the autonomic interviewer were really alive and not merely an arbitrarily endowed sentient concoction of Wes-block technology of A.D. 2004...
War on Earth causes most settlers on Mars to head back to the home planet - The Martian Chronicles (1950).
In August, a meeting in New York which has fateful consequences:
...Out of the infinite combinations there must always come the point at which Van Field Ruyter stood by the master control in the year 2005. It would be so forever and forever. And forever and forever would Stanley King and Merl Hudson, torn from their rightful lives, be sundered and dispersed, partaking of all possible experience, until again they were returned to that inevitable moment in the year 2005, when the cycle would begin all over without end -
[Finality Unlimited (1936)]
Invasion of Earth by parasites from Titan [The Puppet Masters (1951)]:
For me it started too early on July 12th, '07, with my phone shrilling in a frequency guaranteed to peel off the skull. The sort of phone my Section uses is not standard; the audio relay was buried surgically under the skin back of my left ear - bone conduction. I felt around my person, then recalled that I had left it in my jacket across the room. 'All right,' I growled. 'I hear you. Shut off that damned noise.'
'Emergency,' a voice said in my ear. 'Report in person.'
From Seeker of Tomorrow (1937): DAILY VOICE headline of May 22, 2007: NEW ROCKET RECORD - TO N.Z. IN EIGHTEEN HOURS.
2 Feb: Spaceship Pallas departs for Pluto [The Mind Parasites (1967)]
From I, Robot (1950):
...Most of the world governments banned robot use on Earth for any purpose other than scientific research between 2003 and 2007...
Susan Calvin obtains her Ph.D. and joins U.S.Robots as a "robopsychologist" [I, Robot (1950)].
Norman Muller is selected by Multivac as the statistically average voter to stand in for the entire electorate:
...The historians would speak soberly of the Muller Election of 2008. That would be its name, the Muller Election.
The publicity, the better job, the flash flood of money that interested Sarah so much, occupied only a corner of his mind. It would all be welcome, of course. He couldn't refuse it. But at the moment something else was beginning to concern him.
A latent patriotism was stirring. After all, he was representing the entire electorate. He was the focal point for them. He was, in his own person, for this one day, all of America!
[Franchise (1955)]
In 2010 A.D. it was estimated that nineteen million people in the United States had become floaters or Planiacs. The stay-at-home majority was shocked and economists predicted disaster for the land unless something was done to bring the skyriding population back to earth... [The Universe Maker (1953)]
(see 2012)
The public are ordered down into underground "ant tanks" to shelter from nuclear war [The Penultimate Truth (1964) - for example the
...Tom Mix World War Three anti-septic subsurface communal living tank, established in June of 2010 A.D.... >> See 2025.
Time-liaison between a film projector of 2011 and one of 1946. [Film Library (1946)]
July 7th: Matthew Greville approaches Chelsea Bridge again, for sentimental reasons, forty years after his insane car crash, during which time he has risen to leadership of the Western Republic.
The Thames was blue.
A blue river! He had seen plenty of blue rivers in the last twenty years. But somehow he had never expected that the Thames could turn blue once more. But having been free from industrial pollution for nearly forty years, what other colour could it be?
He was amazed and enchanted.
Greville turned his attention to the bridge. It was falling to pieces...
[All Fool's Day (1966)]
From The Universe Maker (1953):
(see 2010) When a hard-pressed Congress in 2012 tried to pass a law restricting sky-riding to vacations only, it was too late. The voting power of the Planiacs frightened the house majority, and thereafter the floaters - who had themselves received a big scare - were a political force to be reckoned with...
From Trouble with Time (1960):
...It bore the certificate of the Mars Bureau of Antiquities, guaranteeing that "this full-scale reproduction is an exact copy of the so-called Siren Goddess, discovered in the Mare Sirenum by the Third Expedition, A.D. 2012 (A.M.23)".
Attack from the [fictional] super-dense Jovian moon, Phorgos.
The first outbreak of the fire-rain occurred in a farming section of the Eastern Atlantic seaboard, not far from the Virginia Capes on the night of June 14th, 2013...
[Rain of Fire (1942)]
From chapter 1 of The Moon Maid (1923):
In 2015 Mars had dispatched a ship for Earth with a crew of five men provisioned for ten years. It was hoped that with good luck the trip might be made in something less than five years, as the craft had developed an actual trip speed of one thousand miles per hour. At the time of my graduation the ship was already off its course almost a million miles and generally conceded to be hopelessly lost.
From I, Robot (1950):
...it was in 2015 that the Second Mercury Expedition was sent out. It was exploratory and financed in part by U.S.Robots and in part by Solar Minerals...
In Sinister Barrier (1939) the Vitons, parasitic energy beings who have preyed on humanity since time immemorial, are exposed and defeated in 2015:
"Swift death awaits the first cow that leads a revolt against milking," mused Professor Peder Bjornson. It was a new slant, and a wicked one, born of dreadful facts...
...Halfway to the door he emitted a brief gasp, stumbled, fell... The date was May the seventeenth, 2015.
"Hoopla," Leo ejaculated, impressed despite himself. He read it again. And again. "I wonder," he said, half to himself, "if Palmer's seen this..."
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldtritch (1964), p.97
Accidental blastoff of the Ark II, headed for Alpha Centauri, on 14 September 2016, with a crew of children (their parents were due to join the ship the next morning).
[Flight of the Ark II (1956)]
Construction begins of a research station on the second satellite of Proserpina, the outermost planet of the Solar System. [A Life for the Stars (1962), p59.]
10 Feb: Captain James Ramsay sets out for Pluto to seek for traces of the Pallas [The Mind Parasites (1967)]; see 2007.
From The Shape of Things to Come (1933):
...Three schools, the Unamuno Foundation of Coimbra, the Columbia University of New York, and the Tokio Social College, accounted for more than a third of the World Council in 2017.
Also from The Shape of Things to Come, p365:
..."We do not suppress individuality; we do not destroy freedom; we destroy obsessions and remove temptations. The world is still full of misleading doctrines, dangerous imitations and treacherous suggestions, and so it is the duty of government to erase these"; so ran the uncompromising memorandum issued by the Educational Council in 2017...
The bronze bell on Sri Kanda
...tolled once, without human aid, during the great earthquake of 2017.
[The Fountains of Paradise (1978)]
2 March: The Pallas is found, deserted, floating about 2 million miles from Pluto [The Mind Parasites (1967)]
Epic voyage of the spaceship Meteor to find the levium deposit on Oberon [Treasure on Thunder Moon (1942)].
On the first mission to Mars, all the explorers except one are killed by a mysterious vortex in Cydonia. Months later a second mission follows... [Mission to Mars (film, 2000)]
2020 is also the year of the first man on Mars in Red Mars (1992).
Liar! - the episode of Herbie the mind-reading construct [I, Robot (1950)].
From The Ceres Solution (1981):
The single Aristotle space habitat, completed in 2021, had been built in the form of a cone - a shape which provided environments with different gravities.
Among those benefiting from the conical configuration had been medical researchers, who were grateful for the opportunity to study the effect of low-gravity conditions on patients with certain types of cardiac trouble. They had been given their own facilities in the 0.3G and 0.5G bands on condition that all patients who were fit enough would accept jobs in the zero-gravity production areas...
From Trapped on Titan (1940):
"What's the name of this blob in the cosmos that we're hanging over?" Chadwick asked.
"Titan," Sands replied. Then he picked up an interplanetary pilot guide, thumbing through it. "To give it the way the book does," he announced. "Titan zoned area, one of the satellites of Saturn. Climatically uninhabitable, this world was deserted in 2021 when its radium deposits were exhausted."
The chubby pilot closed the book and looked at his companion.
"Hell," Chadwick replied sourly...
From the epilogue to The Black Cloud (1957): On 17 January 2021 "J.B." is left wondering whether to disseminate the code which will allow resumption of communication with the Cloud.
The Second Sleep (2019) quotes a letter of warning - soon borne out by events - sent to a number of high-placed individuals on 22nd March 2022:
...Three months ago I formed, with a group of like-minded colleagues, a working party to consider what contingency measures should be taken to prepare for a systemic collapse of technical civilisation...
...We regard our society as having reached a level of sophistication that renders it uniquely vulnerable to total collapse. The gravity of the threat has increased vastly since 2000, with the transfer of so much economic and social activity to cyberspace...
From The Transfinite Choice (1966):
...In February A.D. 2021 in the same continuum, just before the Second World Famine, the newscasts were full of the death of Naverson Builth, the brilliant young researcher struck down by a once-famous accident at the great accelerator, who had liven on in a permanent coma for 49 years, kept alive by modern medical science... [>> 2346 and 2395]
...And Vince would have been in on Maury Frauenzimmer's scheme, put by Maury to Sepp von Lessinger in person at a conference of ersatz engineers in New York in 2023, to make use of von Lessinger's time travel experiments to send a psychiatrist back to 1925 to cure Führer Hitler of his paranoia...
The Simulacra (1964), p.44
The generally accepted reality of AD 2024 was one which contained and also was bounded by things like energy crises, the third world war which seemed both inevitable and imminent, attritive strikes, terrorism, failing resources, social decay, famine, and advertising campaigns for children's knife-proof undergarments...
The Ceres Solution (1981).p.33
From chapter 1 of The Moon Maid (1923), describing the launch of the first spaceship to attempt to reach Mars from Earth:
Our estates were taken under trusteeship by the government. Our farewells were made at an elaborate ball at the White House on December 24, 2025, and on Christmas Day we rose from the landing stage at which The Barsoom had been moored, and amid the blare of bands and the shouting of thousands of our fellow-countrymen we arose majestically into the blue.
The main part of the action of The Ceres Solution (1981) takes place in 2025.
...She breakfasted early and spent an hour conscientiously absorbing TV newscasts, with special emphasis on her part of the United States and how its inhabitants were responding to their physical, political and cultural environment in the year AD 2025. The international news was no worse than usual - the smallpox outbreak in the Netherlands was being brought under control; Sarawak had tested a second fusion device in spite of protests from neighbouring countries; preliminary reports were coming in of some kind of major mishap on the Aristotle space colony; and Britain had introduced sugar rationing for a trial period of three months. In the U.S.A. the steel, coal and dock strikes were close to being settled, but there had been setbacks in the negotiations on the power workers' and the hospital staffs' pay claims; California police had discovered a partially-completed high-megaton bomb in an underground cavern close to the centre of the Palmdale bulge; in Flint, Michigan, the owner of a sporting goods store had killed his wife by tying her to a chair and hurling a total of 381 darts at her. And in the Annapolis area, because of a westerly wind, temperatures were comparatively high and the radiation count comparatively low.
Gretana took in the news with the practised indifference which preserved her sanity...
A secret society which aims to change past history, so as to prevent World War One, makes use of a predicted temporal anomaly, described in one of Sir Isaac Newton's secret papers, which allows a person at a specified location in Constantinople to be sent back from 2025 to 1914...
...In the early hours of the morning of 31 May 2025, Hugh Stanton left Trinity College Cambridge in a small motorcade which he was surprised to see was travelling with a police escort. The Companions of Chronos might have been past their prime but they clearly still counted some pretty influential people among their members.
"Best to be safe," McCluskey said. "Imagine, Isaac Newton arranges a time-precise rendezvous with history across a distance of three hundred years and we miss it because we're stuck in traffic..."
Time and Time Again (2014)
The action of The Penultimate Truth (1964) takes place in 2025. The great deception - the pretence that World War Three is continuing, when it fact it has finished a decade ago - finally ends, to be replaced with further deception...
Lucas Garner reminisces about robot waiters in "around 2025" in Intent to Deceive (1968).
...They were just introducing automated restaurants...
With regard to an intruding star approaching the solar system, first detected in the 20th century:
...Of course, it wasn't clear to begin with just how close Helios would approach the Sun. The target area was very small, so that small errors of measurement led to big errors in the answers... Then a half century of unremitting effort showed that the approach was to be a good deal nearer than this. By the year 2025 the best estimate was a thousand astronomical units, 961 to be precise...
[Fifth Planet (1963), p.14]
Sabotage of The Barsoom; forced landing in the Moon's interior. - See The Moon Maid (1923), chapters 1-2.
According to The Martian Chronicles (1950) a trickle of settlers return to Mars from war-torn Earth, and begin to realize that they are the Martians now.
The first colonizing venture leaves Earth for Mars:
They floated weightlessly around the room. December 21st, 2026: they were moving faster than anyone in history. They were on their way. It was the beginning of a nine-month voyage - or of a voyage that would last the rest of their lives. They were on their own.
[Red Mars (1992), p.28]
Theft of the Earth:
A great year: The year of the first landings on the Runaway Planet that had come blundering into the solar system. Maybe those landings were a mistake - although they were a very great triumph, too; but maybe if it hadn't been for the landings, the Runaway Planet might have run right through the ecliptic and away.
However, the triumphal mistake was made, and that was the first time a human eye saw a Pyramid.
Shortly after - though not before a radio message was sent - that human winked out forever... The next thing that happened... astronomers all over the Earth reported and confirmed the astonishing fact that our planet was on the move... [Wolfbane (1959)]
9 September 2027: Victor Hunt's arrival at Houston - to investigate the Lunarian mystery. [Inherit the Stars (1977), p.101]
The "first hundred" (colonists) land on Mars [Red Mars (1992)].
14 October 2028: Front page feature of the New York Times,
Did Nuclear War Destroy Minerva?
...A tenth planet, christened Minerva after the Roman goddess of wisdom, is now known to have existed approximately 250 million miles from the Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter... [Inherit the Stars (1977), p.104]
20 November 2029: Victor Hunt's report from Ganymede, setting out the solution to the mystery of the Lunarians/Minervans. [Inherit the Stars (1977), p.190-200]
The evasion tactics of the modified Nestor 10 as described in Little Lost Robot (1947).
The first lunar base is established, in the crater Ptolemaeus - see Timeliner (1955).
Mayoralty campaign of Stephen Byerley, who is accused by opponents of being a robot [I, Robot (1950)].
Discovery of the singularity near Lyon, France, which allows passage back six million years through time [The Many-Coloured Land (1981)].
From The Comedian's Children (1958) in which a voyager to Iapetus crash-lands on his return and releases a plague:
The quiet third of the Twenty-First Century came to an end at ten o'clock on the morning of May 17, 2034, with the return to earth of a modified Fafnir space cruiser under the command of Capt. Avery Swope. Perhaps in an earlier or a later day, the visitation which began on the above date might have had less effect. But the earth was lulled and content with itself, and for good reason - international rivalries having reverted to the football fields and tennis courts, an intelligent balance of trade and redistribution of agriculture and industry having been achieved...
