by Dylan
(Chicago, Illinois, USA)
Mercury Anthology Ho!
Zendexor, your Mercurian Anthology list got my blood pumping! I wracked my brain for more Mercury tales, and when that failed, I turned to the internet for help, as I did back when I wanted more Mars tales. I am excited to say that I was met with success!
There IS an anthology of OSS Mercury! It's called "Something from Mercury", edited by John Russell Fearn. The description, as given on Amazon, lists six Mercurian adventures you've not mentioned in your collection:
It came originally from the merciless, frost-bound wilderness of the night side of Mercury, the hellish planet nearest to the Sun. But when space explorer Harry Dagenham brings a long-dead, petrified snake--or something--back to Earth from Mercury, he discovers--quite suddenly--that the rock-hard creature is not quite so inert as it first appears! Here are six extraordinary stories from the golden age of the pulps: "Something from Mercury," "The World That Dissolved," "Pre-Natal," "Beyond Zero," "Across the Ages," and "Twilight Planet." Great science-fiction adventure from the pulp magazine era!
-Amazon Book Description
That's six potential new stories, although which are good, and which are passable, I don't yet know. (You or Mr. Greer may be familiar with them, but they are new to me, at least.)
Of course, I think it would be important for our anthology to have some NOSS offerings as well, if only to show that the Twilight Belt lives on. Valeddom would be the primary contributor to that. There is another possible source- although its quality is questionable. One could, in theory, use a story published in the "Space:1889" ebook series.
The story is "Ghosts of Mercury" by Mark Michalowski. I've not yet read it, as I felt the first story, "Journey to the Heart of Luna" took a dip in quality halfway through and I moved on to other books. I may have to give the series another chance, though, as the other books are written by different authors and hint at some tantalizing stories in the descriptions! One can't let a potential Mercury tale slip through one's fingers because of prejudice! (Also, there's a Ceresian tale in there. "Mundus Cerialis" by S. Bidwell and A. Frankham-Allen. Apparently it involves something ancient and Ceresian awakening- could be interesting!)
Another potentially cool antholgy could be one that takes you to the major moons of the Solar System, starting on Luna and ending on Charon. Although I've never heard of a Charon story, sadly.
{Excited note from Zendexor: so, Dylan, a "shot in the dark" and your optimism has paid off! Wow, what a discovery. I'll take steps to order the book, pronto.}
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