A brief history of ooranye
(during the current Great Cycle)

For the convenience of Terran beginners the Uranian Bards have authorised a simple narrative divided into 37 chapters.  See also Uranian Eras for a table of the periods; for other details about the Seventh World see A survey of Ooranye and the Era 89 epic Uranian Throne.  For a glossary see the reference page.

  1: The Hydrogen Era                                                                         

  2: Syoom and Fyaym                                                                        

  3: The Lithium Era                                                                          

  4: The Plunderers                                                                            

  5: The First Sunnoad                                                                       

  6: The Phosphorus Era                                                                    

  7: The Great Fleet                                                                           

  8: The Argon Era                                                                            

  9: Nalre Zitpoidl and the Great Winter                                           

10: The Vanadium Era                                                                    

11: Revolutions                                                                              

12: The Cobalt Era                                                                         

13: The Quonians                                                                           

14: The Zinc Era                                                                             

15: The Age of Spies                                                                       

16: The Institutes of Fate                                                                 

17: The Ghepions                                                                           

18: The Last Great Hive                                                                 

19: The Foam                                                                                 

20: The Praesodymium Spotlight                                                  

21: The Prospectors                                                                       

22: The ’Dassan Call                                                                     

23: The Age of the Wise                                                                

24: Holding the Line                                                                      

25: The Kalyars                                                                              

26: The Rhenium Moment                                                             

27: The Great Triangle                                                                   

28: The Sunnoad’s Navy                                                                

29: The Quest for Solor                                                                  

30: The Cyborgs                                                                           

31: The Era of Psi                                                                           

32: The Mascon Expeditions                                                           

33: Impostor                                                                                   

34: Invasion                                                                                   

35: Tu Rim                                                                                     

36: The Actinium Fulfilment                                                         

37: The Assault on Arclour