Hugh Macklin, victim of a deliberate "accident" in a 1959 experiment in "dimensional quadrature", awakes on the Moon in another man's body.
...Macklin said: "You don't seem to realize, Doc, that I'm not the same person, mentally. I'm Hugh Macklin. You say this is the year 2035. Well, a few hours ago I was in 1959"
"But you are Eddie Rayner. I've known you for many years."
Macklin sighed. "This may be Eddie Rayner's body," he explained patiently, "but I'm someone else. You must believe me."
The doctor stood up and shook his head. "It could be a form of schizophrenia..."
[Timeliner (1955).]
Return of Julian 5th to Earth; birth of Julian 6th. - See the last page of The Moon Maid (1923).
'"Introduction - the Role of the Western in the Age of Space. By Karl Adams, Professor of English. Being based on the 2037 Kingsley Amis Seminars in Criticism at the University of Chicago..."' [A Fall of Moondust (1961), p.55]
Misguided revolt against the Vurna, who are protecting Earth against the Ei [Citadel of the Star Lords (1956)].
A benefit concert "before fifty Negro millionaires... the funds raised went to help with Afro Moslem lunar type colonization" [The Simulacra (1964)].
The first time-tripper to use the time-portal, discovered in 2034, which gives one-way access to the Pliocene [The Many-Coloured Land (1981)].
..."You spoke of business, Monsieur. But you should know that many journalists have already written about my husband's work - "
"I," said Richter with a faint moue of distaste, "am not a journalist. I am a poet! And I hope you will consider my proposal most seriously." He unzipped a side compartment of the pack and removed a leather cardcase, from which he extracted a small blue rectangle. He held this out to Madame. "Evidence of my bona fides."
The blue card was a sight draft on the Bank of Lyon entitling the bearer to collect an extraordinary amount of money...
[Following the 1989 entry regarding World War Three:] In 2043 an aerial survey team was commissioned by the Australian government to survey those parts of the world with which there had been no communication [Indoctrinaire (1970, 1979)]. See also 2055.
The Regions of Earth form their Federation [I, Robot (1950)]. Stephen Byerley, suspected by some to be a robot, becomes the first World Co-Ordinator.
The Northern War - a nuclear war resulting in the eclipse of Northern Hemisphere countries and the rise of Brazil and Australia [The Outward Urge (1959)].
In May, 2047, the latest experiment having revealed only highly interesting but negative results, Malcolm Mackay looked at Burns.
"John, that settled it," he said slowly. "Something is missing, and we won't get it here in a pair of lifetimes, even long ones. You know the only place we can find it."
"I suppose you mean the Sun," replied Burns sadly... [Blindness (1935)]
The artificial evolution of new creatures is made possible:
...In 2047 Homer Lee Pabst published his remarkable researches on the effect upon chromosomes of certain gases derived from the old Sterilising Inhalation made from Permanent Death Gas. These gases are known now as Pabst's Kinetogens... Their general effect is to produce mutations of various types. They bring about, abundantly and controllably, a variability in life which has hitherto been caused only with comparative rarity by cosmic radiations...
[The Shape of Things to Come (1933)]
Malcolm Mackay develops thermlectrium [Blindness (1935)].
The nations of Earth, having mostly disbanded their armed forces, are living in peace.
...And then in the year 2050 the blow fell. Lieutenant-Commander Orthis, after twenty-four years upon the moon, returned to Earth with one hundred thousand Kalkars and a thousand Va-gas. In a thousand great ships they came bearing arms and ammunition and strange, new engines of destruction fashioned by the brilliant mind of the arch villain of the universe.
The renegade Orthis and his Kalkars (Lunar communists) conquer the Earth. [The Moon Men (1925), p.190-200]
Launch of the ship Prometheus, headed for the Sun [Blindness (1935)].
The Impossible World [1939] tells us how a product of biological science known as adaptene was able to fit people for life on other worlds:
...Now, in 2050 A.D., bio-conditioned Earthmen were to be found on ten different worlds of the Solar System - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Saturn and Titan. Adaptene had burst the former bonds of the narrow range of conditions under which the human body could survive.
...Some twenty thousand colonists lived there. They were miners, engineers, laborers, technicians in the food and maintenance centers. There were three doctors, a scattering of teachers and librarians and similar personnel, a handful of police and administrators. Exactly fifteen people were employed in brewing, distilling, tavern-running, movie operation, and the other non-essential occupations which men required as they did food and air.
This was New America, chief city of Venus in 2051 A.D.... [The Big Rain (1954)]
Stephen Byerley is completing his first term as World Co-Ordinator, when Susan Calvin finds out the truth, that the Machines are running the world [I, Robot (1950)].
...They could design the apparatus, and did, in September, three years and one month after lifting off for the final drop to the Sun. [Blindness (1935) - see 2054]
...They made it, piece by piece, and tested it in January. It wasn't winter there; there was no winter. Only everlasting heat. And Mackay's eyes were failing rapidly. His work was over. Both because he could scarcely work any longer, and because, on January 14, 2054, the energy of the atom was harnessed by man! The Great Secret was discovered. [Blindness (1935)]
11th November: the date of a historical document studied centuries later by the historians in Star's Reach - a communication from a General Burkert regarding the evacuation and relocation of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, at a time when messages are being received from another star system, amid crisis on Earth.
Though including some drug-induced time-travel, Now Wait For Last Year (1966) is basically set in the year 2055, in the midst of a losing war against Proxima Centauri. The Terran leader Gino Molinari has made the disastrous mistake of allying with the humans of Alpha Centauri against the chitinous "reegs" of Proxima, though the latter would prefer to make peace on the basis of live-and-let-live - a move which Earth's ruthless and powerful allies are determined to prevent by force if necessary.
Following the 2043 entry from Indoctrinaire (1970, 1979): the report of the commission sent by the Australian government, to survey the aftermath of World War Three in those parts of the world which had fallen silent, was made public in 2055.
...Everything returned. But totally different. New. Changed.
Across from him Don Festenburg leaned back, said, "You're lucky. But I'd better explain this. Here. The calendar." He pushed a brass object; across the desk Eric saw. "You've moved slightly over one year ahead." Eric stared. Sightlessly. Ornate inscriptions. "This is June 17, 2056. You're one of the happy few the drug affects this way. Most of them wander off into the past and get bogged down in manufacturing alternate universes; you know, playing God until at last the nerve destruction is too great and they degenerate to random twitches." [Now Wait For Last Year (1966)]
The Declaration of Megève by the World Council concludes the conference at which the Council abolishes itself, its work successfully completed:
"The World-State now follows all the subordinate states it swallowed up to extinction; the supreme sovereign government, which conquered and absorbed all minor sovereignties, vanishes from human affairs. The long, and often blind and misdirected, effort of our race for peace and security has at length succeeded, thanks to this great Council that now retires. It retires with the applause and gratitude of all mankind. And now in serenity and security we can survey the property it has redeemed from waste, this planet and its possibilities, our own undeveloped possibilities too, and all the fullness of life that lies before us. This is the day, this is the hour of sunrise for united manhood. The Martyrdom of Man is at an end. From pole to pole now there remains no single human being upon the planet without a fair prospect of self-fulfilment, of hearth, interest and freedom. There are no slaves any longer; no poor; none doomed by birth to an inferior status; none sentenced to long unhelpful terms of imprisonment; none afflicted in mind or body who are not being helped with all the powers of science and the services of interested and able guardians. The world is all before us to do with as we will, within the measure of our powers and imaginations. The struggle for material existence is over. It has been won. The need for repressions and disciplines has passed. The struggle for truth and that indescribable necessity which is beauty begins now, unhampered by any of the imperatives of the lower struggle. No one now need live less nor be less than his utmost.
"We must respect the race and each other, but that has been made easy for us by our upbringing... We must contribute our modicum of work to the satisfaction of the world's needs. And, for the rest, now we can live..."
[The Shape of Things to Come (1933)]
The Young expedition to Uranus - Planet of Doubt (1935).
From The Shape of Things to Come (1933):
...The population total crept back to 1,500 millions in 2060...
Also, 2060 was the date of the Keying-up Plan (various economic projects such as: weather control, soil science, parks...)
"...Our planning of human activities for the next few generations will involve no fundamental changes at all for humanity. It will be a keying-up of the sort of life for which our race, however darkly, confusedly and unsuccessfully, has always striven..."
Fowler Barry curled his lips int o a thin smile of satisfaction as he pushed aside the oily, dripping vines and branches of the Venusian jungle and swamp and stepped forth into the clearing where the drug gatherers' shack, a cubical, airtight structure, stood. This was as he had planned. They - Pete Slater and Luke Browne had been entered in the Venus Registry of 2061 - should help him to establish his alibi, unwittingly... [Atom of Death (1940)]
...the quantum nature of gravity was finally established in 2063, and the successful detection of the graviton led directly to an understanding of betaspace and thus to the development of faster-than-light travel...
[Ship of Strangers (1978)]
In a society which has gone to sick lengths to control population by fobbing women off with genetically engineered animal-origin pseudobabies:
You are cordially invited
to attend the pseudoparturition
and ensuing cocktail hour
to celebrate the arrival of
Cherished event to occur on
Twelveweek's Sixday of 2063 at
19:30 hours
Reception Room, Rockabye Hours Clinic
R.S.V.P. Mr. and Mrs. John Hanley Slade
[Conditionally Human (1952)]
...Night became day. He was still in the room at the Caesar Hotel but it was later; he could not tell how much. Months? Years? The room looked the same but probably it always would; it was eternal and static. He left the room, descended to the lobby, asked for a homeopape at the newsstand next to the reservations desk. The vendor, a plump old Mexican woman, handed him a Los Angeles daily; he examined it and saw that he had gone ahead ten years. The date was June 15, 2065... [Now Wait For Last Year (1966)]
[See also 2055, 2056]
United States of the World "came into being in 2067 upon the centenary of the Yellow War" [Brigands of the Moon (1930)].
A nuclear bomb is exploded in space (on the other side of the Sun to avoid affecting the Earth) to generate powerful radio waves, whose echoes are used to identify more of possible impactors for the SPACEGUARD organization for protection against Earth-impactors [The Hammer of God (1993)].
The alien "Starglider" probe trasits the Solar System [The Fountains of Paradise (1978)].
The opening sentences of Brigands of the Moon (1930):
Our ship, the space-flyer, Planetaria, whose home port was Greater New York, carried mail and passenger traffic to and from Venus and Mars. Of astronomical necessity, our flights were irregular. The spring of 2070, with both planets close to the Earth, were were making two complete round trips. We had just arrived in Greater New York, one May evening, from Grebhar, Venus Free State. With only five hours in port here, were were departing the same night at the zero hour for Ferrok-Shahn, capital of the Martian Union...
..."Excerpts from Samuel Lann's diary, June 1, 2071: Today I had another look at the three babies, and there is no doubt that here is an extraordinary mutation... This is perfection." [Slan (1940)]
...so the call went out to Earth. The Uranians had destroyed an Earth Fleet at 0622 Greenwich on April 13, 2072. [The Fatal Third (1953)]
[See also Being briefed on the inhabitants of Uranus.]
..."June 7, 2073: A damn fool journalist wrote an article about the children today. The ignoramus stated that I had used a machine on their mother..." [Slan (1940)]
The action of The World Thinker (1945) begins place in October 2073, with the escape of Kenna Parker six months after her incarceration in the Federal Women's Camp in Manning, Nevada. To quote the tale's blurb:
Planetary secret agent Lanarck places himself in the power of Laoome, weird creator, and plunges into perilous dream worlds on the difficult quest for a lovely girl fugitive!
The movie-going public gets its first experience of the "sollies" ("sol" for "solid" - denoting films that are feelable as well as watchable; i.e. "feelies" as well as "movies"):
...Brad Crayshaw first skyrocketed to fame in the fall of 2073 when the sollies were given their world premiere simultaneously in New York, Chicago and Hollywood (which was to have a new name before the following year was out.)...
[Housemaid 103 (1957)]
"It was argued by many at the Families' meeting of 2075, the year of the Covenant, that we should reveal ourselves, since civil liberty was firmly re-established. The majority did not agree at that time..."
[Methuselah's Children (1958)]
Destruction of the Nioth-Korghai [The Space Vampires (1976)].
May 2076: Revolt of the lunar colony [The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (1966)].
The two new classes of men - New Men and Unusuals - first manifest themselves [the date deduced from the "fifty-eight years ago" on page 95 of Our Friends From Frolix 8 (1970): i.e. 2135-58=2077]. The New Men have extra large brains and the Unusuals have psi powers.
The great meteorite-impact disaster described in chapter one of Rendezvous with Rama (1973):
At 09.46 GMT on the morning of 11 September, in the exceptionally beautiful summer of the year 2077, most of the inhabitants of Europe saw a dazzling fireball appear in the eastern sky. Within seconds it was brighter than the sun, and as it moved across the heavens - at first in utter silence - it left behind it a churning column of dust and smoke.
Somewhere above Austria it began to disintegrate, producing a series of concussions so violent that more than a million people had their hearing permanently damaged. They were the lucky ones.
Moving at fifty kilometres a second, a thousand tons of rock and metal impacted on the plains of northern Italy, destroying in a few flaming moments the labour of centuries. The cities of Padua and Verona were wiped from the face of the earth; and the last glories of Venice sank for ever beneath the sea as the waters of the Adriatic came thundering backwards after the hammer-blow from space...
...The ice meteorites ranged in size from ten to a hundred cubic miles; and when they had melted their huge volume of water down on the surface, and into the atmosphere, Venus had oceans and oxygen... By 2081 A.D. the Institute of General Semantics, just then entering its governmental phase, realized the null-A potentialities of the bountiful planet. By this time, transported trees and other plants were growing madly... [The World of Null-A (1948)]
Wyatt and Carpenter's foolhardy, doomed attempt at a Brightside Crossing of Mercury.
...I guess I was about ten when Wyatt and Carpenter made the last attempt - that was in 2082, I think. I followed the news stories like a tri-V serial and then I was heartbroken when they just disappeared.
I know now that they were a pair of idiots, starting off without proper equipment, with practically no knowledge of surface conditions, without any charts - they couldn't have made a hundred miles - but I didn't know that then and it was a terrible tragedy...
