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Tethys from Cassini

walking among the natives of tethys

On his way to the Stod Rinnerul he met some of the dominant native Tethyans, the conical Tlel, who gyrated continually as they whizzed by.  In this district of Dromm it was not unusual to meet several dozen of these mysterious and highly intelligent beings as they went about their incomprehensible business.  Most of them topped Hixten in height; all of them exceeded him in weight.  With their four muscular arms and their deep-seated almost invulnerable brains, they could have easily overcome any humanoid in a fight: no punch could stun a Tlel.  Fortunate that they were un-hostile!

He gained the impression that some of them, as they passed him, bestowed on him more piercing glances than usual.  He could not be sure of this since their quartet of eyes whirled round so fast; but it could be that these particular Tlel were surprised to spot a humanoid here in the equatorial zone.  On the other hand, if that was so, they themselves must be strangers in the vicinity, since humanoid staff had occupied the Stod Rinnerual for several hundred days now.  Or another explanation could be that he, Hixten, had become extra important in the past few minutes.

Anyhow here was his destination, where speculation became needless.

Without slackening his pace he walked up a cobbled path.  The house he faced was formed mostly from a pattern borrowed from Earth.  Even the roof seemed thatched, though not from straw but from stringy grey moss.  On the other hand the walls’ glow was indigenous, their blocks shining with the neon nacre of a Saturnian ice-moon.  To a local humanoid like Hixten, who had never seen Earth and never would, the effects were integrated into one comfortably familiar style...

Robert Gibson, Enceladus Erupts

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