uranian throne
index of proper names

For each entry, the first number in square brackets refers to the episode in which the name first appears; any extra numbers refer to other episodes in which the name notably figures.

Uranian persons with two names are listed under the first name, since the second name is not a Terran-style "surname"; e.g. Barlayn Lamiroth is to be found under B, not under L.


Aatul [20]
Abon Gnaa [19], [22], [23]
Abzong [15]
the Actinium Era [1]
Adaan Merreb [18]
Addra [22]
Adnust [14]
Aelv [22]
Ahantorol [21]
Alinvee [16]
the Allomba Fapps [19]
Alom Tharro [20]
Ambrerl [20]
Amnen Narsh, Noad of Vyanth [20]
Amnuyar [15]
Ao [16]
Aonstaggana [16]
Arad Thastu [16]
Arar [7]
Ardain [14]
the Argon Era [1], [13]
Arlok Sed [18]
Armuz Teegolon [13]
Awid Awidoan [21]


Barlayn Lamiroth [1]
the Basin of Vnor [3]
Beown [21]
Bizzid Folomm [6]
the Bleftal Frustrum [18]
Blos Nogar [14]
Bnurul Thazd [21]
the Bozmur Trail [18]
Brem Tormalla [16]
Byey [19]
Byndin Ghelanver, Noad of Toolv [20]


Cheem Eem [14]
Chelth [6], [21]
the Choot Skimway [12]
Clsarmwa Trellem [18]
the Coigns of Xunnung [21]
Cojild [22]


Dari Clsar [5]
Darilar [20]
Deeklemel [14]
Dempelath [2]
Dersnam Gostomon Thull [16]
Detsi Grelonn
Devlel [17]
Dezagan [21]
Dittri [11]
Dmara [2], [17]
Doamol Zul [15]
Drayf Ollomb [14]
Duruld Omott [19]


Efgom [21]
Ehiv [23]
Ej [22]
the Eneglor [6]
Era 59 [2]
Erem Fomst [15]
Estunu [17]
the Ezem [19], [21]


Faran Taknoa [16]
the flac-flac undis [22]
Flettrim [9]
Flexion Five [12]
Foffix [21]
the Forest of Namrol [21]
Forlandag Orst [13]
Fraonj [13]
Fraydsten Nahi [18]
Frondur Stackham [14]
the Frork [13]


Gevuldree [9]
the Ghenengh [4]
the Ghnoyngh [14]
Gilfoong [16]
the Glank [22]
Gliss Kabaz [15]
Gnarr Solairn [21]
the Gohic Ugraon [12]
Govavwa [11]
Grard [21]
Grilk Sedond [16]
Gstatt [6]
Gstatt's Zoalsh [13]
Gureem [23]


Hedjel Ummungul [21]
Heref [16]
Herivot Whemm [18]
Hesk Vrend [11]
Hevad Quafroa [21]
Hlorr Humma [18]
Hrezin Medd [21]
the Husnuth [13]
Hyala Movoum [1]
Hyala Movoun [2]


Icohi [20]
Idova Sganna [14]
Indan Orliss [16], [22]
Invun [21]
the Ipitsi Yeen [18]


Jaax [21]
Jador [21]
Jara Sekket [16]
Jihom [6]
Joat [16]
the Jolharr [13]


Kafumabapsu [20]
Kalbaran Hezh [16]
Kalnd [14]
Karph [2]
Kedin Kanad [18]
the Keestaggulb [15]
Klamin Soong [14]
Kmebb Somm [16]
Kreber [15]
the Krokkembar [17]
the Palace of Ktuss [5]
Kusk [22], [23]
Kuzub [22]
Kveff Zairun [5]
Kyaptha [22]
Kyf Thann [14]
Kyteth [16]


Laar Thonost [14]
Laffut [17]
Lahaz Mnom [16]
Langhebli Dostomon [22]
Lanok Ryr [12]
Laro Hing [17], [21]
Latal [20]
Lemedet Tanek [21]
Lokol [16]
the Lorodest [23]
Lrar Drur [11]
Lrar Emdu [19]
Lrar Verzak [17]
Lunstak [13]
Lyan Zett [18]
Lysyon [21]

the Mannag Ufomon [15]
the Marescent Wood [17]
the Meegn [2]
Melikon [23]
Memver Park, Skyyon [22]
the Menestegon [8]
Meron Spett [16]
Miril Nerred [19]
the Moraar [17]
Moragga Zneen [18]
Morch [22]