The action of Tidal Moon (1938).
Amherst shook his head.
"That's ironic. In 2083, two months' old news has to be carried by hipp. It's like going back to post medievalism."
"It is. But you know radio is useless in the flood belt of Ganymede..."
Kenneth Farrow, having been placed in 1979 into suspended animation in a test meant to last a few months, awakens to learn that War War Three has come and gone, and the remnant of Earth's population is oppressed by the Mars colony [Planet of Exile (1958)].
Matt Dodson becomes a cadet in the Interplanetary Patrol - Space Cadet (1948).
First permanent colonies established on Mars and Venus by 2085.
[The Three Planeteers (1940)]
The world population reached 2,000 millions again in 2085 [The Shape of Things to Come (1933)].
Indecipherable transmission received from Sirius [The Hammer of God (1993)].
Election of the first genetically advanced New Man to (unspecified) high office [Our Friends from Frolix 8 (1970)].
Close approach of the star Helios to the Sun; interpenetration of the two solar systems; expedition to the planet Achilles [Fifth Planet (1963)].
The Fountains of Paradise (1978), p106, quotes from the Chairman's Address to the Toynbee Bicentennial Symposium in London, the subject being the Battle of Tours in 732.
August 8.... "Each of the girls had triplets. Wonderful. At this rate of reproduction, the period when chance can destroy them will soon be reduced to an actuarial minimum... I am continually impressing on the children that their descendants will be the future rulers of the world..." [Slan (1940)]
One warm October afternoon, in the year 2090, Claus Coman could be seen disembarking from the Moon-Earth ferry, in Twelfth City, Section 7...
[A Man of Double Deed (1965)]
Gilbert Hamilton. Born of flatlander parents, in April, 2093, in Topeka, Kansas. Born with two arms and no sign of wild talents... [The Long ARM of Gil Hamilton (1976)]
Possible first exploratory visit to Persephone was by Alan Jacob-Mion, in 2094. Mion's claim has been cast into doubt... [Protector (1973)]
Concordat signed between the vugs of Titan and the UN [The Game Players of Titan (1963)].
Mysterious trouble occurs in the duplication of Old Masters.
...Ross Trafford was the senior technician of Public Art Galleries (S.E. Section). Under him was a team of electronic engineers, skilled, competent and unimaginative. From his city office he directed operations and dealt with all calls from the area. The morning of Tuesday, 12th May, 2096, promised to be typical of his routine...
..."An erratic Leonardo. Unusual. Probably something quite simple, a weakened coil or a sticking fuse. Just a little disturbing, though." It nagged at the back of his mind...
[Rogue Leonardo (1964)]
Implied date - since the Young expedition was "four decades earlier in 2060" - of the Hammond expedition to Uranus: Planet of Doubt (1935).
Julian the 9th born on 1st January 2100 in Chicago. [The Moon Men (1925), p.18]
Establishment of the Outstation Llywarch Hen on Roseworld [The Star Treasure (1971)].
The advanced New Men are changing the map of human thought in ways incomprehensible to the Old Men:
...Bernhad's Theory of Acausality, for example - in 2103 Bernhad, working at the Zürich Polytechnic Institute, had demonstrated that Hume, in his enormous skepticism, had been fundamentally right: custom, and nothing else, linked events understood by the Old Men as cause-and-effect... [Our Friends from Frolix X (1970)].
The Behaviour Control Report for 2104 (2105 is not yet available) records 715 cases of stealing for the whole world. [The Shape of Things to Come (1933)]
The alien Sea Statue comes out of stasis in The World of Ptavvs (1966).
From The Shape of Things to Come (1933), p.369-70:
...Most of the old faculties of the Modern State Movement dissolved into technical organisations under these Controls, with the one exception of that former department of the science faculty the department of social psychology, which by 2106 had become, so to speak, the whole literature, philosophy, and general thought of the world. It was the surviving vital faculty of the Modern State Movement, the reasoning soul in the body of the race.
In the end it became something like what the early nineteenth century used to think existed under the name of Public Opinion, the consensus of active thought and imagination throughout the world. It is plain that by 2106 this rule by a pervasive intelligence had become an unchallenged success. It was all that was left by way of King, President or Supreme Government on earth...
The owner of the land where the temporal singularity is located, which allows misfits to exile themselves six million years in the past, finally decides to undergo the experience herself.
In 2106, Madame Guderian herself entered the Pliocene world called Exile - alone, dressed in her gardening clothes, carrying a simple rucksack and a bundle of cuttings from her favourite roses. Since she had always despised the Standard English of the Milieu as an insult to her French heritage, the note she left behind said:
"Plus qu'il n'en faut."
[The Many-Coloured Land (1981)]
21st March: date of historical document shedding light on the crisis on Earth at that time, and how the project for communication with another star system continues amid socio-political disintegration.
"...We're going to have to figure out soon how much of an operation we can keep going here without outside help, whether there's a point to doing so, and what if anything we're going to tell the CETI team and the support staff..."
[Star's Reach, p.116]
Miles Rodney works for Administrator Slayton Ford from this year till the crisis of 2136. [Methuselah's Children (1958)]
Discovery of the asteroid Kali which is on a collision course with Earth [The Hammer of God (1993)].
Ruthless, greedy surgeon Julian Ferrg's plot to extort the secret of immortality from Aldebaranian refugee Neverdie is set in motion in the suburbs of London:
...On the evening of the 18th July, 2109, Julian and his comrades struck. An airplat glinted in and out of light and shade in the approaches to the Northern suburbs and entered the habitat jungle.
Julian was flying, with four others in the seats behind him. The airplat drifted through the three-dimensional maze, surrounded on all sides by lavishly decorated walls, windows, doors and ceilings and the gardens that hung profusely from almost every roof. After a short while they arrived at Neverdie's dwelling... [The Seed of Evil (1973)]
March: disastrous return of the Gunderson Europa Expedition in Redemption Cairn (1936) - see 2111.
The main action of The Many-Coloured Land (1981): the year in which the one-way time-route to exile in the Pliocene is taken by the batch of eight trippers whose fortunes are followed in the book.
From The Mad Moon (1935), in which Grant Calthorpe undergoes adventures and vicissitudes on Io:
...before he was twenty-one he had hunted knife-kite and threadworm on titan, and triops and uniped on Venus.
That had been before the gold crisis of 2110 had wiped out his fortune...
Jack Sands' adventure on Europa in Redemption Cairn (1936) - the adventure starts in September 2111:
There I sat, Jack Sands, ex-rocket pilot. Yeah, the same Jack Sands you're thinking of, the one who cracked up the Gunderson Europa expedition trying to land at Young's Field, Long Island, in March, 2110. Just a year and a half ago!
Conflict between a Terran colonist and native Martians [At the Bottom of a Hole (1966)].
Crisis in Ward T of the US Army Hospital beneath St Albans, N.Y., as victims of combat shock learn to vanish into their own created dimensions of reality [Disappearing Act (1953)].
John Markham, who was trapped and frozen underground in the 'Nine Days Tranquiliser' nuclear holocaust of 1967, is revived to find himself in a culture dominated by androids [The Uncertain Midnight (1958)].
Tests for space virus were negative. (Since the Ganymede disaster of 2113, spacemen had been highly conscious of the dangers they might be bringing back to Earth.) [The Space Vampires (1976)]
"At the time of the crisis of 2113 I was an assistant correlation cleark in the Division of Economic Studies, Control Section." [Methuselah's Children (1958)]
Reflections on a 2117 childhood encounter with Captain Carlsen, discoverer of the huge alien ship dubbed the Stranger [The Space Vampires (1976)].
Funeral of Nelson F Webster (2034-2117). His son and successor, Jerome A Webster, suffers from agoraphobia - a disability which turns out to have huge consequences [Huddling Place, the second tale in City (1952)].
According to Vanguard to Neptune (1932):
...To date none of the other satellites of Jupiter had been visited, though the ill-fated De Castro expedition of 2117, which crashed on Jupiter itself somewhere in the region of the famous Red Spot, had intended including Io, Callisto and Europa in its itinerary...
22nd April 2117: the accident which kills asteroid-dweller Cubes Forsyth. [The Long ARM of Gil Hamilton (1976).]
A boy discovers that it can be fun to walk outdoors rather than use the Door-to-Door matter-transmission network:
On April 12, 2117, the field-modulator brake-valve in the Door belonging to Mrs. Richard Hanshaw depolarized for reasons unknown. As a result, Mrs. Hanshaw's day was completely upset and her son, Richard, Jr., first developed his strange neurosis...
[It's Such a Beautiful Day (1954)]
Thomas Cornwall's voyage to the Moon [The Crucible of Power (1939)]:
Captain Thomas Cornwall was a young ordnance engineer, on leave from the army. His rocket was the first to attain the velocity of escape - 11.3 km/sec. His triumphant return, after two weeks on the Moon, won him the world's frantic acclaim. The feat seemed symbolic of the reawakening of man, after the long night of the Black Century...
Norbert Weiss (a New Man with an enlarged cerebral cortex) obtains his Civil Service status. Weiss is the character who later flunks Nick Appleton's son Bob in an exam that is set with typical unfairness as part of the regime's policy towards the repression of normal humans
[Our Friends from Frolix X (1970)] - see 2135.
First uprising against the Kalkars, led by Julian 9th. [The Moon Men (1925)]
The enactment of the Freezer Law of 2122 - by which the State confiscates the stored bodies of those who had opted for cryogenic preservation without sufficient funds for continued maintenance - puts many organlegging gangs out of business. [The Long Arm of Gil Hamilton (1976)]
21st March 2123: kidnapping of Holden and Charlotte Chambers, at the behest of the Anubis organization of organleggers [The Defenceless Dead, in The Long ARM of Gil Hamilton (1976)].
2nd November: the Belter, Owen Jennison, is found dead. (The subsequent investigation implicates the organlegger known as Loren.) [Death By Ecstasy, inThe Long ARM of Gil Hamilton (1976)]
The security council passed the second Freezer Bill on February 3, 2125. Now it would go to the world vote in late March. The voting public numbered ten billion, of whom perhaps sixty per cent would bother to phone in their votes...
[The Defenceless Dead, in The Long ARM of Gil Hamilton (1976)]
Phssthpok the Pak arrives at Sol. Brennan turns Protector. [Protector (1973)]
The long-lived Howard Families try the experiment of allowing a small percentage of their membership to reveal their existence, since
...it had become extremely difficult to counterfeit new identities for the ever-increasing number of us holding public ages incompatible with personal appearance...
[Methuselah's Children (1958)]
All of Earth waited for the small black hole to bring it to its end. It had been discovered by Professor Jerome Hieronymus at the Lunar telescope in 2125 and it was clearly going to make an approach close enough for total tidal destruction... [About Nothing (1977)]
Tibet and America, each claiming the Radiant Heat Monopoly, applied for a War Permit for 2127, A.D.
The Universal War Board granted it, stating, of course, the conditions...
[War No. 81-Q (1928)]
Attempt by Garth Hammond's Volcano Steam and Metals Corporation to drill through Earth's crust ends in disaster [The Crucible of Power (1939)]:
...For, after a billion dollars had been spent to sink the great pit forty thousand feet, the bottom of it suddenly split. Men and refrigerating machines were drowned in flaming lava. A rain of boiling mud drowned the new city of Hammondspit, Virginia, taking twenty thousand lives.
Birth of Garth Hammond's son Chan, narrator of The Crucible of Power (1939).
From Our Friends From Frolix 8 (1970)]: In 2130 Blaise Black, a certified G-sixteen New Man, had upset Wolfgang Pauli's Synchronicity principle... making all computations, including those derived from astrophysics, fundamentally easier. Black's System, as it was called, ended at last any reliance on Old Man theory and practice.
The Spaceguard organization, formed in the wake of the 2077 (q.v.) impact disaster , detects an interstellar object approaching the Solar System. Christened "Rama", at first it is not known to be artificial. Closer pictures are sought from a space probe:
...The first images, from ten thousand kilometres away, brought to a halt the activities of all mankind. On a billion television screems, there appeared a tiny, featureless cylinder, growing rapidly second by second. By the time it had doubled in size, no onne could pretend any longer that Rama was a natural object...
The encounter that follows is narrated in Rendezvous with Rama (1973).
Garth Hammond departs for Mars [The Crucible of Power (1939)].
New York City is "destroyed in the final World War of 2132" [Goddess of the Moon (1940)].
Carl Dennell, who was made immortal at the cost of his emotions, now finds that his intellect is no longer keeping pace with the progress of mankind [The Coming of the Ice (1926)]:
...to the intellect, monotony cannot exist: it was one of those emotions I had left behind. One day, however, in the year 2132, a great discovery was made by a man called Zarentzov. It had to do with the curvature of space, quite changing the conceptions that we had all followed since Einstein...
Return of Garth Hammond with the Martian secret of power - solidified "photon dust" [The Crucible of Power (1939)].
This is the date given by Larry Niven in his timeline for his Known Space series, for the tale Cloak of Anarchy (1972) set in a Californian "anarchy park".
Interstellar traveller Thors Provoni sends a message to Earth: he is
returning with alien allies who will help him free the mass of
Old Men from the genetically advanced New Men and Unsuals who have dominated human
affairs for decades [Our Friends from Frolix X (1970)]. It had been this way for fifty years now, since 2085 when the first New Man had been elected...
6th June: the 21st birthday of Miss Octavia Lattery; the day she has been asked to open the letter sent to her from the 20th century... [Chronoclasm (1953, 1956)]
Public hostility forces the long-lived Howard Families to flee from Earth into interstellar space [Methuselah's Children (1958].
Marriage of Garth Hammond to Doris Wayne, heir to the Marine Mines billions [The Crucible of Power (1939)].
5 October: birth of Leon Cartwright, future Quizmaster of the Nine Planets.
..."You can't operate this," Moore said quietly. "This isn't your line. What are you? I examined the records. You were born October 5, 2140, outside the Imperial Hill. You've lived there all your life; this is the first time you've been on this side of the Earth, let alone on another planet. You had ten years of nominal schooling in the charity department of the Imperial Hill. You never excelled in anything..."
[Solar Lottery (1955)]
"The punishment for Wade Trask," said Medellin, "has been adjudicated as death. Accordingly, your group becomes forthwith responsible for the actions of the said Wade Trask, it being understood that no limitations except those legally permissible can be placed upon the said Wade Trask's movements and activities. The condemned seditionist, Wade Trask, shall be instructed to report to the converter for execution not later than midnight a week from this day."
"Acknowledged," said the voice of Tilden Arallo, "at 10.30 a.m., August 26, 2140 A.D., on behalf of Group 814."
[The Mind Cage (1957)]
According to Flight on Titan:
The year 2142, as most people recall, was a disastrous one in the financial world. It was the year of the collapse of the Planetary Trading Corporation and the year that ushered in the resultant depression.
Tim and Diane Vick therefore resolve to try their luck prospecting for flame-orchids on Titan...
"Space" (the space stations, plus colonies on the Moon and Venus) declares its independence from the dominant Earth nation, Brazil. [The Outward Urge (1959)]
...And sure enough, his guess had been lucky: on May 4, 2143, a Bindman named William Rust Lawrence had died, killed in an auto accident in Arizona. And Pete had become his heir, inherited his holdings and entered his Game-playing group.
[The Game Players of Titan (1963)]
Officially, Boss Kellon was merely executive secretary of the Union of Spacemen, Managers and Engineers. But Boss, now in 2145, was equivalent to Caesar. From the unitron converters on Mercury to the lonely mining outposts scattered across the Jovian moons, the Union dominated mankind... [Breakdown (1942)]
It would have disappointed Wells and his fellow prophets to have had a true vision of A.D. 2145. We were on another swing of the pendulum. Scientific progress in the sense of physics, chemistry and engineering, had slowed its advance to a minumum while the world caught up and re-adjusted... [Worlds to Barter (1931)] The people of 2145 are horrified when a voice from the future announces they will be forced to evacuate their present Earth and swap worlds, via time-travel, with their remote descendants of the 5022nd Century, who are living in a dying world.
The Solarion, in 2146, returning with her seventh cargo of sunstone, was accosted by a strange vessel in space - a slim red arrow of a ship, unlike the mirror spheres of SPC. Heliographs flashed a message, signed "Redlance", demanding surrender of the ship and cargo, "in the name of liberty and human right." [The Crucible of Power (1939)]
Report reaches Earth that the Sun Station has been lost [The Crucible of Power (1939)]:
The Solarion III, in 2148, safely reached the Sun and returned. But her holds were empty and she brought appalling news...
By 2150 all the planets from Mercury to Neptune had been colonized [The Three Planeteers (1940)].
For a treatment of some important events of this mid-22nd-century year see the 1966 film Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D., based on the 1964 Dr Who serial (in which the invasion occurred in the year 2164 - the figure being later rounded for the film).
[Note from Zendexor: I never saw the film but I vaguely remember some of the images in the original TV version, though I had forgotten the plot. According to Wikipedia the Daleks attempt to turn the entire Earth into a spaceship.]
Pages 204-7 of The Fountains of Paradise (1978) consist of an "Extract from Professor Martin Sessui's address, on receiving the Nobel Prize for Physics, Stockholm, 16 December 2154". (Subject: discoveries relating to the ionosphere.)
Warning of the approach of an anti-matter world:
It was on January 15, 2156, that the astrophysicist, Dr. James Carter, had the first glimmer of light - literally. He was working on the new five-hundred-inch reflector of the Mt. McKinley observatory at the time, and noticed a darkening of his photographic plate from the spectrometer focused on Polaris...
[Minus Planet (1937)]
Margie even wrote about it in her diary. On the page headed May 17, 2157, she wrote, "Today Tommy found a real book!" [The Fun They Had (1954)]
The Moon is steered to collide with an anti-matter world that threatens the Earth [Minus Planet (1937)].
2161 Mind-sculptor Barkun Kris re-creates the personality of composer Richard Strauss and imprints it upon Jerom Bosch.
"...Naturally you'll realize that by this time nothing remains of your body but some bones, which we have not disturbed. The body you have now was born in our own time and was volunteered for your use..." [A Work of Art (1956)]
Disappearance of Kennicot Muir and founding of the Society of Thieves [The Paradox Men (1953)].
4 August: Carew, from the Institute, visits Dr Homer Green, the Invariant. (See 1943.)
...to tread on rugs, to see chairs covered in cloth with a nap, to see instruments for smoking, to see and hear a primitive radio... above all to see an open fire; all this gave me a sense of unreality, prepared though I was. Green saw by the fire in a chair, as we almost invariably find him, with a dog at his feet. He is perhaps the most valuable man in the world...
The peacefully seated man expresses confidence that the invariant-treatment will work on him.
"It does work, Dr Green," I assured him. "Indefinitely."
"We mustn't be premature," he said. "After all, a short time - "
"Do you recall the date, Dr Green?" I asked.
"September 11th," he said. "1943, if you want that, too."
"Dr Green, today is August 4, 2170," I told him earnestly.
The "Misadventure" - a nuclear war which leaves Earth a wreck.
[If There Were No Benny Cemoli (1963)]
...For three months now, this Earth-year of 2170, mysterious accidents had been happening to commercial space-ships. Non-arrival at destination, and then later found by the Interplanetary Patrol, derelicts in space. Gruesome damn' thing. A ship unharmed, save that its air was gone... [Phantom of the Seven Stars (1940)]
from POWER UNLIMITED by Martin Brand, Solar City, Earth, 2171, regarding contra-terrene matter:
...Undismayed by the untouchable stuff, the space engineers have named it familiarly seetee, and they are reaching daringly to grasp it now. The mightiest force yet known, it can create a new kind of freedom - the freedom of power. Or, misused, it can crush every human freedom. That is the problem and the promise all our planets face today.
Seetee Shock (1949, 1950)
The time-retracing Toynbee Twenty-Two crash-lands in the Ohio River near Wheeling on 21st July, five years before its launch.
On 22nd July a man is found wandering along the river bank,
dazed, almost naked, carrying a leather-bound book with him. The book bore the gold-stamped legend - T-Twenty-two...
The man joins the Society of Thieves and becomes known as Alar.... [The Paradox Men (1953)]
Exploratory expedition to Persephone, the outermost planet.
...Persephone was reported to have no moons and an atmosphere typical of gas giant worlds... [Protector (1973)]
Spoken in 2177:
"...Four years ago the Lunar Station began sending me microfilm plates of both celestial hemispheres by the space second. One of these plates is of particular interest, and I feel that what it shows may have a bearing on the future of civilization. It should be analysed immediately." [The Paradox Men (1953)]
28th April: Will Carewe, believing that he has just taken an immortality drug, reflects...
...Could it be that there would come a day, perhaps only a hundred years in the future, on which he would have to check his diary to remember the colour of Athene's hair? Without absolute continuance of the personality was there such a thing as immortality? Or did it simply mean that his deathless body would be inhabited by a series of strangers, each fading imperceptibly into the next as the biological slates were wiped clean?
[One Million Tomorrows (1970)]
A momentous year. Bern Haze-Gaunt, the evil Chancellor of America Imperial, is plotting "Operation Finis".
6 June: the action of The Paradox Men begins on or just before this date. Evening: the masked ball in the Imperial Palace...
21 July: Launch of the transphotic universe-circumnavigating time-retracing history-re-writing Toynbee Twenty-Two [The Paradox Men (1953), p.97] - a second chance for the human race.
22nd August: birth of Tessa Wendel [Nemesis (1989)].
"An asteroid a couple of miles in diameter, mainly ice. The Belt telescopes spotted it fairly early, in... 2183, I think. It was still outside Jupiter's orbit. Mahmed was the first man to land on it. He was also the man who plotted its orbit and found out that it was going to hit Mars."
[Protector (1973)]
In this year the Martians are exterminated by Brennan [Protector; ref.: Wikipedia article on the Known Space series].
From The Dark Backward (1958), in which the Managerial Boards give dissidents an object lesson to show how much worse things were in the past:
"What year do you think this is, Val?" she asked.
I stared at her. "It's 1951."
She shook her head and now her dark face and her dark eyes had pity in them...
"It's 2188, Val. Over two hundred years from the time you think you live in."
It didn't make any sense to me at all, but again I got that unearthly feeling that things were crumpling around me...
First visit to Erebus Valley, Mercury [Where the Nightlife Never Ends].
From Indoctrinaire (1970, 1979):
"...if you can imagine a place existing at two different times, then that is this. Where we are now is the Planalto of AD 2189. Where we were somewhere over there," he waved vaguely with his hand, "was in 1989."
Midshipman Blane was cashiered at 0800 hours on Sarday, Ma 35, 2190, on the parade deck of the ship of the line Tyrant, fifty million tons, on station off Callisto, nine months out of Terra on the Trans-Jovian cruise... [The Star Treasure (1971)]
Return of spatial engineer Rick Drake to Pallas from Earth [Seetee Ship (1951, 1968)]:
...on a March morning of 2190, aboard the Planetaria. He had spent four years at Solar City... and now he had come back to the Mandate, with his new degree and his daring dreams and not much else, to build a seetee bedplate.
"Three years ago, in 2196, the results of the Holdane Expedition to the asteroids were published at some length in an official pamphlet by the Society for Interplanetary Research..."
[fragment of The Master of Destruction]
Beginning of the Venusian invasion and disastrous "Venusoforming" described in The Metamorphosis of Earth (1951).
In the year 2197, the first intimation of a strange peril of world-wide scope and gravity came and passed unrecognized for what it really was in the form of a newspaper dispatch from the Sahara, reporting a sand-storm of unprecedented fury...
Marcius Kemble, Dictator of Mars, is exiled to Pluto. [Escape from Pluto (1947)]
The events of Solar Lottery. To quote the blurb:
"Positions of public power decided by a sophisticated lottery. Everyone had a chance, could live in hope. Opium for the people. One day you too could be boss. And with it: The Assassination Game, which you could watch on TV. Would the new man be good enough to avoid his chosen killer? Survival of the fittest formalised into a game. Lots of excitement for everyone, keeps them all happily distracted while the Big Five industrial complexes run the world, the solar system, the people, unremarked, unopposed.
Then in the year 2203 a hitch developed in the system."
...He took out a much-folded paper, opened it with shaking hands, handed it across to Vallant. It was a map, creased and patched, grimy and oil-splattered. The legend in the corner read:
March 2212
The old man leaned, pointing. "See this spot right here? A river cuts through the mountains - a river of liquid nitrogen. The gorge is a thousand feet deep - and the falls come thundering down out of the sky like the end of the world. That's the place, Ame. They'd kill to get it..."
[The Other Sky (1964)]
Astronomer Eugenia Insigna discovers the Sun's neighbour star, Nemesis [Nemesis (1989)].
The Jovian moon Io is removed from the British Imperial Protectorate [Revolt on Io (1941)]
..."Kreuther!" said Mallory thoughtfully. The affair sounded like one of Kreuther's moves. That power-mad genius, exiled from Earth after the thwarted Lunar Campaign of 2234, was accustomed to strike in just this fashion...
[Revolt on Io (1941)]
The Rifflin expedition heads for the eighth planet [The Vanguard to Neptune (1932)].
First superluminal flight (15th January). Meanwhile, on the same day, on Erythro, habitable world in the Nemesis system, Marlene Fisher steps unprotected onto the planetary surface for the first time. [Nemesis (1989]
...I don't know how much time passed before I managed to say, "You found it."
Eleen glanced back over her shoulder at me, beaming. "Yes. This is everything they'd been able to figure out about the aliens by 2240 - more than two hundred years ago..." [Star's Reach, p.154]
"Newsbrief summary." The artificial voice had an Oxford accent. "Precis: today, January 12, 2246, oh-nine forty-one, good morning. Thirty seven persons are picketing the Tijuana City Hall in a legal manner. Their registered grievance is, summarized in abstract, the expansion of the Extraterrestrial Reserve...." [Sundiver (1980)]
...the Ceres Mining Company, organized in 2250 for the exploitation of the mineral resources of Ceres, Pallas and Vesta... [The Stars My Destination (1955), p134]
Cordele, Georgia,
...had been depopulated in 2251 and kept empty for the statutory whole year, which meant that the people now living in it did not exist as far as Metagov was concerned...
[Orbitsville Departure (1983)]
"Sort of a shame. Romantic, kind of. I mean, leaving just one graveyard untouched during all these centuries. The other graveyards were cleaned out, what year was it, Jim?"
"About 2260, I think. Yeah, that was it, 2260, almost a hundred years ago. But some Salem Committee they got on their high horse and they said, "Look here, let's have just ONE graveyard left, to remind us of the customs of the barbarians..."
[Pillar of Fire (1948)]
Mace Waldron, the famous pilot who saved that Martian liner in 2263... [Jay Score (1941)]
Jay Score's piloting rescues the Upskadaska City.
You may remember the stunt that the audiopress of 2270 boosted as "McNulty's Miracle Move"? It's practically a legend of the spaceways. Afterward, when we'd got safely home, McNulty disclaimed the credit and put it where it rightfully belonged. The audiopress had a good excuse, as usual. They said he was the captain, wasn't he? And his name made the headline alliterative, didn't it? Seems that there must be a sect of audio-journalists who have to be alliterative to gain salvation. [Jay Score (1941)]
Colonization of Erebus Valley, Mercury [Where the Nightlife Never Ends].
Disappearance of Orbitsville, the Dyson sphere which had absorbed Earth's attention for two centuries; beginning of a Renaissance on Earth. [Orbitsville Departure (1983)]
Erebus Valley, Mercury, is "inducted into the Republic" [Where the Nightlife Never Ends].
Utopia palls for the couple in The Restless Tide (1951):
Her smile probed and mocked him. Yet it was gentle.
"It's like counting off before an explosion, isn't it, Ben?" she said. "Four - three - two - one - zero! It's twenty-three hundred A.D. now, Benny-boy! On and on we go. Whither?"
Then he heard the New Year's bells. Iron pounding iron. Bronze beating bronze. From what shaggy progenitor did the thrill of clanging metal spring? Or had it been tom-toms hewn from hollow logs and headed with rawhide first? And could the tingling reaction be any less now, with all the refined comfort, safety, and diversion which a crescendoing technology could provide? Did the chromium towers of the cities, miles high, make any difference? Or the United World, having turned war into a myth? Or the laboratories that had mastered the mysteries of youth and age? Or the space liners going to the colonial planets? Or, perhaps most important of all, the deeper understanding of the human psyche...?
No. In fact the appeal of the bells' beat became part of his sickness of frustration that had lasted too long...