Naldorn [21]
the Nalgudda Hills [21]
Namrol [21]
Neb Mer [14]
the Nefforlank [17]
the Nezzen [18]
the Niffomb Ollog [17]
the Niom Krarb [20]
Niom Rax [21]
the Nrurr [15]
Nuruk [20]
Nuth Geven [9]
Nyav Yuhlm [2]


Oa Garar [14]
the Obbong Holobb [21]
Oblannerad [17]
Occoz [6]
Oculd [14]
Olhoav  [1]  
Op Flallik [22]
Oreneg Vadon [16], [21], [23]
Orriv Chall [13]
Oso [1], [5], [18]
Otett [7]
the Oxpeihon [6]


the Palace of Ktuss [5]
the Palace of Trewewpel [18]
Palahuni [15]
the Phosphorus Era [15]
the Pinnate Tower, Skyyon [22]
Pjourth [21]
Plandan Avenue [21]
the Pnurrm [1], [3]
the Praesodymium Era [2]
Pranvoiut [14]
Psed Arch [18]
Pummun [22]
the Pumplon [16]



Raddao Cruvunnd [20]
Rael Odiram [19], [23]
Raldl Otehr [18]
Rallix Noom [20]
Rarr Reng [19]
Razpar [20]
Restiprak Zentonan [12]
the Rishchulk [7]
the Rnung Tror (= the Crying Mountains) [22]
Rullud Avenue [5]
the Ruuzna Ptorrai [22]
Ruvur [11]


Sajur Alsom [12]
Saronna Gnadal Thull [16]
Sehartix [18]
Senntar [21]
Sevret Vaid [19]
Sghee Tower [19]
Smevedem [6]
the Smurtu-oyor [14]
the Snaddy Galomm [1]
Snovonvon [14]
Sol Ostobon [20]
Sombax [17]
the Srangalom [18]
Stirue [13]
the Storol [15]
Strao Gheren [17]
Sumul [20]
Sungon Dlaa [17]
Sunwa Nerren [5]
Suyit [22]
the Swoa Zoalsh [20]


Tahat Teherer [19]
Tal Valakar [20]
Taldis Norkoten [12], [21]
Tamol Street [14]
Tarl Ezart [21]
Tarl Feldek [5]
Tem Talfarn [16]
Tham Mext [23]
Thendon Arek [20]
Therff [17]
Thergerer [13], [21]
Therrold [22]
Thezmedet [16]
Threm Banu [5], [14]
Thremdu [2], [15]
Thyss [18]
the Tin Era [18]
Tind Warepp [13]
the Tnoff Skimway [12]
the Toomsut Solyairn [22]
the Torh Yhrviy [18]
the Torpor of Byey [19]
Trarral Htem, Noad of Jaax [20]
the Trij [18]
Trinz Merr [14]
Tseppuk [23]
Tsritton [14]
Tu Rim [16]
Tyarn [4]
Tyogh [22]


Umst [22]
Uofanna Eem [14]


the Vanadium Era [12]
Varramb [19]
Vemmev Stinb [13]
Vissi Sereri [13]
Vlamanor [19]
the Basin of Vnor [3]
Vogir Kritt [5]
Vonv Street [1]
Vormazat [18]
Vreyr Glelm [5]
the Vutchar [18]


Wamapa [13]
the Wekkm, Skyyon [22]
the Whith [18]
the Wunth [21]


Xolch [18]
Xolchunnur [18]
the Xombs [22]
Xunnung [21]


Yadon [17[
Yimdi [17]
Yirisoa [17]
Yozazel [21]
Yr [13], [19]


Zadrun Mok [20]
the Zairm [21]
Zaktik Battebl [16]
Zanadwa [11]]
the Zedmaiol Vorratch
Zemed Basnaff [14]
Zemed Merr [14]
the Zeztul [20]
Zhavad [7]
Zingalorb the Watch [21]
Zlodid [18]
the Zveggh-Yerrand [13]
Zyperan [1], [15]