15 February: Ben Reich, megalomaniac boss of Monarch Utilities, having wakened screaming from his recurrent dream of The Man With No Face, comes to a decision: he will murder his arch-rival Craye D'Courtney of the D'Courtney Cartel.
It's D'Courtney who's giving me the screams. Not because I'm afraid of him. I'm afraid of myself. Known all along. Known it deep down inside. Knowing that once I faced it I'd have to kill that D'Courtney bastard. It's no face because it's the face of murder... [The Demolished Man (1953), p9]
...It was a diamond-clear morning - one of a seemingly endless succession of fine mornings in that summer - yet he was a acutely conscious of the date as he moved about the familiar environment of the kitchen. August 25, 2302. Only nine years had passed since Orbitsville had departed for another universe, but it had been two whole centuries since an exploration ship had slipped away from the Earth-Moon system heading for unknown space. Now the Columbus was fully stored and ready to spiral out of Polar Band One to test itself against sun-seeded infinities, and the date would be one for the history books...
[Orbitsville Departure (1983)]
Date of the events in the eponymous novel 2312 (published 2012).
Interstellar drive invented [Far Centaurus (1944)].
Construction of the Replicator (which of course is immediately used to Replicate itself) brings all former economics to an end. (This is part of the distant background to the ninth-millennium tale, Flame Lords of Jupiter.)
The plague known as the Gray Death strikes our planet; the Confederated Nations of Earth throw all their resources into combating it. However, the situation is saved only by a maverick scientist who organizes the first ever space-voyage, to obtain healing radium salts from the Moon. [Goddess of the Moon (1940)]
16 September: Gully Foyle, spaceman, marooned on the wreck of the merchant ship Nomad, sees the approach of what he trusts is a rescue ship. But the ship, Vorga, passes him by, leaving him to his fate. This act galvanizes the hitherto dull-witted, unambitious Foyle:
...the stereotype Common Man was no more. The key turned in the lock of his soul and the door was opened. What emerged expunged the Common Man for ever.
"You pass me by," he said with slowly mounting fury. "You leave me rot like dog. You leave me die, Vorga... No. I get out of here, me. I follow you, Vorga. I find you, Vorga. I pay you back, me. I rot you. I kill you, Vorga. I kill you deadly."
The acid of fury ran through him, eating away the brute patience and sluggishness that had made a cipher of Gully Foyle, precipitating a chain of reactions that would make an infernal machine of Gully Foyle... [The Stars My Destination (1955), p21]
September: kidnap of Roy Truesdale by the protective Brennan-monster who lurks on the borders of the Solar System [Protector (1973)].
Elroy did not twitch when acrid smoke curled up from the message spool. He had half expected that. In any case he had recognized the voice. His own. He must have made this tape for... Vandervecken... during the time he couldn't remember.
He spoke to the blackened tape. "You wouldn't lie to yourself, would you, Roy?"
Under what circumstances?
He got out of the car and walked to the Tourist Office and bought a morning newstape. His set still worked, though the message spool was a charred lump. He played the tape for the date. January 9, 2341...
October: Brennan the Protector discovers the Pak fleet that is headed towards Sol.
November: departure of the Flying Dutchman. Brennan destroys his former refuge, Kobold.
[Protector (1973)]
May: discovery of the Pak scouts.
July: Roy Truesdale in stasis. Departure of the ship Protector. [Protector (1973)}
Builth Naverson, due to a mishap in a linear accelerator, is transported to this year from 1972 [The Transfinite Choice (1966)].
Return of Hilary Grendon from a five-year space trip, the first space voyage, to find Earth has been enslaved by invaders from Mercury [Slaves of Mercury (1932)]
From the Wikipedia article on Larry Niven's "Known Space" series I gather that the first Man-Kzin war began in 2367 and ended in 2433.
...The print in the old books had faded centuries ago though much of the lettering was still visible - if there had been any to read it. But many generations had passed since anyone had had a use for a set of seven-figure logarithms, an atlas of the world, and the score of Sibelius' Seventh Symphony, printed, according to the flyleaf, by H.K.Chu and Sons, at the City of Pekin in the year 2371 A.D. [History Lesson (1949)]
...The largest recorded crowd ever was of an estimated two hundred and ten million people who assembled for the event of the Joyous Declaration of the World God Uhuru movement on the Central African plain in A.D. 2381, this number being compressed into a remarkably small area thanks to the ingenious open-plan multi-storey stadia erected for the occasion...
[The Problem of Morley's Emission (1978)]
Morton Cargill is brought from 1954 to 2391 by the Inter-Time Society for Psychological Adjustments..... where he is told he is to be killed as therapy for the descendant of a girl passenger who had died in a car he'd crashed... [The Universe Maker (1953)]
[see 2346] Naverson Builth has failed to solve the overpopulation problem by dimensional transfers - because the inhabitants of the other dimensions are trying to do the same thing.
...Worn out, he died, a disappointed man, in the grey winter of 2395... leaving the Worlds to struggle with their monstrous burden... [The Transfinite Choice (1966)]
"...It is in our generation that perfection has been reached, and we want the distinction of having reached it. Your animals are in the way."
Cranwitz shook his head stubbornly. "They take up so little room; consume so little energy. If all were wiped out, you might have room for what? For twenty-five more human beings? Twenty-five in fifteen trillion?"
Bunting said, "Twenty-five human beings represent another seventy-five pounds of human brain. With what measure can you evaluate seventy-five pounds of human brain?"
"But you already have billions of tons of it."
"I know," said Alvarez, "but the different between perfection and not-quite-perfection is that between life and not-quite-life. We are so close now. All Earth is prepared to celebrate this year of 2430 A.D. This is the year when the computer tells us that the planet is full at last..."
[2430 A.D. (1970)]
Yawning, Mr. Eric Stokes-Harding stood before the great open window, staring out. Below him was a wide, park-like space, green with emerald lawns, and bright with flowering plants. Two hundred yards across it rose an immense pyramidal building - an artistic structure, gleaming with white marble and bright metal, striped with the verdure of terraced roof-gardens, its slender peak rising to help support the gray, steel-ribbed glass roof above. Beyond, the park stretched away in illimitable vistas, broken with the graceful columned buildings that held up the great glass roof.
Above the glass, over this New York of 2432 A.D., a freezing blizzard was sweeping. But small concern was that to the lightly clad man at the window, who was inhaling deeply the fragrant air from the plants below - air kept, winter and summer, exactly at 20 degrees C... [The Cosmic Express (1930)]
Expedition of the spaceship Goddard to Pluto [Expedition to Pluto (1939)].
Sign outside a building:
Riley thought the huge, humming machines very interesting. Within the transparent plastic cages intricate mechanical fingers were making clothes... And suddenly, he recalled a word he had heard.
"Mother, what does 'work' mean?"
Mrs Ashton was shocked.
"Riley, where did you hear that dreadful word?" [The Pleasure Age (1947)]
End of the first Man-Kzin war (see 2367).
The narrator of L'An 2440 (1771) wakes up in Paris in this year and finds himself in a pacifist, egalitarian utopia under a constitutional monarchy.
...All old Dr Full knew was that she was peering at the neck of the forceps and then turned white. Very carefully, she placed the half of the forceps back in its loop of cloth and then replaced the retractor and the speculum. "Well?" he asked. "What did you see?"
"'Made in U.S.A.,'" she quoted hoarsely. "'Patent applied for July 2450'."
[The Little Black Bag (1950)]
"Judgement," said the rad, "in the case of Douglas Aird, tried for treason on August 2nd, last - "
With a trembling movement of his fingers, Aird turned the volume control higher. The next words blared at him.
" - That Douglas Aird do surrender himself one week from this day, that is, on September 17, 2460 A.D., to his neighborhood patrol station, that he then be taken to the nearest converter, there to be put to death - "
[The Great Judge (1948)]
Passage of the Stability of the Social Order Act...
"Here we are - Section 64a - relating to the threat to social and economic stability caused by excessive time immigration from the belligerent centuries. Immigration by time, whether by Highway J, sub-dimensional transit, pathological hibernation, or whatever method, is an offense under the Stability of the Social Order Act of 2461, for which the maximum penalty is compulsory euthanasia..."
[Highway J (1953)]
After the Edict of this year, "Stappers be more severe... Before they doed pardon some irregularities, but now none..." [Barrier (1942)]
The first independence movements among the colonized planets started in 2470 [The Three Planeteers (1940)].
The first difficulty was with language.
That is only to be expected when you jump five hundred years; but it is none the less perplexing to have your first casual query of: "What city is this?" answered by the sentence: "Stappers will get you. Or be you Slanduch?"
[Barrier (1942)]
Date of the Official Rule Book for the Annual Terran-Martian Football Game [Rule 18 (1938)]:
"Each player on the respective teams must be able to present documentary evidence that he is of pure blood of the planet upon whose team he plays for an unbroken span of at least ten generations. Verification of the aforesaid documentary evidence and approval of the players upon this point shall be the duty of the Interplanetary Athletic Control Board..."
Outbreak of the White-Yellow War [Seeker of Tomorrow (1937)].
From Seeker of Tomorrow (1937): "...Move those feet of yours a little more and your tongue a little less. And, just in case you want to keep up the play, Methuselah, may I anticipate a question by informing you that this is the year of disgrace 2486?"
End of the 2481-90 War...
...brought to an end by a militant organization of women who, first of all, refused to bear any more children, then deserted the munitions factories, causing both sides to withdraw great numbers of men to replace them, and, finally, took up arms and assassinated the individuals whom they considered to be the key men of the war. The conflict was the direct cause of the world matriarchy that held sway for the next three thousand years... [Seeker of Tomorrow (1937)]
Manufacture of "Man-hunter, model eleven" by the Sixth Reich - the machine long afterwards encountered by Carlotta vom Acht. The inscription traced on its carapace:
[Mark Elf (1957)]
The Fourth World War started in the year 2500... with the United States against the Mongol hordes, who had conquered all of Earth except this country. In their onward sweep of conquest, the yellow legions had seized the interplanetary colonies of all nations except Space Base 10, a U.S. possession... The Asiatic hordes are being led by Kama Khan, a direct descendant of his famous forerunner, Genghiz Khan... [Suicide Squadrons of Space (1940)]
"Chris Barton, war correspondent for Interplanetary Press, the Sexton Syndicate. Wherever he goes, it means trouble."
Chris Barton smiled—bird of ill-omen, vulture of pain. Beyond the dome of pearly glass, on the other side of Venus, lay the swamp where he had left his boyish illusions, covering the Leng campaigns. Out beyond the steamy canopy of clouds was Mars, where he had stood by a tele-transmitter until it was blown up under him, covering the Martian World War of 2504...
[Interplanetary Reporter (1941)]
"Thousands of you coming here. From where?"
"From the future, of course. Time travel wasn't developed until C/H 127. That's... oh say, A.D. 2505 by your chronology..."
[Hobson's Choice (1952)]
...Then came the fabulous "sea-rush" of 2507, brought about by the simultaneous development of two inventions... [Waters of Wrath (1940)]
...The space liner I had seen burning in A.D. 2511 was the only ship ever lost on the Earth-Centauri line... [Far Centaurus (1944)]
I talked with the mind of... the Australian physicist Nevel Kingston-Brown, who will die in A.D. 2,518... [TheShadow Out of Time (1936)]
Departure of the generation-starship nicknamed "Big Dog" from the Procyon system on its homeward journey to Earth, which is expected to take seven generations. Outbreak of the "Nine Day Ague" - an illness which originated on Procyon's New Earth. Many die, and the survivors have a strangely speeded-up time-sense; meanwhile the "ponics" spread and begin to make a jungle of the ship's interior... The events are recorded in the Captain's diary, read many generations later. [Non-Stop (1958)]
[= Year 632 "After Ford"] The year in which Brave New World (1932) is set.
...He rubbed his hands. For of course, they didn’t content themselves with merely
hatching out embryos: any cow could do that.
“We also predestine and condition. We decant our babies as socialized human
beings, as Alphas or Epsilons, as future sewage workers or future...” He was
going to say “future World controllers,” but correcting himself, said “future
Directors of Hatcheries,” instead.
...He took The Egotist on Non-Aristotelian Venus to bed with him. A note on the frontispiece explained that Dr. Lauren Kair, Ps.D., the author, would be practicing on Earth in the city of the Machine from 2559 A.D. to 2564 A.D....
[The World of Null-A (1948)]
Gilbert Gosseyn, amnesiac, is thrown out of the Games Machine's competition, the procedure by which all candidates for all posts are chosen by rational means.
...He thought, What in the name of reason is going on here? This can't be happening to a law-abiding human being on the peaceful Earth of 2560 A.D....
[The World of Null-A (1948), p.48]
Attack on Venus by interstellar invaders.
...Population of Venus as of 2560 A.D. - 119,000,038 males, 120,143,280 females, the book said... [The World of Null-A (1948), p.85]
"...C/H 127. That's... oh say, A.D. 2505 your chronology. We didn't set up our chain of stations until C/H 189." [Hobson's Choice (1952)]
From Whispering Satellite (1938), concerning prospecting on Titan:
least, he wasn’t lonely. Basso, the singing plant, was company for one thing,
and so were its weird subintelligent, singing contemporaries in the Whispering
Forest outside. Then there was Snakehips, a true Titanian, actually an
upright mass of quivering, darting gristle — entirely invertebrate — pretty
intelligent so far as he went. His own race had their abode to the south of the
little world, but mainly because Clark had once saved him from death at the
hands of the blue biters he’d elected to stay with him ever after that.
Clark roused himself from his reflective mood as he thought of these things,
ran a troubled hand through his crudely cut black hair. He glanced at the
calendar on the wooden wall — 20th July, 2614.
...I was amused on my last day by a question asked by a ten-year-old boy, the son of one of the supervisors. We stood on a rampart overlooking one of the vast production pits, several hundred feet deep and miles across...
The little boy looked with awe at the scene, then turned his face upward, demanding, "What are we going to do when this hole gets so big that it takes up the whole world?"
We laughed... [The Dwindling Sphere (1940)]
The year referred to in the title of Ralph 124C 41+ ; A Romance of the Year 2660.
....My part in repelling the attempted Martian invasion of Earth in the years 2675-77 was a limited one...
...On April 1st, 2675, war came in earnest, as dreadful as it was unexpected.
So suddenly were the raiders upon us that we knew it not. They struck Earth effectively in three places. Steel mills in Labrador, built to accommodate the large quantities of ore mined in the Republic of Greenland, were blown to bits in the night by roving bombs...
[When Planets Clashed (1931)]
End of the Martian invasion of Earth which began in 2675 (q.v.).
16th September: the incident on the Sun described by the Neutron Rig Operator in Incandescence (2017).
On the theme of fully automated (but not yet self-directing or self-aware) fighting machines: ...The Bolo Horrendous Moder R, of 2807 was the culmination of this phase of Bolo development, though older models lingered on in the active service of minor powers for centuries... [A Short History of the Bolo Fighting Machines - appendix to Rogue Bolo (1986).]
22nd October: Archiving of the story of Star's Reach into the central archive of the Guild of Rememberers.
...the case of Laird Graynon, Police Inspector, 900th Sector Station, New York City, who on July 7, A.D.2830, was falsely accused of accepting bribes, and de-energised.
SOLUTION: Obtained the retirement of Inspector Graynon two months before the date given in the charge. He retired to his farm, and henceforth exerted the very minimum of influence on the larger scene of existence... [>>2874] [The Search (1943)]
In this year Louis Wu discovers a planet with a neutronium moon [There is a Tide (1968)].
THEN, the planet had no name. It circles a star which in 2830 lay beyond the fringe of known space, a distance of nearly forty light-years from Sol. The star is a G3, somewhat redder than Sol, somewhat smaller. The planet, swinging eighty million miles from its primary in a reasonably circular orbit, is a trifle cold for human tastes...
The year from which the vessel Segomay 8 is snatched forward in time [The Winged Man (1944)].
The first faster-than-light flights - by the dreaded space-pirate Blackworth and by the patrolman pursuing him, each in a new type of craft.
...In 2860 A.D. the big bad wolf had gone out of style... But there wasn't a child anywhere in the Solar System who wouldn't be good for a week straight if his mother as much as whispered the word "Blackworth" in his presence... The Patrol had chased him from Pluto to Mercury and back again. We had blown up a dozen different bases in the asteroid belt, smashed his organization again and again. But we hadn't smashed him...
[One Way Star Ride (1940)]
[continued from 2830] ...He lived in this probability world of his own until his death in 2874... [The Search (1943)]
"...It almost happened on Earth once... back in 2896. The Earth was almost wiped out when one man yearned for power and used biological warfare in its most hideous form. He knew what the result would be, but that didn't stop him..." [Cosmic Engineers (1939, 1950)]
Armed Venusian rebellion [In the Ancient Way (1941)]:
Despite a certain novel grimness about the eyes of David Andress that morning of Velno 7, 2940, despite the concussion of events that had so terribly altered life for the Earth Colony of Terella in the six days just past, the sight of Margot sitting behind her desk in the governor’s reception room set a smile tugging at the corners of his broad mouth. The smile dissolved as the news-phone’s blatant voice dra¬matically announced the course of disaster.
“It must be evident that Harl Tolos is fully as dangerous as he claims to be. Six times he has struck, and not once has our defense militia so much as caught sight of his single ship..."
Time-traveller and probability-world traveller David Conn defeats the Swasts (descended from Nazi conquerors) in their last American stronghold. [The Probable Man (1941)]
An important year for future munitions millionaire John Braman: A parentless Australian waif of twelve, he had emigrated to Venus in 2994 (sic - this has to be a misprint for 2944, since the story asserts that it was 36 years before 2980).
[The Worlds of Tomorrow (1940)]
A year of catastrophe. Unfortunately the relevant pages of Amazing Stories are missing from the Internet Archive [I write this on 16th June 2024], so I can't confirm in any great detail what the catastrophe is. But my much-thumbed copy of Anthony Frewin's 100 Years of Science Fiction Illustration gives quite a good clue. Frewin's caption to the illustration by Leo Morey: "May 1931 was an early colour cover triumph for Morey. The imp-like creatures arise from a volcano amid the rich hues of yellow and red 'preparatory to making another raid in the vicinity of Kilauea'... The story is Wood Peters'
["Woods Peters" according to the internet]
The Great Catastrophe of 2947."
Persian expedition under Prince Khan-Li discovers the ruins of New York City and of Washington, D.C.
...Turning suddenly upon me with a look of triumph, he exclaimed:
"It is ours!"
"What is ours?" I asked.
"The knowledge we sought"; and he pointed to the inscription:
[The Last American (1889)]
...That year had seen the splitting of the eight independent inhabited worlds of the Solar System into two hostile alliances. The great and powerful League of Cold Worlds had been formed by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, under a ruthless, ambitious dictator. Feeling themselves menaced, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars had formed the Inner Alliance. The Alliance had sent out many spies to gain information of the League's threatening plans, but nearly all of them had rapidly been detected and executed.
Then John Thorn, captain in the Earth Navy, had conceived his patriotic plan. He and two friends, Sual Av, Venusian engineer, and Gunner Welk, Mercurian adventurer, would go forth into the underworld of the system as outlaws... [The Three Planeteers (1940)]
John Thorn's expedition to Erebus, the mysterious Tenth Planet, to save the System from the League of Cold Worlds [The Three Planeteers (1940)].
Captain's Log, Saturday, August 15, 2961: Today is the one thousand year anniversary of the first Venus expedition. As a result of careful planning, I am pleased to say that it is also the beginning of the second Venus expedition... [Home (2020)]
D'Ormand sets off on his momentous time voyage [Ship of Darkness (1948)].
From a circular, distributed throughout all inhabited worlds of the Solar System in the year 2980:
Heigh-ho - come to the Fair!
Carrying on the era of interstellar good-will, understanding and peace - the
First Pan-Stellar Exposition is open for its second year.
Every inhabited world is represented - Mars, Earth, Venus, the Jovian moons -
upon the midmost mood of all. Ceres, the Queen Asteroid, has been made
into a paradise! Of all her 400,000 square miles, not one inch but sprouts a
delight, thrill or amazement...
[Worlds of Tomorrow (1940)]
The War of the Planets is considered to have ended on 18 Sol, 3012, with that epic struggle, the Battle of Sector Ten. In that engagement, as is of course well known, the Grand Fleet of the Inner Planets - the combined space-power of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars - met that of the Outer Planets in what was on both sides a desperate bid for the supremacy of interplanetary space.
But, as is well known, there ensued not supremacy, but stalemate. Both fleets were so horribly shattered that the survivors despaired of continuing hostilities...
[Robot Nemesis (1939)]
Another effect of the ripple in the continuum caused by the Klementi experiment of 2002 (see under that year):
...A rain of bloody straw make a brief sensation in the pleasure city of Kikumeru, at the southern polar cap, in the year 3019... [The Other Foot (1965)]
Legislation breaks up the great sea ranches [Waters of Wrath (1940)].
Gulf Stream open to public claim [Waters of Wrath (1940)].
Sudden raw materials shortage -
...Green’s fingers riffled the sheaf of teletyped flimsies.
“This is what I’ve got to tell you. Here are the latest
reports from our
mines in the Andes and from the Moon. We’re faced with a
drastic raw
materials shortage. Our supply of Uradonite is giving out.”
Uradonite. Nobody had to tell Chick Evans and me what that
would mean.
The whole space-flying industry was dependent upon the
element Z-470. Nullo-grav units had made vessels weightless.
But that
could not provide propulsion. Then came the Mansfield
engine, a power unit by which the immensely heavy atoms of
Z-470 were
broken down into electronic streams, the rocket-streams by
which all
space-flyers are propelled...
An expedition is therefore quite rightly sent to Neptune... [The Wings of Icarus (1943)]
Ares Sen Kenlin's trip on a space-liner from Earth to Mars takes 5 days. [Twilight (1934)]
The Martians suddenly threaten Earth with a "Photo-Atomic Ray", which makes it imperative to send an expedition to Saturn in search of a substance called "tridium" which may neutralise the Ray.
...The Earth, in this year of grace 3057, was a wonderful place to live in, and Copia was the political and cultural center of the Earth. For nine hundred years now, the peoples of the Earth had lived at peace with one another as members of a single integrated community... No longer did region war against region, or group against group, or class against class...
[Cave-Dwellers of Saturn (1939)]
Ares Sen Kenlin of Neva'th City begins his voyage in time. (See 1932.) [Twilight (1934)]
The city of New York by means of its "spindizzy" (antigravity field / FTL drive) leaves Earth to go roving through the Galaxy. [Cities in Flight (1955-62)]
The oddity of an ageing G4 yellow moving about a common axis with a white supergiant no more than eleven million years old had already engaged the interest of the cosmologists attached to the Chinese / American fleet. The spectroanalysis spurred them into active investigation.
The supposedly Earth-like planet of the distant binary system was filed under the appellation G4PBx/4582-4-3. Symbols were despatched on their lengthy journey through the dust clouds to Earth.
inside the flagship of the fleet, then cruising the outer fringes of
the Ophiuchus dust clouds, was an automated colonizing ship. The ship
was programmed and despatched to G4PBx/4582-4-3. The year was 3145. [Helliconia Winter (1985), p.143]
The last of the Sutton family moves out of their area of Wisconsin. [Time And Again, p.185]
The monks of the order of St Leibowitz succeed in reconstructing electric light [A Canticle for Leibowitz (1959)].
...He had fought in the deadly little wars of the Moons of Jupiter for years, then the Universal Debacle of 3368, after that the Martian Revolution...
[The Red Witch of Mercury (1945)]
...Smade was a reticent man. His origins and early life were known only to himself. In the year 1479 [3479 Old Style] he acquired a cargo of fine timber, which, for a whole set of obscure reasons, he took to a small stony world in the middle Beyond. And there, with the help of ten indentured artisans and as many slaves, he built Smade's Tavern...
[Star King (1964)]
The Mount Pleasant Massacre [1499 New Style] in which the five "Demon Princes" kill or enslave the population of a community that had resisted their demands [Star King (1964)]. Rolf Gersen and his grandson Kirth hide and survive; Rolf then devotes the rest of his life to training Kirth for revenge.
The criminal masterminds known as the "Demon Princes" meet at ...the historic conclave of 1500 [3500 Old Style] at Smade's Tavern... where the five acknowledged themselves, grudgingly perhaps, as peers, and defined their various areas of interest...
[The Killing Machine (1964)]
...To Smade's Tavern in the July of 1524 [3524 Old Style] came Kirth Gersen, representing himself as a locater... [Star King (1964), p.9]
Gersen's vengeful pursuit of the "Demon Princes", the five criminal masterminds who murdered his parents and enslaved his home town, leads him to a confrontation with Malagate the Woe.
The "Fostering of Ooranye" - when the inhabited Uranus of Uranian Gleams (2015) surfaces in this continuum. The Fostering is defined as
the one successful example in history of "reality engineering"; the action taken, and the process which took place, on 10th July A.D.3564, by which the gas giant planet Uranus became, and now always has been, more fully itself as the ice-giant planet Ooranye. By analogy the Fostering has been likened to the switching of points on a railway after a train has gone past: so that, if the train were to go into reverse, it would go back along a different track. In other words, a "new" past was grafted onto Uranus... Meanwhile the un-Fostered reality survives in one remaining clue: the "U" in the adjective "Uranian".
Note: the Fostering appears to have happened at two different dates; see 4160. Such an event can hardly have two stages; so either there is an inconsistency, or we may take it that cause-and-effect from the 4160 event cascaded backwards and triggered the 3564 event. I reckon the latter is right; it's what the Earth historian seems to be saying.
When Earth's colonizing starship entered the Freyr-Batalix system in 3600 A.D., it established a base on Aganip, the inner planet closest to Helliconia. On Aganip, 512 colonists were landed. They had been hatched aboard the starship during the final years of its voyage...
[Helloconia Summer (1983), p.331]
...the Motu Proprio of Pope Celestine the Eighth... [A Canticle for Leibowitz (1959)]
...the confirming document of Anno Domini 3749, Quo peregrinatur grex, pastor secum... [A Canticle for Leibowitz (1959)]
The "Casu belli nunc remoto" of Pope Paul. [A Canticle for Leibowitz (1959)]
Nuclear war again, and the departure of the monks of the order of St Leibowitz for Alpha Centauri. [A Canticle for Leibowitz (1959)]
The Second Great Fleet reaches Arclour, the Starward Pole of Uranus. [Calculated from data in Uranian Gleams (2015) and www.ooranye.com.] The Final Era begins. [See also Uranian Thule (2018)]
The historian says:
Everybody knows the bare outline of the events which ushered in our present era; how the Second Great Fleet did succeed in reaching Arclour and its ultimate sivvan, and how that discovery retro-triggered our retro-Fostering of Ooranye, that is to say, the grafting of Ooranye's true history onto the history of our solar system.
Russia and China unite their efforts to prevent Earth's collision with another planet [The Year 4338: Petersburg Letters (1835)].
...it was in 4901 that nuclear war broke out between the planets... after a statesman on Earth made the mistake of using the old derogatory term "immigrants" about the inhabitants of Mars... Mars was silenced for ever... Earth was hit by no more than twelve 10,000 megaton bombs. It was enough... [Helliconia Winter (1985)]
I talked with the mind of Yiang-Li, a philosopher from the cruel empire of Tsan-Chan, which is to come in A.D. 5000... [The Shadow Out of Time (1936)]
...The Year 5000. He had become one of the Kotolies. The Kotolies, a strange, shy little animal native to Mercury, had been brought back to Earth in the fortieth century and crossbred with dogs. The new hybrid, a domesticated pet, could speak and think the language of Earth, while still retaining the lore of Mercury.
English had long formed the universal speech, but the white and coloured races had both disappeared... A blend, a merging, an amalgamation of the old stocks, the world-wide type now stood nearly seven feet tall, deeply golden of skin, richly varied in the coloration of hair and eyes... [Finality Unlimited (1936)]
From The Man Who Awoke (1933):
"...Do you pretend to come from that shameful scene?"
"That is precisely the sort of thing we used to do," replied Winters, "although we did not call it by the same set of names." He could barely repress his elation. There could no longer be the slightest doubt of it - he was alive in the year 5000! His clock had been accurate!
The Forester's face was growing red. "Timberfall! You have been amusing long enough - now tell me the truth: Where is your orig?"
Catherine Martin is awarded her diploma by the College of Science, Alkatoon, Mars [Cosmic Engineers (1939, 1950), p.18]
Jovian forces driven back to Jupiter; end of Jupiter's inconclusive war against Earth and Mars. [Cosmic Engineers (1939, 1950), p.27]
(Class-room lecture given by the Most Honorable Erru Saggus, Professor of Hamurriquanean Archaeology at the World-University of Toshtush, on the 365th day of the year 5998:)
Males, females, androgynes and neuters of the class in archaeology, you have learned, from my previous lectures, all that is known or inferred concerning the crudely realistic art and literature of the ancient Hamurriquanes. With some difficulty, owing to the fragmentary nature of the extant remains, I have reconstructed for you their bizarre and hideous buildings, their rude mechanisms...
[The Great God Awto (1940)]
...By the year 6344, living forms were again in moderate abundance. The human population took a solemn vow that they would hold all possessions in common, declaring that not only life but its freedom was sacred... [Helliconia Winter (1985)]
I saw the first of the strange creatures who appeared among us in the year 6371, men who were later known to be from the planet Venus. But they were repulsed, for they were savages compared with the Earthmen, although they were about equal to the people of my own century, 1900... [The Coming of the Ice (1926)]
The year from which Robairst is snatched forward in time [The Winged Man (1944)].
Catherine Martin is revived from suspended animation [Cosmic Engineers (1939, 1950), p.20]
Morton Cargill is brought forward in time from 2391 to 7301, to Merlic, capital of Merlica.
"...What the Shadows started in the twenty-second or twenty-third century had more implications than they realized. A civilization which would not normally have existed came into partial existence as a result of their work, and it has never quite become real. See that city down there - " He motioned at the mist below - "It's not really there yet. If you were to go down into it, you would find yourself coming presently to what is literally the edge of the world..."
[The Universe Maker (1953)]
...They kept their records, they transmitted a constant stream of information back to Earth; present transmissions could be expected to arrive there in the year 7877. The intricacies of the Helliconian biosphere and its response to change throughout the Great Year could be understood only when at least two complete cycles had been studied...
[Helliconia Summer (1983)]
Return of Asher Sutton to Earth from his mission to 61 Cygni. [Time And Again (1951) - the book depicts an interstellar empire but the action takes place in the Solar System and is relevant to the OSS in its portrayal of Earth and asteroids.]
"According to the revision of the year 7990," said the robot, "arrived at by convention, any male human under the age of one hundred, sound in mind and body, and unhampered by religious bonds or belief, which are subject to a court of inquiry, must fight a duel whenever challenged." [p.28]
...War, the man had said. A war in time...
It would load the personnel of the Justice Department of the year 7990 with spies and fifth columnists and saboteurs. And it would do that thing so cleverly one could never find the spies.
But, as in an ordinary, honest war, there would be strategic points. As in chess, there would be one key square.
Sutton was that square... [p.126-7]
An advance in time-travel research.
"You don't know?" asked Case. "Why, it was a man in your own time. A man who is living at this very moment..."
"Case," said Pringle, "this is 7990. Michaelson really did very little with it until 8003."
[Time and Again (1951), p.118]
...In 8054 A.D. history repeated itself - as it always does. The First Galactic Empire was greaking up. Dictators, Emperors, Consolidators wrested the rulership of their own or kindred solar systems from Central Control. Space pirates raised flags and recruited fleets to gorge on spoil plundered from this wreckage. It was a time in which only the ruthless could flourish... [The Last Planet (1953)]
It was the last day of summer in the last year of the eighty-third century A.D.
Humming to itself high in the stratosphere, a vane carried J. Smithlao, psychodynamician, over the 139th sector of Ing Land...
[All the World's Tears (1957)]
19th May: Resken 905 is summoned by the Flame Lords of Jupiter.
...Sutton sat easily and picked up the wrench. He weighed it in his hand. Blood, he thought, talking to the wrench. You'll have blood upon one end before the day is out.
"Tell me," said Dean. "Now that you're here, what do you plan to do?"
"Easy," said Sutton. "You're going to talk to me. You're going to tell me something I need to know."
"Gladly," Dean agreed.
"You said you came from the eighty-fourth. What year?"
"Eighty-three eighty-six," said Dean. "But if I were you, I'd go up a little ways. You'd find more to interest you."
"But you figure I'll never get even so far as that," said Sutton...
[Time and Again (1951), p.170]
A criminal is sent back to the year 1970 on a sort of parole, but the authorities failed to blank his mind of knowledge of "the Thronth generator". [The Red Rash Deaths (1957)]
Del Two-Forty A, time traveller, sets off forward in time - many millennia later he will meet a traveller from 1951, in a far future world. [Wanderers of Time (1933)]
Lord Clane Linn's archaeological researches on Venus...
...His own estimate of the time that had gone by since the great war was of the order of 8,000 years. He had enough data from other pits concerning the calendar system of the ancients to guess that by their reckoning, present-day Linn was existing in 12,000 A.D. [Empire of the Atom (1956)]
...in the year 12,455, a group of star-systems near Polaris complained that Earth was too remote to appreciate their problems, and they set up an independent kingdom [The Star Kings (1949)].
...That golden shape on the golden steps shook and fluttered like a bird gone mad - like a bird imbued with an intellect and a soul, and, nevertheless, driven mad by ecstasies and terrors beyond human understanding. A thousand worlds watched.
Had the ancient calendar continued, this would have been A.D. 13,582. After defeat, after disappointment, after ruin and reconstruction, mankind had leaped among the stars.
Out of the shock of meeting inhuman art, of confronting non-human dances, mankind had made a superb esthetic effort and had leaped upon the stage of all the worlds.
The golden steps reeled. Some eyes that watched had retinas. Some had crystalline cones. Yet all eyes were fixed upon the golden shape which interpreted "The Glory and Affirmation of Man" in the Inter-World Dance Festival of what might have been A.D. 13,582....
[No, No, Not Rogov! (1959)]
...it only made matters worse when someone in the computing section worked out the future history of our errant freighter. You see, nothing is ever really lost in space. Once you've calculated its orbit, you know where it is until the end of eternity. As we watched our lounge, our library, our games, our mail receding to the far horizons of the solar system, we knew that it would all come back one day, in perfect condition. If we have a ship standing by it will be easy to intercept it the second time it comes round the sun - quite early in the spring of the year A.D. 15,862. [Special Delivery (1957)]
I talked with the mind of Nug-Soth, a magician of the dark conquerors of A.D. 16,000... [The Shadow Out of Time (1936)]
The Earth's lands turn into soft mud and become uninhabitable [The Winged Man (1944)].
The US nuclear submarine Sea Serpent arrives in this year, having been snatched from the 20th century [The Winged Man (1944)].
Start-date of "The Empire of Lyceus II" as reported by Possessor Kingston Craig in the Palace of Eternity [The Search (1943)].
End-date of the Empire of Lyceus II, A.D.27,346-27,378 [The Search (1943)].
28th or 29th March 29,940: starting point for the time-sortie of The Machine-Man of Ardathia (1927).
"...If I am not mistaken in my calculations, you are thirty thousand years in the past. What date is this?"
"June 5th, 1939," I replied, feebly. The creature went through some contortions, sorted a few metal tubes with its hands, and then announced in its metallic voice:
"Computed in terms of your method of reckoning, I have travelled back through time exactly twenty-eight thousand years, nine months, three weeks, two days, seven hours, and a certain number of minutes and seconds which it is useless for me to enumerate exactly."
From Seeker of Tomorrow (1937), regarding the cataclysmic events of 33,885 A.D:
...The Invader, we were informed, was a planet about twice the size of Jupiter, which had come through interstellar space, cleaved a path through the solar system and vanished into the cosmos. It passed between the orbits of Mars and the asteroid belt, its influence upsetting the normal balance of half the system, making the paths of the asteroids, Mars and Earth much more eccentric, capturing and taking with it two members of the Trojans group of asteroids...
From Seeker of Tomorrow (1937):
'...I rubbed my eyes and looked again. Standing beside the bed, his face expressive of kindly solicitude, was a bald-headed man garbed in rompers of brilliant hue....
'"You are within my house situated in the city of Leamore," he answered in a pleasantly modulated voice, "and the year is 772 by the new reckoning, or 34656 by the old. You have leaped a chasm of time representing about thirty-two thousand years!"
By 39,000 the kingdoms of Lyra, Cygnus, and the Baronies of the great Hercules Cluster had declared independence from the Mid-Galactic Empire [The Star Kings (1949)].
For convenience the government of the Mid-Galactic Empire is shifted from Earth to a world of Canopus [The Star Kings (1949)].
The Mid-Galactic Empire takes the lead of the star-kingdoms when the galaxy is suddenly invaded by alien and powerful creatures from the Magellanic [The Star Kings (1949)].
John Gordon, of 20th century Earth, accepts a mind-swap with Zarth Arn, prince of the Mid-Galactic Empire [The Star Kings (1949)].
...The year 500,000. Man had disappeared from the planet Earth, and no longer occupied a position anywhere in the evolution of the universe. Yet many traces of him remained, and his influence persisted...
...interplanetary wars had weakened the race... Man survived on Saturn only through hybrid amalgamation with the conquerors... [Finality Unlimited (1936)]
...He must get a little more power out of the motor, or they would crash to their deaths in a few minutes! A fine ending for their daring dash to Jupiter - the first space flight since the great comet swarm of 800,768 A.D. [The Metal Moon (1932)]
The year the Time Traveller emerged into a far-future England divided between the Eloi and the Morlocks - as narrated in The Time Machine (1895).
The ancient continent of Gondwanaland has re-formed - as "Gonwonlane".
...It was a long and wide stretch of land that ran more than half way round the southern hemisphere, bulged tremendously towards the north, and terminated at a point well east of what more than a hundred million years before had been, according to the text, "ancient Asdralia"...
...The population of Gonwonlane was fifty-four billion...
[The Book of Ptath (1947)]
...The solar system had altered profoundly. The tidal drag had brought the moon and Earth together millions of years before, with a collision that made them fuse, flame, and create a new star. The star circled around the old, dying sun which, as it cooled and solidified under the light of the new star, developed its first species of life-forms, simple forms radically different from the beginnings upon the former planet Earth. Pluto had been torn away from the system by a wandering star.
He was a nitrogenised metallic spore, clinging to the peak of a jagged, titanic range of mountains fifty miles high, composed of volcanic magma, and overhanging an acid sea. He was the life primeval, from which in billions of years of later time would arise the deathless, indestructible, purely intellectual and mathematical metallic beings who would shape the destiny of the cosmos for the inheritance of still more complex life-forms of still later trillions of years of ultra-time... [Finality Unlimited (1936)]
Brian Aldiss, "All the World's Tears" (Nebula Science Fiction 21 (1957), collected in The Canopy of Time (1959); Non-Stop (1958); Helliconia Summer (1983); Helliconia Winter (1985); Poul Anderson, "The Big Rain" (Astounding, October 1954); The Corridors of Time (1965); Isaac Asimov, "Trends" (Astounding Science Fiction, July 1939); I, Robot (1950) including "Little Lost Robot" (Astounding Science Fiction, March 1947); "The Fun They Had" (Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1954); "It's Such a Beautiful Day" (Star Science Fiction Stories No.3, ed. Frederick Pohl (1954); "Franchise" (If, August 1955); "2430 A.D." (IBM Magazine, October 1970); "About Nothing" (Asimov's SF Magazine, Summer 1977); Nemesis (1989); Arthur K Barnes, "Waters of Wrath" (Thrilling Wonder Stories, October 1940); John Baxter, "Takeover Bid" in New Writings in SF-5 ed. John Carnell (1965); Barrington J Bayley, "The Seed of Evil" (New Writings in SF-23, ed. Kenneth Bulmer (1973)); "The Problem of Morley's Emission" (1978) in The Knights of the Limits (2001); Alfred Bester, "The Probable Man" (Astounding, July 1941); "Of Time and Third Avenue" (Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1951); The Demolished Man (1953); The Stars My Destination (1955); "Hobson's Choice" (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1952); "Disappearing Act" (Star Science Fiction Stories No. 2 (1953)); Eando Binder, "The Impossible World" (Startling Stories, March 1939); "The Spore Doom" (Wonder Stories, February 1934); "One Thousand Miles Below" (Planet Stories, Winter 1940); Alexander Blade (pseudonym), "Flight of the Ark II" (Imaginative Tales, July 1956); James Blish, "Bridge" (Astounding, February 1952); "A Work of Art" (Science Fiction Stories, July 1956); the Cities in Flight tetralogy comprising, in narrative order, They Shall Have Stars / Year 2018! (1956), A Life for the Stars (1962), Earthman, Come Home (1955), and A Clash of Cymbals / The Triumph of Time (1959); Nelson S Bond, "Parallel in Time" (Thrilling Wonder Stories, June 1940); "Revolt on Io" (Planet Stories, Spring 1941); "Castaways of Eros" (Planet Stories, Winter 1943); Anthony Boucher, "Barrier" (Astounding Science Fiction, September 1942); Leigh Brackett, "Interplanetary Reporter" (Startling Stories, May 1941); "Citadel of Lost Ages" (Thrilling Wonder Stories, December 1950); Ray Bradbury, "Pillar of Fire" (Planet Stories, Summer 1948); "...And the Moon be still as bright" (Thrilling Wonder Stories, June 1948); The Martian Chronicles (1950); David Brin, Sundiver (1980); Frederick Brown, "The Waveries" (Astounding Science Fiction, January 1945); Project Jupiter (1958); Edgar Rice Burroughs, A Princess of Mars (1912, 1917); The Moon Maid (1923); The Moon Men (1925); Joed Cahill, "The Pleasure Age" (Thrilling Wonder Stories, February 1947); John W Campbell, "Twilight" (Astounding Stories, November 1934); "Blindness" (Astounding Stories, March 1935); "Cloak of Aesir" (Astounding Science Fiction, March 1939); The Moon is Hell (1951); Captain Future Magazine background article "Eros" (Spring 1942); Bruce Carter (pen name of Richard Hough), The Perilous Descent (1952); Robert W Chambers, The King in Yellow (1895); John D Clark, "Minus Planet" (Astounding Stories, April 1937); Arthur C Clarke, Prelude to Space (1947, 1951); "History Lesson" (Startling Stories, May 1949); "The Lion of Comarre" (Thrilling Wonder Stories, August 1949); "The Sentinel" (10 Story Fantasy, Spring 1951); The Challenge of the Spaceship (1958); A Fall of Moondust (1961); 2001 - A Space Odyssey (book and film both 1968); "Special Delivery", in "The Other Side of the Sky" (series of linked tales published in the Evening Standard, 1957); "Transit of Earth" (Playboy, January 1971); "Dial F for Frankenstein" in The Wind From the Sun (1972); Rendezvous with Rama (1973); The Fountains of Paradise (1978); The Hammer of God (1993); "Trouble with Time" (Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, July 1960, as "Crime on Mars"); Edmund Cooper, All Fools' Day (1966); The Overman Culture (1971); The Uncertain Midnight (1958); Ray Cummings, Brigands of the Moon (serialized in Astounding, 1930; published in book form, 1931); "Phantom of the Seven Stars" (Planet Stories, Winter 1940); "Rain of Fire" (Future, August 1942); "The Wings of Icarus" (Startling Stories, June 1943); Allan Danzig, "The Great Nebraska Sea" (Galaxy, August 1963); Leonard Daventry, A Man of Double Deed (1965); Brian de Palma (director), Mission to Mars (film, 2000); Astron del Martia, One Against Time (1969); Philip K Dick, Solar Lottery (1955); The World Jones Made (1956);Time Out of Joint (1959);The Game Players of Titan (1963); "If There Were No Benny Cemoli" (Galaxy, December 1963); Martian Time-Slip (1964); The Penultimate Truth (1964); The Simulacra (1964); The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldtrith (1964); Now Wait For Last Year (1966); The Zap Gun (1967); Ubik (1969); Our Friends from Frolix X (1970); Arthur Conan Doyle, "The Terror of Blue John Gap" (Strand Magazine, 1922); Ben Elton, Time and Time Again (2014); John Russell Fearn, "Whispering Satellite" (Astounding Stories, June 1938); Francis Flagg, "The Machine-Man of Ardathia" (Amazing Stories, November 1927); Philip Jose Farmer, Maker of Universes (1965); Raymond Z Gallun, "The Restless Tide" (Marvel Science Fiction, November 1951); Camille Flammarion, Omega: The Last Days of the World (1894); Will Garth, "The Bloodless Peril" (Thrilling Wonder Stories, December 1937); Hugo Gernsback, Ralph 124C 41+ ; A Romance of the year 2660 (serialized in Modern Electrics, 1911); Robert Gibson, Uranian Gleams (2015), "Uranian Thule" in the anthology Vintage Worlds (2018); Rex Gordon, No Man Friday (1956); John Michael Greer, Star's Reach (2014); Edmond Hamilton, "Evans of the Earth-Guard" (Air Wonder Stories, April 1930); "The Universe Wreckers" (Amazing Stories, May - July 1930); "The Man Who Saw the Future" (Amazing Stories, October 1930); "The Three Planeteers" (Startling Stories, January 1940); Treasure on Thunder Moon (1942, reissued 2013); The Star Kings (1949); Captain Future and the Space Emperor (1939, 1967); Captain Future's Challenge (1940, 1967); "Citadel of the Star Lords" (Imagination, October 1956); "Last Call for Doomsday" (as by S M Tenneshaw, Imagination, December 1956); "The Dark Backward" (Venture Science Fiction, May 1958); "Planet of Exile" (Space Travel, July 1958); Charles L Harness, The Paradox Men (1953); Robert Harris, The Second Sleep (2019); William Hawkins, "The Dwindling Sphere" (Astounding Science Fiction, March 1940); Robert A Heinlein, Space Cadet (1948); The Man Who Sold the Moon (written 1949, published 1951); "The Long Watch" (American Legion Magazine, December 1949); Farmer in the Sky (1950); The Puppet Masters (1951); Methuselah's Children (1958); Starship Troopers (1960); The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (1966); Frank Herbert, "Cease Fire" (Astounding, January 1958); Fred Hoyle, The Black Cloud (1957); October the First is Too Late (1966); Fred and Geoffrey Hoyle, Fifth Planet (1963); Aldous Huxley, Brave New World (1932); Dylan T Jeninga, "Where the Nightlife Never Ends"; E D Johnson, "The Hole That Grew" (Amazing Stories Quarterly, Spring-Summer 1932); Neil R Jones, "The Jameson Satellite" (Amazing Stories, July 1931); Ivar Jorgensen (pseudonym), "Housemaid 103" (Imaginative Tales, November 1957); Otis Adelbert Kline, "The Metal Monster" (Amazing Stories, July 1931); Damon Knight, "Ticket to Anywhere" (Galaxy, April 1952); "Stranger Station" (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1956); The Other Foot (1965); C M Kornbluth, "The Little Black Bag" (Astounding Science Fiction, July 1950); "Theory of Rocketry" (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1958); G L Lack, "Rogue Leonardo" in New Writings in SF - 2, ed. John Carnell (1964); "Robot's Dozen" in New Writings in SF - 10, ed. John Carnell (1966); Keith Laumer, A Trace of Memory (1963); Catastrophe Planet (1966); The House in November (1970); "The Other Sky" (Amazing Stories, December 1964); Dinosaur Beach (1971); The Star Treasure (1971); Rogue Bolo (1986); Murray Leinster, "Politics" (Amazing Stories, June 1932); "Sidewise in Time" (Astounding Stories, June 1934); "Things Pass By" (Thrilling Wonder Stories, Summer 1945); "The Power" (Astounding Science Fiction, September 1945); Lilith Lorraine, "Into the 28th Century" (Science Wonder Stories, Winter 1930); H P Lovecraft, "Beyond the Wall of Sleep" (written 1919; Weird Tales, March 1938); "The Call of Cthulhu" (Weird Tales, February 1928); "The Whisperer in Darkness" (Weird Tales, August 1931); "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" (written 1931, first published as booklet 1936); "The Shadow Out of Time" (Astounding Stories, June 1936); Emmett McDowell, "The Red Witch of Mercury" (Planet Stories, Summer 1945); Charles Eric Maine, Crisis 2000 (1959); "Highway J" (Planet Stories, November 1953; just after appearing in Authentic SF, also November 1953, as "Highway i"); Timeliner (1955); The Man Who Owned the World (1961); Laurence Manning, "The Man Who Awoke" (Wonder Stories, March 1933); David I Masson, "A Two-Timer" (New Worlds, February 1966); "The Transfinite Choice" (New Worlds, June 1966); Julian May, The Many-Coloured Land (1981); Captain S P Meek, "The Murgatroyd Experiment" (Amazing Stories Quarterly, Winter 1929);
Louis-Sébastien Mercier, L'An 2440 (1771); Walter M Miller, "Conditionally Human" (Galaxy, February 1952); A Canticle for Leibowitz (1959); J A Mitchell, "The Last American" (published as a short novel, 1889); Patrick Moore, Raiders of Mars (1959); Spy in Space (1977); Dan Morgan, The New Minds (1967); The Country of the Mind (1975); Larry Niven, "At the Bottom of a Hole" (Galaxy, December 1966); The World of Ptavvs (1966); "Wait it Out" (The Future Unbounded Program Book, 1968); "Intent to Deceive" in Tales of Known Space (1975), the tale being a variant of "The Deceivers" (Galaxy, April 1968); "There is a Tide" (Galaxy, July 1968); "Cloak of Anarchy" (Analog, March 1972); Protector (1973); The Long ARM of Gil Hamilton (1976); Andre Norton, The Last Planet (original title Star Rangers) (1953); Alan E Nourse, "Brightside Crossing" (Galaxy, January 1956); William Oberfield, "Escape from Pluto" (Planet Stories, Fall 1947); David Wright O'Brien, "Trapped on Titan" (Amazing Stories, June 1940); "Suicide Squadrons of Space" (Amazing Stories, August 1940); Vladimir Odoevsky, The Year 4338: Petersburg Letters (1835); Edgar Pangborn, A Mirror For Observers (1955); Woods Peters, "The Great Catastrophe of 2947" (Amazing Stories, May 1931); John Pierce, "Invariant" (Astounding Science Fiction, April 1944); Frederick Pohl and C M Kornbluth, Wolfbane (1959); "Critical Mass" (Galaxy, February 1962); Fletcher Pratt and Laurence Manning, "Expedition to Pluto" (Planet Stories, Winter 1939); Christopher Priest, Indoctrinaire (1970, 1979); Sandra Miesel, Introduction to Poul Anderson's The Psychotechnic League (1981); John Murray Reynolds, "Goddess of the Moon" (Planet Stories, Spring 1940); Kim Stanley Robinson, Red Mars (1992); 2312 (2012); Ross Rocklynne, "Atom of Death" (Planet Stories, Winter 1940); R H Romans, "The Moon Conquerors" (Science Wonder Quarterly, Winter 1930); Eric Frank Russell, Sinister Barrier (Unknown, 1939); Dreadful Sanctuary (1948); Three to Conquer (1956); "Jay Score" (Astounding Science Fiction, May 1941); Eric Frank Russell and Leslie J Johnson, "Seeker of Tomorrow" (Astounding Stories, July 1937); Nat Schachner, "Slaves of Mercury" (Astounding, September 1932); Levi Seeley, "Home" (Greer and Zendexor, eds., Vintage Worlds 3 (2020); Bob Shaw, The Ceres Solution (1981) Fire Pattern (1984); The Peace Machine (1971, 1985); One Million Tomorrows (1970); Orbitsville Departure (1983); The Shadow of Heaven (1969); Ship of Strangers (1978); A Wreath of Stars (1976); Ronald M Sherin, "When the World Went Mad" (Amazing Stories Quarterly, Fall 1928); Clifford Simak, "The World of the Red Sun" (Wonder Stories, December 1931); "Rule 18" (Astounding, July 1938); Cosmic Engineers (1939, 1950); Time And Again (1951); City (1952); Ring Around the Sun (1952, 1953); Way Station (1963); Clark Ashton Smith, "The Letter from Mohaun Los" (Wonder Stories, August 1932, under the title "Flight into Super-Time"); "The Dimension of Chance" (Wonder Stories, November 1932); "The Great God Awto" (Thrilling Wonder Stories, February 1940); "The Immeasurable Horror" (Weird Tales, September 1931); "Master of the Asteroid" (Wonder Stories, October 1932); "The Metamorphosis of Earth" (Weird Tales, September 1951); "The Plutonian Drug" (Amazing Stories, September 1934); "Seedling of Mars" (Wonder Stories Quarterly, Fall 1931, after a plot by E.M.Johnston, and titled "The Planet Entity"; reprinted with given title in Tales of Science and Sorcery (1964)); "The Master of Destruction" (fragment and synopsis only; see www.eldritchdark.com); Cordwainer Smith, "War No. 81-Q" (The Adjutant, June 1928); "Mark Elf" (Saturn, May 1957); "No! No! Not Rogov!" (If, February 1959); Edward Elmer Smith, "Robot Nemesis" (Thrilling Wonder Stories, June 1939); Everett C Smith and R F Starzl, "The Metal Moon" (Wonder Stories Quarterly, Winter 1932); R F Starzl, "The Terrors of Aryl" (Wonder Stories, March 1931); Allen M Steele, "Martian Blood" in Old Mars, ed. George R R Martin and Gardner Dozois (2013); "Frogheads" in Old Venus, ed. George R R Martin and Gardner Dozois (2015); S M Stirling, The Sky People (2006); "Swords of Zar-Tu-Kan" in Old Mars (2013); Theodore Sturgeon, "The Comedian's Children" (Venture, May 1958); Paul Tabori, The Doomsday Brain (1967); Theodore L Thomas, "The Fatal Third" (Planet Stories, November 1953); "Day of Succession" (Astounding, August 1959); Jack Vance, "The World Thinker" (Thrilling Wonder stories, Summer 1945); Star King (1964); The Killing Machine (1964); A E van Vogt, Slan (1940); "The Search" (Astounding, January 1943); "The Great Engine" (Astounding, July 1943); "Far Centaurus" (Astounding, January 1944); "The Rulers" (Astounding, March 1946); "Film Library" (Astounding, July 1946); The Book of Ptath (1947); "Ship of Darkness" (Fantasy Book, February 1948); "The Great Judge" (Fantasy Book, July 1948); "Dormant" (Startling Stories, November 1948); "The Earth Killers" (Super Science Stories, April 1949); The World of Null-A (1948); The House That Stood Still (1950), revised as The Mating Cry (1960) and The Undercover Aliens (1976); The Universe Maker (1953); Empire of the Atom (1956); The Mind Cage (1957); Moonbeast (1963); with E Mayne Hull, The Winged Man (1944, 1966); "The Confession" (The Book of van Vogt, 1972); J M Walsh, "The Vanguard to Neptune" (Wonder Stories Quarterly, Spring 1932); Hugh Walters, Operation Columbus (1959); Destination Mars (1963); Harry Walton, "In the Ancient Way" (Thrilling Wonder Stories, August 1941); Donald Wandrei, "Finality Unlimited" (Astounding Stories, September 1936); Stanley G Weinbaum, "Flight on Titan" (Astounding Stories, January 1935); "Planet of Doubt" (Astounding Stories, October 1935); "The Mad Moon" (Astounding Stories, December 1935); "Redemption Cairn" (Astounding Stories, March 1936); [with Helen Weinbaum], "Tidal Moon" (Thrilling Winder Stories, December 1938); Manly Wade Wellman, "When Planets Clashed" (Wonder Stories Quarterly, Spring 1931); "The Worlds of Tomorrow" (Thrilling Wonder Stories, October 1940); H G Wells, The Time Machine (1895); The First Men in the Moon (1901); The Shape of Things to Come (1933); G Peyton Wertenbaker, "The Coming of the Ice" (Amazing Stories, June 1926); John Wiggin, "Cave-Dwellers of Saturn" (Planet Stories, Winter 1939); Robert Moore Williams, "One Way Star Ride" (Thrilling Wonder Stories, October 1940); "The Red Rash Deaths" (Imaginative Tales, July 1957); Jack Williamson, "The Cosmic Express" (Amazing Stories, November 1930); The Legion of Space (1935, 1947); "The Crucible of Power" (Astounding Stories, February 1939); "Breakdown" (Astounding Science-Fiction, January 1942); "The Sun Maker" (Thrilling Wonder Stories, June 1940); Seetee Shock (1949, 1950); Seetee Ship (1951, 1968); Colin Wilson, The Mind Parasites (1967); The Philosopher's Stone (1969); The Space Vampires (1976); John Wyndham, "Worlds to Barter" (Wonder Stories, May 1931); "Wanderers of Time" (Wonder Stories, March 1933); Stowaway to Mars (1936); "Chronoclasm" (in The Seeds of Time (1956); The Outward Urge (1959, expanded with an extra episode 1961); "Odd" and "Stitch in Time" in Consider Her Ways and Others (1961).